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Installs the PostGIS PostgreSQL extension and optionally enables this within an 'app' db


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PostGIS (postgis)

Part of the BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC)

Installs the PostGIS PostgreSQL extension and optionally enables this within an 'app' db


  • Installs the PostGIS PostgreSQL extension.
  • Where this role is used with the postgresql-server role the PostGIS extension will be automatically enabled within the app database, if the postgresql-server uses this.


This role is designed for internal use but if useful can be shared publicly.



BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC)

  • postgresql-server


  • Due to the package name used by PostGIS this role installs a specific version of PostGIS for a specific version of PostgreSQL. You MUST ensure you have the specified version of PostgreSQL installed for installation of this role to occur. This is a known issue and will be looked into. The current required software versions are:
    • PostGIS: 2.1 (installed as part of this role)
    • PostgreSQL: 9.3


  • postgis_controller_postgresql_user_username
    • The username of the PostgreSQL user to enable the PostGIS extension within databases
    • This variable MUST be a valid PostSQL user and this user MUST have suitable permissions to enable extensions within databases.
    • By default, this variable will use the postgresql_server_controller_postgresql_user_username variable if available. If not, a fall back value will be used.
    • Default: "{{ postgresql_server_controller_postgresql_user_username }}" if defined otherwise, "controller"
  • postgis_controller_postgresql_user_password
    • Password for PostgreSQL controller user.
    • This variable MUST NOT contain ":" characters to ensure compatibility with .pgpass files
    • By default, this variable will use the postgresql_server_controller_postgresql_user_password variable if available. If not, a fall back value will be used.
    • Default: "{{ postgresql_server_controller_postgresql_user_password }}" if defined otherwise, "stirring-up^the=flames$381194££iz€JQ4"
  • postgis_app_db_name
    • The name of the 'app' database in which PostGIS should be enabled, if used
    • This variable MUST be a valid PostgreSQL database and the user identified by postgis_controller_postgresql_user_username MUST have permissions to enable extensions within this database.
    • By default, this variable will use the postgis_app_db_name variable if available. If not, a fall back value will be used.
    • Default: "{{ postgis_app_db_name }}" if defined otherwise, "app"
  • postgis_enable_app_db
    • If "true" the PostGIS extension will be enabled within the database identified by postgis_app_db_name
    • By default, this variable will use the postgis_enable_app_db variable if available. If not, a fall back value will be used.
    • Default: "{{ postgis_enable_app_db }}" if defined otherwise, "false"


This project welcomes contributions, see CONTRIBUTING for our general policy.


Committing changes

The Git flow workflow is used to manage development of this package.

Discrete changes should be made within feature branches, created from and merged back into develop (where small one-line changes may be made directly).

When ready to release a set of features/changes create a release branch from develop, update documentation as required and merge into master with a tagged, semantic version (e.g. v1.2.3).

After releases the master branch should be merged with develop to restart the process. High impact bugs can be addressed in hotfix branches, created from and merged into master directly (and then into develop).

Issue tracking

Issues, bugs, improvements, questions, suggestions and other tasks related to this package are managed through the BAS Web & Applications Team Jira project (BASWEB).


Copyright 2015 NERC BAS. Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.


Installs the PostGIS PostgreSQL extension and optionally enables this within an 'app' db





