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A subset of customised Packer templates from Bento to act as localised, minimal, base images for desktop and cloud providers.


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BAS Packer VM Templates

A subset of customised Packer templates from Bento to act as localised, minimal, base images for desktop and cloud providers.

Pre-built artefacts

Pre-compiled artefacts for the current version of each template are listed here. Except where otherwise stated artefacts are made publicly available, under the same license as this project.

Template Format Status Provider Distribution Method & URL Notes
antarctica/trusty Vagrant base box Mature VMware Desktop Atlas / HTTPS Supports VMware Fusion and Workstation [1] [2]
antarctica/trusty Vagrant base box Mature VirtualBox Atlas / HTTPS [1] [2]
antarctica/trusty OVA [3] Mature VMware Desktop HTTPS Supports VMware Fusion, Workstation and ESXi
antarctica/trusty OVA [3] Mature VirtualBox HTTPS -
antarctica/trusty Amazon Machine Image New EC2 AWS Available only in the eu-west-1 region
antarctica/centos7 Vagrant base box New VMware Desktop Atlas / HTTPS Supports VMware Fusion and Workstation [1] [2]
antarctica/centos7 Vagrant base box New VirtualBox Atlas / HTTPS Supports VMware Fusion and Workstation [1] [2]
antarctica/centos7 OVA [3] New VMware HTTPS Supports VMware Fusion, Workstation and ESXi
antarctica/centos7 OVA [3] New VirtualBox HTTPS -
antarctica/centos7 Amazon Machine Image New EC2 AWS Available only in the eu-west-1 region [4] [5]

The recommended method to use EC2 AMIs is through Terraform.

Note: The status attribute represents how stable an artefact is. New artefacts will be listed as New and may contain teething issues, such as small bugs or performance issues. Once these are fixed, artefacts will marked as Mature. This does not mean mature artefacts cannot be improved, rather that they are expected to work in most cases.

[1] Atlas artefacts are listed under the Antarctica organisation.

[2] To use a base box, list its name in a Vagrantfile, or follow the instructions in the Atlas documentation.

[3] An OVA file is a OVF file compressed into a single file, making it ideal for distribution.

[4] Despite being free the CentOS base AIM carries a license agreement which prevents the built artefact from being shared publicly. To use this AMI you must be assigned permissions. Please get in touch using the information in the Feedback section if you wish to use this artefact.

[5] It is not currently possible to disable SELinux on AMI artefacts, see BASWEB-500 for details.


Supported operating systems

Active support is provided for these operating systems, for the versions specified. See the pre-built artefacts section for distribution/download links.

Template Name Template Version Status Distribution Name Distribution Version Distribution Architecture Notes
antarctica/trusty 3.4.0 Mature Ubuntu 14.04.05 LTS (Trusty) AMD 64 -
antarctica/centos7 0.8.0 New CentOS 7.2 x86_64 -

Note: The status attribute represents how stable a template is. New templates will be listed as New and may contain teething issues, such as small bugs or performance issues. Once these are fixed, templates will marked as Mature. This does not mean mature templates cannot be improved, rather that they are expected to work in most cases.

Note: As using the / character is problematic with file systems an alternative template using a - character is used instead. For example a template named antarctica/trusty would alternatively be referred to as antarctica-trusty.

Operating system customisations

Some customisations are made to these Operating systems using provisioning scripts and installation options, these are summarised below:

