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Adding ML-Genetic Algorithm example #7874

Adding ML-Genetic Algorithm example

Adding ML-Genetic Algorithm example #7874

Triggered via pull request April 30, 2024 16:10
Status Cancelled
Total duration 1m 55s
Artifacts 6


on: pull_request
Matrix: build-test-ubuntu-minimal
Matrix: build-test-ubuntu
Matrix: build-test
Matrix: smoke-tests
Documentation style check
Documentation style check
Local: Build & test on Windows
Local: Build & test on Windows
Matrix: Test julia implementation
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28 errors
Documentation style check: doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst#L11
[vale] reported by reviewdog 🐶 [Google.Spacing] 'l.M' should have one space. Raw Output: {"message": "[Google.Spacing] 'l.M' should have one space.", "location": {"path": "doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst", "range": {"start": {"line": 11, "column": 33}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Documentation style check: doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst#L107
[vale] reported by reviewdog 🐶 [Google.Spacing] 'l.M' should have one space. Raw Output: {"message": "[Google.Spacing] 'l.M' should have one space.", "location": {"path": "doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst", "range": {"start": {"line": 107, "column": 101}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Documentation style check: doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst#L188
[vale] reported by reviewdog 🐶 [Vale.Spelling] Did you really mean 'Linder'? Raw Output: {"message": "[Vale.Spelling] Did you really mean 'Linder'?", "location": {"path": "doc/source/examples/extended_examples/hpc/hpc_ml_ga.rst", "range": {"start": {"line": 188, "column": 11}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Documentation style check
reviewdog exited with status code: 1
Local: Build & test minimal setup on Ubuntu MAPDL latest-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (ubuntu-latest | Python 3.10) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (ubuntu-latest | Python 3.12) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (ubuntu-latest | Python 3.12) (Release=false)
The operation was canceled.
Local: Build & test minimal setup on Ubuntu MAPDL v24.1-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (ubuntu-latest | Python 3.9) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Local: Build & test on Ubuntu MAPDL v24.1-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Local: Build & test on Ubuntu MAPDL latest-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (windows-latest | Python 3.11) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (windows-latest | Python 3.12) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Test julia implementation (1.10.2, ubuntu-latest)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Test julia implementation (1.10.2, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
Build and smoke test (windows-latest | Python 3.9) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Build and smoke test (windows-latest | Python 3.10) (Release=false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Test julia implementation (1.10.2, windows-latest)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Test julia implementation (1.10.2, windows-latest)
The operation was canceled.
Remote: Build & test MAPDL latest-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists
Remote: Build & test MAPDL v24.1-ubuntu-student (Extended testing false)
Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'CI-refs/pull/2981/merge' exists


Produced during runtime
Name Size
ansys-mapdl-core-v0.69.dev0-wheelhouse-ubuntu-latest-3.10 Expired
201 MB
ansys-mapdl-core-v0.69.dev0-wheelhouse-ubuntu-latest-3.11 Expired
200 MB
ansys-mapdl-core-v0.69.dev0-wheelhouse-ubuntu-latest-3.12 Expired
200 MB
ansys-mapdl-core-v0.69.dev0-wheelhouse-ubuntu-latest-3.9 Expired
201 MB
5.9 KB
5.9 KB