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@dmsimard dmsimard tagged this 28 May 15:53
This is the first release candidate for the 1.4.1 stable release of ARA.

Changes since 1.4.0:

Ansible Adhoc command recording

It is now possible to record "ansible" commands in addition to the
existing support for "ansible-playbook" commands starting with Ansible
2.9.7 and above.

To record Ansible adhoc commands, set 'bin_ansible_callbacks' to true in
your ansible.cfg or run: export ANSIBLE_LOAD_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=true


- Added search for ignore_errors in results:
    /api/v1/results?status=failed # includes "ignore_errors: true"

- Added search for task by action:

- Adjusted search for file paths to be partial:

- Added search for task by path:

- Fixed an error 500 when querying playbooks with labels

Built-in UI

- The path to the playbooks that are displayed when no names are given
  by "ara_playbook_name" are now truncated from the left rather than
  from the right. For example, given:


Container images

The project now publishes simple container images suitable for use with sqlite,
mysql and postgresql database backends out of the box.

The images are currently available on Docker Hub:

You can learn about how the images are built, how you can build
your own and how you can run them in the documentation:
Assets 2