Template Name(s) Since Customisation Rational Applicable Artefact Formats Notes
antarctica/trusty 0.1.0 Vagrant support To enable Vagrant base box artefacts to be created Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 0.1.0 Locale & keyboard layout set to UK To suit UK hardware and use nearby package mirrors Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 1.0.0 Basing template of the Bento project No more reinventing the wheel, much smaller artefacts Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 2.0.0 Agent forwarding support in Sudo To allow Git checkouts using PKI when acting as root All -
antarctica/trusty 3.0.0 System firewall enabled by default, with an exception for SSH For basic system security whilst allowing remote management All -
antarctica/trusty 3.1.0 Adding template information to an Ansible local facts file For registering instances of this template in system inventories Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 3.2.0 Removing SSH host keys To ensure unique host keys to be used for each instance Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 3.3.0 Adding Terraform user To ensure consistent access across templates for provisioning AMI and DigitalOcean Image -
antarctica/trusty 3.4.0 Updating to Ubuntu 14.04.05 To update initial package versions and incorporate bug fixes Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/trusty 3.4.0 Updating VMware/VirtualBox tools to the latest version To ensure compatibility with the latest software versions Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.1.0 SELinux set to "permissive" To be compatible with some legacy BAS projects All except AMI [1]
antarctica/centos7 0.1.0 Root password set to "password" To emphasise that this is not a secure default Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.1.0 Agent forwarding support in Sudo To allow Git checkouts using PKI when acting as root All -
antarctica/centos7 0.2.0 Password-less sudo enabled for members of the 'wheel' group To allow provisioning tools to perform sudo actions All -
antarctica/centos7 0.3.0 System firewall enabled by default, with an exception for SSH For basic system security whilst allowing remote management All -
antarctica/centos7 0.4.0 UID for Vagrant user set to '900' For consistency with Ubuntu and allow users to start from 1000 Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.5.0 Adding template information to an Ansible local facts file For registering instances of this template in system inventories Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.6.0 Removing SSH host keys To ensure unique host keys to be used for each instance Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.7.0 Adding Terraform user To ensure consistent access across templates for provisioning AMI and DigitalOcean Image -
antarctica/centos7 0.8.0 Updating to CentOS 7.2 To update initial package versions and incorporate bug fixes Vagrant base box and OVA -
antarctica/centos7 0.8.0 Updating VMware/VirtualBox tools to the latest version To ensure compatibility with the latest software versions Vagrant base box and OVA -

Note: The above list does not include customisations made by the Bento project.

Note: Support for DigitalOcean artefacts has been removed.

[1] It is not currently possible to disable SELinux on AMI artefacts, see BASWEB-500 for details.

Supported providers

Active support is provided for a range of desktop and cloud providers, for the versions specified.

Provider Vendor Provider Version Notes
VMware Fusion (Pro) VMware 8.1.1 [1]
VMware Workstation VMware 12.1.0 [1]
VMware ESXi VMware 6.0 And associated products such as vCentre. [1]
VirtualBox Oracle 5.0.10 -
EC2 Amazon Web Services - -

[1] Because VMware Tools is not forwards compatible you must use a version of the relevant VMware product equal or lower than shown in this table. This is a VMware limitation, not with Packer, Bento or us.

Default user accounts (conventional)

Each artefact will contain one or more conventional user accounts, depending on the artefact provider. These user accounts are consistent across all supported operating systems.

These accounts are designed to provide initial access for provisioning, which will typically involve creating additional user accounts. It is recommended to disable these conventional accounts in these cases.

Note: Artefacts may contain additional default accounts, which are unconventional, and not controlled by this project.

Provider Username Privileged (Sudo) Authorised Keys Notes
VMware Fusion (Pro) vagrant Yes Vagrant shared insecure identity [1]
VMware Workstation vagrant Yes Vagrant shared insecure identity [1]
VMware ESXi vagrant Yes Vagrant shared insecure identity [1]
VirtualBox vagrant Yes Vagrant shared insecure identity [1]
EC2 terraform Yes BAS DigitalOcean Core Provisioning Identity [2]

[1] This identity is shared between all Vagrant users and so is inherently insecure. This is used for creating Vagrant base box artefacts, but will also be present in any OVA based artefacts as these are built from the same source VM. More information on this identity is available here.

[2] This identity is shared, and restricted to, relevant BAS Staff. Contact the Web & Applications Team for access.

Default user accounts (unconventional)

These accounts are specific to a single artefact and are present in the underlying source artefacts used in this project. They are listed for reference only.

E.g. The Ubuntu EC2 artefact is based on the Ubuntu official AMI, which contains a pre-configured ubuntu user.

Note: These unconventional accounts are not removed by this project. If needed this must be performed manually or, ideally, using automated provisioning.

Provider Template Username Privileged (Sudo) Authorised Keys Notes
EC2 antarctica/trusty ubuntu Yes Defined at instance creation
EC2 antarctica/centos user Yes Defined at instance creation

BAS SAN distribution location

BAS Staff can also access these artefacts from the BAS SAN by replacing in any HTTPS link with /data/softwaredist.

