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57 lines (39 loc) · 1.85 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (39 loc) · 1.85 KB

v a c

🧪 Note: This is an experimental package and might be deprecated

What is working?

  • Using vite in development
  • Basic server-side rendering


Install package:

yarn add --dev nuxt-vite
# OR
npm i -D nuxt-vite

Add to buildModules:

// nuxt.config
export default {
  buildModules: [

How it works

Nuxt uses has a powerful hooking system to extend internals and abstracted bundler (@nuxt/webpack) which can be replaced. Vite module, replaces webpack by a similar interface to use vite instead of webpack. Client-side modules are loaded on demand using vite middleware.

Server-side bundle is being created by another vite instance and written to filesystem and passed using hooks to nuxt server-renderer. Current approach is not most efficient due to usage of filesystem, extra build and lack of lazy loading. Yet much faster than webpack builds. You can opt-out SSR build using nuxt dev --spa

This module could not be possible without vite-plugin-vue2 by @underfin


MIT - Nuxt Team