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Data Public Private Partnership

  • We have a Contributor's Handbook.
  • Make sure you fork this repository (i.e., create an own copy for yourself, see Introduction to GitHub) and do not try to work in the master joint repository.
  • Create a not_included/ subfolder in your local copy if you want a sandbox for your doodles and unfinished work. They will be excluded by .gitignore, i.e., they will never leave your computer.
  • 🌈 You must abide by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

Slovak Pilot Program Proposal

Latest consultation version: Pilot Program for Novel Music Industry Statistical Indicators in the Slovak Republic with docx, epub and pdf downloads. You can comment in Word/Google Docs the docx file if you do not want to work on the markdown source.

Version history:

  • 0.1.0: Sent for consultation to stakeholders on 2023-10-02.
  • 0.1.1: Minor editing for text clarity and addition of some citations on 2023-10-09.

Lightning Talk Proposal

Proposal for a Lightning Talk on Trust through Transparency, the 18th International Digital Curation Conference

Rendered documents:

  • docs/ (Github Flavoured Markdown)
  • docs/Lightning-talk.html (HTML, better view it here, this is the best introduction to this repository and this work.)
  • docx/Template_LightningTalk.doc (The template provided by IDCC for final submission.)

Conference Paper Proposal

You are required to submit a 4-5 page extended abstract of 2000-2500 words. If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to give a 20-25 minute presentation at IDCC24 plus time for questions. Submit extended abstract by October 15 2023

Source document: IDCC_CfP.qmd (Quarto markdown)

  • docs/ (Github Flavoured Markdown)
  • docs/IDCC_CfP.html (HTML, better view it here.)
  • docx/Template_ConferencePapers.doc (The template provided by IDCC for final submission.)


Source document: Reader.qmd (Quarto markdown)

  • docs/ (Github Flavoured Markdown)
  • docs/Reader.html (HTML, better view it here.)
  • bib/datapooling.bib: Data pooling literature, not primary focus.
  • bib/datalicensing.bib: Data licensing literature, not primary focus.
  • bib/libraryLOD.bib: using linked open data in libraries (not primary focus now.)
  • bib/privatelyhelddata.bib: Bibilographic references about the use privately held data for official statistics.
  • bib/statisticalLOD.bib: Using linked open data in statistics.
  • bib/OpenMusE.bib: for cross-referencing Open Music Europe documents and statistical products.

Funded by the European Union under Grant No. 101095295. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission's Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, or the official views of the Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Štatistický úrad SR, Infostat or IKP. Neither the European Union, the Slovak public bodies nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.