For example...

...would become


Note: The BAS Package Service (i.e. is used as the canonical storage location for the purposes of records management.

Build environment

The following software versions were used to produce these artefact's:

  • Mac OS X: version 10.10.5
  • VirtualBox: version 5.1.4 (with version 5.1.4 of the VirtualBox Guest Additions)
  • VMware Fusion Pro: version 8.1.0 (with bundled VMware Tools version)
  • Packer: version 0.10.1

Older artefacts

Artefacts for older template releases are available on request. These artefacts are deprecated, non-supported and SHOULD NOT be used. They MUST NOT be used in production environments or where available on the public internet.

See the Feedback section for contact information if you wish to request these older artefacts.

Artefact indexes

A JSON file is provided for each template containing Vagrant base box artefacts. It lists, for each artefact version, the HTTPS distribution URL, SHA1 checksum of the box and the provider it targets.

Note: These indexes are not supported, they are provided for legacy reasons when Vagrant base boxes were self hosted. They may be removed at any time.

Template Name Versions Index URL Notes
antarctica/trusty all HTTPS -
antarctica/centos7 0.1.0 - 0.7.0 HTTPS -
antarctica/centos7 0.8.0 + HTTPS -

Terraform remote state outputs

A Terraform remote state output is provided for each artefact version. It lists the relevant identifier for each artefact version allowing it to be used to create Terraform resources, such as virtual machines. This remote state information is available publicly.

See the Terraform documentation on outputs and remote state for more information.

Note: These outputs are the recommended way to refer to artefacts from this project in Terraform configuration files.

For example, to create an Amazon EC2 instance using the identifier for version 3.4.0 of the antarctica/trusty template, a Terraform configuration like this could be used:

provider "aws" {
    access_key = "xxx"
    secret_key = "xxx"
    region = "eu-west-1"

data "terraform_remote_state" "BAS-PACKER-VM-TEMPLATES" {
    backend = "s3"
    config {
        bucket = "bas-terraform-remote-state-prod"
        key = "v1/BAS-PACKER-VM-TEMPLATES/terraform.tfstate"
        region = "eu-west-1"

resource "aws_instance" "example-dev-node1" {
    instance_type = "t2.nano"
    ami = "${data.terraform_remote_state.BAS-PACKER-VM-TEMPLATES.ANTARCTICA-TRUSTY-3-4-0-AMI-ID}"

Note: BAS Staff can see much more complete examples of using remote state, including outputs from this project, in the BAS-AWS project.

Accessing template information from within instances

Templates include details about themselves in an INI formatted meta-data file. This is useful for querying the version of a template used in an instance for a system inventory for example.

Meta-data Location: /etc/ansible/facts.d/os_template.fact

Meta-data contents:

Key Represents Example Notes
name Template name antarctica/trusty -
name_alt Alternative template name antarctica-trusty -
version Template version 3.1.0 -

Note: All meta-data is grouped under a general section.

Note: This meta-data is stored to be compatible with Ansible Local Facts but can be used for other purposes as needed.

Building artefacts

Artefacts are created by running the templates defined in this project through Packer. Manual or automatic methods are then used to package and release artefacts for distribution.

Note: If you simply wish to use an artefact from this project please see the Pre-built artefacts section.

Artefact formats

Multiple artefacts are produced for each template. These include Vagrant base boxes, OVA files and various images for cloud providers.

Vagrant base boxes

A specially packaged Virtual Machine for use with Vagrant.

Packer builds base boxes from a downloaded ISO file, which it installs into a VM and then configures.

Base boxes have to meet certain criteria to be compatible with Vagrant. For templates in this project support for this is provided by the Bento project. Base boxes are provider specific and in some cases require additional Vagrant plugins before they can be used. For more information see the Vagrant documentation.

Packer will package base boxes and upload them to Atlas automatically for distribution. Boxes will need to be manually copied to Amazon S3 (for HTTPS distribution) and the BAS SAN (for BAS SAN distribution).

OVA files

A compressed OVF image for use with most virtualisation products.

