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hellocode README

This is my example extension "hellocode". Its great, and does so many things.



--ng test, runs an ng test in the terminal

--ng serve open, ruins an ng s -o in the terminal

--ng build, runs an ng build --prod in the terminal


--create boilerplate, creates and opens a new index.html in the workspace folder

--Oh Noes, shows a warning

--helloworld, shows a message

Known Issues

Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.

Release Notes

This is an in progress demo of a VSCode extension.


First Deployments and basic command functionality.

Working with Markdown

Note: You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:

  • Split the editor (Cmd+\ on macOS or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
  • Toggle preview (Shift+CMD+V on macOS or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)
  • Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (macOS) to see a list of Markdown snippets

For more information
