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Releases: ansible-collections/ 5.5.0

10 Aug 17:57
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Release Summary

This release contains a number of bugfixes for various modules, as well as new features for the ec2_launch_template and msk_cluster modules. This is the last planned minor release prior to the release of version 6.0.0.

Minor Changes

  • ec2_launch_template - Add parameter version_description (#1763).
  • msk_cluster - add option for SASL/IAM authentication and add support to disable unauthenticated clients (#1761).


  • cloudformation_stack_set - add a waiter to ensure that update operation complete before adding stack instances (#1608).
  • eks_nodegroup - fix handling of remote_access option (#1771).
  • elasticache_info - ignore the CacheClusterNotFound exception when collecting tags (#1777).
  • elb_target_group - ensure AvailabilityZone is kept in target definitions when Id and Port are passed (#1736).
  • elb_target_group - get ProtocolVersion key from target_group attributes only when exists (#1800).
  • msk_cluster - fix creating a cluster with SASL/SCRAM authentication (#1761).
  • s3_lifecycle - fix invalid value type for transitions list (#1774) 4.5.1

10 Aug 18:01
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Release Summary

This release contains a minor bugfix for the sns_topic module as well as corrections to the documentation for various modules. This is the last planned release of the 4.x series.


  • sns_topic - avoid fetching attributes from subscribers when not setting them, this can cause permissions issues (#1418). 5.4.0

27 Mar 13:55
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Release Summary

This release includes feature enhancements for the ecs_service and sns modules. See changelog for details

Minor Changes

  • ecs_service - added new parameter enable_execute_command (#488).
  • ecs_service - handle SDK errors more cleanly on update failures (#488).
  • sns - Add support for message_group_id and message_deduplication_id (#1733). 5.3.0

27 Mar 13:52
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Release Summary

This release brings some minor changes, bugfixes and deprecations.

Minor Changes

  • aws_ssm - added support for specifying the endpoint to use when connecting to the S3 API (#1619).
  • aws_ssm - remove unused imports (#1707).
  • aws_ssm - rework environment variable handling to use built in Ansible plugin support (#514).
  • batch_job_definition - make trailing comma tuple explicitly a tuple (#1707).
  • ecs_service - task_definition is now optional when force_new_deployment is True (#1680).
  • ecs_service - new parameter purge_placement_constraints to have the ability to remove the placement constraints of an ECS Service (#1716).
  • ecs_service - new parameter purge_placement_strategy to have the ability to remove the placement strategy of an ECS Service (#1716).
  • iam_role - added assume_role_policy_document_raw to the role return values, this doesn't convert policy document contents from CamelCase to snake_case (#551).
  • iam_role_info - added assume_role_policy_document_raw to the role return values, this doesn't convert policy document contents from CamelCase to snake_case (#551).
  • inspector_target - minor linting fix (#1707).
  • s3_lifecycle - add parameter noncurrent_version_keep_newer to set the number of newest noncurrent versions to retain (#1606).
  • secretsmanager_secret - added support for region replication using the replica parameter (#827).
  • secretsmanager_secret - added the overwrite parameter to support only setting the secret if it doesn't exist (#1628).
  • sns_topic - add support for content_based_deduplication parameter (#1693).
  • sns_topic - add support for tags and purge_tags (#972).
  • sqs_queue - add support for deduplication_scope parameter (#1603).
  • sqs_queue - add support for fifo_throughput_limit parameter (#1603).
  • ssm_parameter - add support for tags in ssm parameters (#1573).

Deprecated Features

  • ecs_service - In a release after 2024-06-01, tha default value of purge_placement_constraints will be change from false to true (#1716).
  • ecs_service - In a release after 2024-06-01, tha default value of purge_placement_strategy will be change from false to true (#1716).
  • iam_role - All top level return values other than iam_role and changed have been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2023-12-01 (#551).
  • iam_role - In a release after 2023-12-01 the contents of assume_role_policy_document will no longer be converted from CamelCase to snake_case. The assume_role_policy_document_raw return value already returns the policy document in this future format (#551).
  • iam_role_info - In a release after 2023-12-01 the contents of assume_role_policy_document will no longer be converted from CamelCase to snake_case. The assume_role_policy_document_raw return value already returns the policy document in this future format (#551).


  • aws_ssm - fix copying empty file with older curl versions (#1686).
  • eks_cluster - adding tags to eks cluster creation (#1591).
  • sns_topic - avoid fetching attributes from subscribers when not setting them, this can cause permissions issues (#1418).

New Modules

  • eks_nodegroup - Manage EKS Nodegroup module


25 Jan 20:10
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Release Summary

This is the minor release of the collection.