OVA files are produced as a by-product of Vagrant base boxes, they are therefore identical except in how they are packaged. This means OVA files are built from the same ISO file and include things required for Vagrant, such as a vagrant user and password-less sudo.

Packer will create OVA files for some providers, whereas others require manual creation. OVAs will need to be manually copied to Amazon S3 (for HTTPS distribution) and the BAS SAN (for BAS SAN distribution).

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)

An Amazon Machine Image represents the saved state of a previously created Amazon EC2 instance (VM) from which new instances can be based upon.

Packer builds AMIs using one of the pre-defined, public, AMIs provided through the Amazon AMI Marketplace to create a new EC2 instance. It then configures the instance, saves it as an AMI, within the users Amazon Web Services account, before terminating the instance.

The base AMIs used are indicated below, they are official, minimal, installations of each Operating System provided by the relevant distribution. These AMIs differ little from VMs produced using ISO files, except where required to run under EC2. One difference is the absence of a vagrant user, as this is not needed for cloud images.

Template name Base AMI Provider Notes
antarctica/trusty ami-47a23a30 Canonical -
antarctica/centos7 ami-e4ff5c93 CentOS -

Links to these 'Community' AIMs need to be manually created within this project (see the Pre-built artefacts section). References to the AIM identifiers need to be added as Terraform outputs (see the Terraform remote state outputs section).

Note: Additional elements required to use an EC2 instance, as such security groups, SSH keys, etc. are not defined as part of the AMI. These additional elements will therefore need to be provided at runtime, ideally through a provisioning tool.


To build artefacts from these template you will need the following software installed locally:

You will also need the following permissions:

  • An ATLAS_TOKEN environment variable set to your Atlas access token
  • An DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN environment variable set to your DigitalOcean personal access token [4]
  • An AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable set to your AWS access key ID, and both AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables set to your AWS Access Key [5]
  • Suitable permissions within AWS to create/destroy EC2 instances, AMIs, security groups, key-pairs, etc.
  • Access to the bas-packages-prod S3 bucket
  • A private key with access to located as ~/.ssh/id_rsa [6]
  • Write access to the /data/softwaredist volume [7]

If testing Vagrant base boxes you will also need:

[1] brew cask is a binary package manager for Mac OS X, you may need to find these applications yourself.

[2] On Mac OS X you will probably need to add this directory to your path, PATH="/Applications/VMware OVF Tool:$PATH"

[3] If testing Vagrant base boxes on Linux install vagrant-vmware-workstation instead.

[4] Specifically for a user account delegated from the team account.

[5] Specifically for a user account delegated from the BAS AWS account, use the IAM Console to generate access keys.

[6] See here for instructions on how to generate a private key, contact the BAS ICT helpdesk if need help enabling this key to access BAS servers.

[7] Contact the BAS ICT helpdesk if you don't have this access.


Clone and enter this project:

$ git clone
$ cd packer-templates

Enable Terraform remote state:

$ cd terraform_remote_state
$ terraform remote config -backend=s3 -backend-config="bucket=bas-terraform-remote-state-dev" -backend-config="key=v1/BAS-PACKER-VM-TEMPLATES/terraform.tfstate" -backend-config="region=eu-west-1"
$ terraform remote pull


Standard builds

If you are generating all templates within this project, this is known as a standard build.

As each template involves preparation, running packer multiple times for different templates, followed by packaging and release steps, a shell script to automate as much of this process as possible is included for convenience.

This shell script is designed for the above use-case only. It is not intended to be configurable or flexible to meet any other general needs.

To run the script - which is non-interactive once template versions have been specified, run:

$ ./

Note: The standard build script does not update artefact lists, links to community AIMs or Terraform outputs. You will need to do this manually.

Manual builds

Each template within this project is split into multiple template files, each targeting different artefact formats:

  • -desktop templates to build Vagrant base boxes and OVA files
  • -cloud templates to build AMIs

Template files are built separately using the packer build command, typically all template files for a template will be built.

Note: You MUST set the release_version user variable in each template file using semantic versioning.

$ packer build -var 'release_version=[Template version]' templates/[Template alternate name]-[Template file (desktop/cloud)]


$ packer build -var 'release_version=1.2.3' templates/antarctica-trusty-desktop.json

Note: You can tell Packer to use a single builder (provider) using the -only option.


