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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 23, 2023. It is now read-only.
anthonycaccese edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 11 revisions


Any contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated. If you are interested in contributing there are a few guidelines that should be followed for your contribution to be accepted.

  1. Please fork the main branch of this repo and create a feature branch in your fork for any contributions.
  2. Submit a pull request of your tested changes to the main branch for integration and provide a detailed description of your change to help with integration testing.
  3. All contributions are to be licensed as GPLv2 or later and marked when possible.

Contributing System Artwork

Art Book 3:2 has 3 images that are used to display artwork for a given system in EmulationStation

  1. [system].svg
    • The logo used to display a systems name
    • Must be an .SVG image
    • All shapes and embedded fonts must be converted to paths
    • Bitmaps are not allowed
    • The fill color for all paths should be set to #ffffff
  2. [system]-art.png
    • The centered background image displayed on the system view when a user has "Background Art" set to "Centered" under Theme Options
    • Must be a flattened .PNG image (no layers please)
    • Size should be 134w x 320h
    • Review the existing centered background images to get a sense of the overall aesthetic to follow for centered background art.
    • Please use the mask shape located in "_inc/resources/background-art-centered-mask.svg" to mask your artwork and export the png with background transparency for the area outside of the mask.
    • Keep in mind a system logo will display over the center of your image within a bounding box of 264w x 136h. Please try to make sure key aspects of your art are not hidden behind that box.
  3. [system]-art-fs.jpg
    • The full screen background image displayed on the system view when a user has "Background Art" set to "Full Screen" under Theme Options
    • Must be a .JPG image
    • Size should be 480w x 320h
    • Review the existing full screen background images to get a sense of the overall aesthetic to follow for full screen background art.
    • Keep in mind a system logo will display over the center of your image within a bounding box of 264w x 136h. Please try to make sure key aspects of your art are not hidden behind that box.

Additional notes:

  • [system] noted in the above filenames should be the value from the "theme" property for a given system in es_systems.cfg
    • Using GameBoy as an example... your image filenames would start with "gb" because that is the value listed under for Gameboy under "theme" in es_systems.cfg. So your images would be named "gb.svg", "gb-art.png" and "gb-art-fs.jpg".
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