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tagged this 03 Aug 17:27
0.14.0 is a major release for ARA which brings significant changes
and introduces full Python 3 support with Ansible 2.3.x.

WARNING: Please note that the next major version of ARA, 1.0, will contain
         backwards incompatible changes due to significant refactor work
         involving core back end code as well as the SQL schema.

Changelog for 0.14.0 (up from 0.13.3):

New features:
- Python 3 now works and is supported
  - All unit and integration tests are passing on python 3
  - New code contributions to ARA are simultaneously gated against py2
    and py3 tests to avoid regressions
- Added the 'ara generate subunit' [1] command in order to export playbook
  run data to the subunit format

- Host facts, task results and records display has been improved with
  highlighting where appropriate
- Addressed a backwards database schema relationship between files and
  tasks (no migration required)

Updates and deprecations:
- Flask has been unpinned from 0.11.1 (latest release is currently 0.12.2)
- Ansible 2.1.x is no longer supported (end of life and out of support upstream as well)
- A regression in unit tests was fixed in order to allow us to unpin Pytest

- Improve FAQ on what versions of Ansible are supported [2]
- Added a FAQ on the status of Python 3 support [3]

- Preliminary work in order to support the upcoming release of Ansible (2.4)
- ARA has been relicensed from Apache 2.0 to GPLv3 to simplify it's
  relationship with Ansible which is itself GPLv3. Rationale behind the
  change is available in the commit [4]

Special thanks
- Lars Kellogg-Stedman for help on python 3 and database schema troubleshooting
- Jesse Pretorius for contributing support for Subunit generation

Assets 2