$ packer build -only=vmware-iso -var 'release_version=1.2.3' templates/antarctica-trusty-desktop.json


Some artefact formats are packaged and uploaded for distribution automatically by Packer, for other formats manual packaging and/or uploading is required.

Note: You do not need to do this if you have used the standard build script, except for artefact lists, community AIM URLs and Terraform outputs.

Vagrant base boxes

Packer will automatically compress and package Vagrant base boxes as required.

Artefact lists

A JSON file is provided for each template containing Vagrant base box artefacts. It lists, for each artefact version, the HTTPS distribution URL, SHA1 checksum of the box and the provider it targets.

Add a new entry to the relevant artefact list in artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/artefact-lists, following the pattern for previous releases. You will need to calculate an SHA1 hash for each .box file [1].

The bas-packages-prod bucket is used to hold these lists. This bucket is stored under the BAS AWS account and should be accessible to all account users by default. If this is not the case please get in touch using the information in the feedback section.

Note: This bucket has a permissions policy to allow anonymous read on all objects (but not directories or ACLs).

Artefact lists should be stored using the following directory and file name structure:

$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/vagrant/baseboxes/[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Template alternate name].json artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/artefact-lists/[Template alternate name].json


$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/vagrant/baseboxes/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/antarctica-trusty.json artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/artefact-lists/antarctica-trusty.json

[1] on Mac OS X you can use $ openssl sha1 <file>.


Packaged base boxes will be uploaded to Atlas automatically (this may take some time, base boxes are roughly 500MB each). Uploaded artefacts will be versioned using the release_version user variable set in the Packer template file. Artefacts for each provider are grouped by release.

Additional meta-data will need to be manually added to provide a relevant change log since the last version.


Amazon S3 is used an external alternative to Atlas in case this service becomes unsuitable in the future (due to pricing, feature changes, etc.). This location also acts as the canonical storage location for records management.

The bas-packages-prod bucket is used to hold base box artefacts. This bucket is stored under the BAS AWS account and should be accessible to all account users by default. If this is not the case please get in touch using the information in the feedback section.

Note: This bucket has a permissions policy to allow anonymous read on all objects (but not directories or ACLs).

Base boxes should be stored using the following directory and file name structure:

$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/vagrant/baseboxes/[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]/[Base box provider].box artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/base-boxes/[Template alternate name]/[Packer builder].box


$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/vagrant/baseboxes/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/0.0.0/ artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/base-boxes/antarctica-trusty/


The BAS SAN is used an internal alternative to Atlas in case this service becomes unsuitable in the future (due to pricing, feature changes, etc.).

The /data/softwaredist SAN volume is used to hold base box artefacts. This volume is writeable to all members of the swpack Unix group, which should include all relevant staff. Contact the BAS ICT helpdesk if you don't have this access.

Note: This volume has a permissions policy to allow anonymous read on all directories and files.

Base boxes should be stored using the following directory structure:

$ ssh mkdir -p /data/softwaredist/vagrant/baseboxes/[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]

Base boxes should be stored using the following file name structure:

$ duck --username $(whoami) --identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa --upload s[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]/[Base box provider].box artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/base-boxes/[Template alternate name]/[Packer builder].box


$ ssh mkdir -p /data/softwaredist/vagrant/baseboxes/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/0.0.0
$ duck --username $(whoami) --identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa --upload s artefacts/vagrant-base-boxes/base-boxes/antarctica-trusty/

OVA files

Each Packer builder differs in how OVA files are created:

VirtualBox (virtualbox-iso)

The VirtualBox provider produces an OVA file natively, therefore no extra work is needed.

See the S3 and BAS SAN sub-sections of this section for instructions on distributing OVA files.

VMware (vmware-iso)

The VMware builder produces a VM directory in its native format, a .vmx file with associated support files. This needs to be converted into an OVA file using the OVFTool utility prior to distribution.

See the S3 and BAS SAN sub-sections of this section for instructions on distributing OVA files.

