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Dotfiles for my i3wm + xfce4 setup.

I plan on cleaning this up, but here are most of my dots

My setup

I use i3wm on top of xfce4, there's plenty of tutorials on how to do this online, but they're old so you may need to do some tweaking.


Terminals and Feh Rofi Spotify Vivaldi Discord and Nemo

My polybar uses some scripts.

Spotify Currently Playing | Polybar Spotify, dependencies are python2 or 3, and the python dbus module


I also use a rofi powermenu that I got from here
I stole the neofetch in the first screenshot from here
My rofi uses this icon theme
My spotify theme is based on... this
Discord themes based on... this
Gtk theme generated using oomox
Icon theme


My .conkyrc is a bit janky in order to work with multi-monitor, you may need to edit the gap x and gap y values to position is properly.


Start by cloning the repo

git clone

Install Fonts by moving or copying them to ~/.local/share/fonts:

cp dotfiles/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts/

Move scripts to your home directory

cp -r dotfiles/{.i3nw/,.prodscripts/} ~/

Move or copy everything in .config to your .config folder

(Note that this overwrites your current configs so you may want to do a backup)

cp -r dotfiles/.config/* ~/.config/

Copy gtk theme, (you will need to apply it using lxappearance or similar)

cp -r dotfiles/.themes/* ~/.themes/

To use the custom vivaldi styling, you will need to enable css modifications

then you can pass ~/.config/vivaldi/CSS as the custom CSS directory.

for the custom landing page, copy .homepage over

cp -r dotfiles/.homepage ~/

and set ~/.homepage/index.html as your newtab/startup page in vivaldis settings.

Thats it! Easiest way to refresh everything is to just log out and in.