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Releases: ansible-collections/ibm_zos_cics


12 Jun 18:13
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General Availability of CICS provisioning modules.

New modules released:

  • aux_temp_storage - for the CICS auxiliary temporary storage data set. This module was initially released as auxiliary_temp with Version 1.1.0-beta.4. The module is changed to aux_temp_storage in Version 2.1.0.

  • aux_trace - for the CICS auxiliary trace data sets. This module was initially released as trace with Version 1.1.0-beta.4. The module is changed to aux_trace in Version 2.1.0.

  • csd - for the CICS system definition data set. This module was initially released with Version 1.1.0-beta.4.

  • global_catalog - for the CICS global catalog data set. This module was initially released with Version 1.1.0-beta.4.

  • local_request_queue - for the CICS local request queue data set. This module was initially released with Version 1.1.0-beta.3.

  • td_intrapartition - for the CICS transient data intrapartition data set. This module was initially released as intrapartition with Version 1.1.0-beta.4. The module is changed to td_intrapartition in Version 2.1.0.

  • transaction_dump - for the CICS transaction dump data sets. This module was initially released with Version 1.1.0-beta.4.

  • region_jcl - Create a CICS startup JCL data set. This module replaces start_cics, which was released with Version 1.1.0-beta.5. region_jcl is significantly different from start_cics in function. region_jcl creates a data set that contains the startup JCL, but doesn't perform the actual startup processing.

  • stop_region - Stop a CICS region. This module was initially released as stop_cics with Version 1.1.0-beta.5. The module is changed to stop_region in Version 2.1.0. In Version 2.1.0, stop_region supports a new input parameter, job_name so that you can use the job name, which is typically the CICS's APPLID, to identify a running CICS region.


14 May 06:42
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Breaking Changes:

  • Python 2.7 is no longer supported as the managed node runtime


14 May 06:41
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Bug Fixes:

  • Allows CPSM Scope and Context to contain the following special characters


18 May 10:01
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  • Support creating an Execution Environment containing the ibm_zos_cics collection with ansible-builder.


21 Apr 18:54
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  • Provide variables for all modules in one go using Ansible’s group module defaults support. The group name for the CMCI modules is cmci_group.

  • Prevent cmci_get from failing if no records are found via the fail_on_nodata option. The default value is true if not specified.


15 Jul 16:35
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  • Updated timeout support on requests to be configurable via the timeout option. The default value is 30 seconds if not specified

  • Improve sanitisation and validation of parameters.

  • Added support for CMCI Feedback on failed CMCI Requests.


02 Mar 11:41
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Fix some documentation issues on Hub, and include some missing documentation about requirements


17 Feb 17:07
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First production-ready release containing the modules

  • cmci_get
  • cmci_create
  • cmci_delete
  • cmci_update
  • cmci_action