Note: Due to a bug, the .vmx file must be first converted to an OVF package, then into an OVA file using these steps:

$ cd [VMX directory]

$ mkdir scratch
$ ovftool vmware.vmx scratch/vmware.ovf
$ cd scratch
$ tar cf ../vmware.ova vmware.ovf vmware-disk1.vmdk
$ cd ..
$ ovftool --schemaValidate vmware.ova
$ rm -rf scratch

Where: [VMX directory] is the path containing the .vmx file.

Note: If ovftool --schemaValidate fails the OVA file will not work when deployed into a VMware product.


The bas-packages-prod bucket is used to hold OVA artefacts. This bucket is stored under the BAS AWS account and should be accessible to all account users by default. If this is not the case please get in touch using the information in the feedback section.

Note: This bucket has a permissions policy to allow anonymous read on all objects (but not directories or ACLs).

OVA files should be stored using the following directory and file name structure:

$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/ovas/[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]/[Provider].ova artefacts/ovas/[Template alternate name]-[Packer builder]/[Provider].ova


$ duck --username $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --password $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --region eu-west-1 --upload s3://bas-packages-prod/ovas/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/0.0.0/vmware.ova artefacts/ovas/antarctica-trusty-vmware-iso/vmware.ova


The BAS SAN is used as the canonical storage location for records management.

The /data/softwaredist SAN volume is used to hold OVA artefacts. This volume is writeable to all members of the swpack Unix group, which should include all relevant staff. Contact the BAS ICT helpdesk if you don't have this access.

Note: This volume has a permissions policy to allow anonymous read on all directories and files.

OVA files should be stored using the following directory structure:

$ ssh mkdir -p /data/softwaredist/ovas/[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]

OVA files should then be stored using the following file name structure:

$ duck --username $(whoami) --identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa --upload s[Template distribution name]/[Template distribution version]/[Template architecture]/[Artefact version]/[Provider].ova artefacts/ovas/[Template alternate name]-[Packer builder]/[Provider].ova


$ ssh mkdir -p /data/softwaredist/ovas/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/0.0.0
$ duck --username $(whoami) --identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa --upload s artefacts/ovas/antarctica-trusty-vmware-iso/vmware.ova

Amazon Machine Images

Community AMI URL

AMIs with public access are termed Community AMIs by Amazon, and can be launched using a URL as described here.

For each AMI artefact, update the Community AMI URL listed in the Pre-built artefacts section.

Terraform remote state output

The identifier for each AMI will need to be added as an output for use in Terraform. See the Terraform remote outputs section for more information.

Edit the terraform_remote_state/ file and create new entries using the conventions shown in the file.

Update the remote state of this project:

$ terraform remote push

Note: Ensure you have followed the steps listed in the setup section for configuring remote state for this project.


Other than the changes listed in the Operating system customisations section, and an altered directory structure, these templates are the same as those found in the Bento project from Chef.

Therefore 90% of any credit for this project should rightfully go to Bento. The authors of this project are incredibly grateful for their work.

See their original notice file,, for further licensing information.


This project welcomes contributions, see CONTRIBUTING for our general policy.


Please log all feedback to BAS Packer Templates project:

  • If you are a BAS/NERC staff member please use our Jira project
  • If you are external to BAS/NERC please email to log feedback directly.


Project management

The Project Maintainer for this project is: Felix Fennell [1].

[1] Please use the contact information in the Feedback section, rather than direct contact.

Committing changes

The Git flow workflow is used to manage the development of this package.

  • Discrete changes should be made within feature branches, created from and merged back into develop (where small changes may be made directly)
  • When ready to release a set of features/changes, create a release branch from develop, update documentation as required and merge into master with a tagged, semantic version (e.g. v1.2.3)
  • After each release, the master branch should be merged with develop to restart the process
  • High impact bugs can be addressed in hotfix branches, created from and merged into master (then develop) directly

Issue tracking

Issues, bugs, improvements, questions, suggestions and other tasks related to this project are managed through our Jira project [1].

[1] Please use the contact information in the Feedback section to request new accounts [BAS/NERC Staff only].


Copyright 2015 NERC BAS. Licensed under the Apache License for compatibility with Bento, see for details.


A subset of customised Packer templates from Bento to act as localised, minimal, base images for desktop and cloud providers.



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No releases published