Minor Changes

  • ecs_service - support load balancer update for existing ecs services(#1625).
  • iam_role - Drop deprecation warning, because the standard value for purge parametes is true (#1636).


  • aws_ssm - fix invalid literal for int error on some operating systems (#113).
  • ecs_service - respect placement_constraints for existing ecs services (#1601).
  • s3_lifecycle - Module no longer calls put_lifecycle_configuration if there is no change. (#1624)
  • ssm_parameter - Fix a KeyError when adding a description to an existing parameter (#1471).


24 Jan 20:47
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Release Summary

A minor release containing bugfixes for the aws_ssm connection
plugin and the ecs_service, s3_lifecycle and ssm_parameter
As well as improvements to the ecs_cluster, ec2_ecr,
ecs_service, iam_role and ssm_parameter plugins.

Minor Changes

  • aws_ssm - add ansible_aws_ssm_s3_addressing_style to allow setting the S3 addressing style (#1633).
  • aws_ssm - add support for custom SSM documents (#876).
  • aws_ssm - avoid overloading subprocess (#1660).
  • aws_ssm - cleanup logging output (#1660).
  • aws_ssm - minor refactoring (#1660).
  • aws_ssm - refactor boto3 client initialization (#1663).
  • aws_ssm - refactor remote command generation (#1664).
  • ecs_cluster - add support for capacity_providers and capacity_provider_strategy features (#1640).
  • ecs_cluster - append default value to documentation (#1636).
  • ecs_ecr - add encryption_configuration option (#1623).
  • ecs_service - support load balancer update for existing ECS services (#1625).
  • iam_role - Drop deprecation warning, because the standard value for purge parameters is true (#1636).
  • ssm_parameter - fix typo in examples paramater (#1642).


  • aws_ssm - fix invalid literal for int error on some operating systems (#113).
  • aws_ssm - fixes bug with presigned S3 URLs in post-2019 AWS regions (#1616).
  • ecs_service - respect placement_constraints for existing ECS services (#1601).
  • s3_lifecycle - module no longer calls put_lifecycle_configuration if there is no change (#1624).
  • ssm_parameter - fix a KeyError when adding a description to an existing parameter (#1471). 5.1.0

14 Dec 20:15
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Minor Changes

  • elasticache_parameter_group - add redis6.x group family on the module input choices (#1476).
  • elb_target_group - add support for protocol_version parameter (#1496).


  • aws_ssm - fixes S3 bucket region detection by ensuring boto client has correct credentials and exists in correct partition (#1428).
  • ec2_snapshot_copy - including tags caused the erorr "Tag specification resource type must have a value". Fix sets the ResourceType to snapshot to resolve this issue (#1419).
  • ecs_ecr - fix a RepositoryNotFound exception when trying to create repositories in check mode (#1550).
  • opensearch - Fix cluster creation when using advanced security options (#1613). 4.4.0

14 Dec 20:16
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Minor Changes

  • elasticache_parameter_group - add redis6.x group family on the module input choices (#1476).


  • aws_ssm - fixes S3 bucket region detection by ensuring boto client has correct credentials and exists in correct partition (#1428).
  • ecs_ecr - fix a RepositoryNotFound exception when trying to create repositories in check mode (#1550).
  • opensearch - Fix cluster creation when using advanced security options (#1613). 4.3.0

10 Aug 18:02
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Release Summary

The 4.3.0 release includes a number of minor bug fixes and improvements.
Following the release of 5.0.0, backports to the 4.x series will be limited to security issues and bugfixes.

Minor Changes

  • autoscaling_group_info - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudfront_distribution - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudfront_origin_access_identity - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudtrail - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • ec2_vpc_nacl - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • eks_fargate_profile - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • redshift - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • s3_bucket_info - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).


  • ec2_placement_group - Handle a potential race creation during the creation of a new Placement Group (#1477).
  • rds_cluster - fixes bug where specifiying an rds cluster parameter group raises a KeyError (#1417). 3.6.0

11 Aug 08:18
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Release Summary

Following the release of 5.0.0, 3.6.0 is a bugfix release and the final planned release for the 3.x series.

Minor Changes

  • autoscaling_group_info - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudfront_distribution - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudfront_origin_access_identity - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • cloudtrail - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • ec2_asg_lifecycle_hook - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • ec2_vpc_nacl - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • redshift - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).
  • s3_bucket_info - minor sanity test fixes (#1410).


  • ec2_placement_group - Handle a potential race creation during the creation of a new Placement Group (#1477).
  • s3_lifecycle - fix bug when deleting rules with an empty prefix (#1398).