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Short workshop on making professional websites with R, Blogdown, Hugo and the Academic template. View the slides here:

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Getting started with a personal professional website using R, blogdown, hugo and the academic theme

Delaney Glass and Ben Marwick

This workshop was based on materials prepared by Alison Hill and Dan Quintana.

1. Finding your way around R and RStudio (DG)

  • Check everyone could download and open R & RStudio
  • Check version numbers for R (we want 4.0.2)
  • A brief tour of the main panes (Console, Files, Environ, text editor, pkgs and help)
  • Have to make sure everyone can make the console work before we move on, e.g. console as a calculator
  • Backup: with blogdown and hugo (note: need to set relativeurls = true in config.toml)

2. Starting a new RStudio project & installing R pkgs (DG)

3. Getting started with your website (BM)

  • we want to remove the big header image, called the “hero” widget. Let's open up the content/home/ file and change active = true to active = false
  • we want to remove the demos section, called the “demo” widget. Let's open up the content/home/ file and change active = true to active = false
  • Edit title of your website, which can be changed in the config.toml
  • Edit the color theme and font style of your website config/_default/params.toml file

4. Previewing the results locally (BM)

  • blogdown:::serve_site() run this in the console to check how edits to your md files change your website.

5. Adding biographical & contact details (BM)

  • Edit your biography details (e.g, position, affiliation, education details) in the content/authors/admin/ file
  • Edit your contact details, navigate to config/_default/params.toml and scroll down to the "Contact Widget setup" section.

6. Adding images and publications, presentations, etc. (BM)

  • Edit the profile photo. Just save your profile in the content/authors/admin folder, calling the file avatar.jpg (only one image file named ‘avatar’ is allowed in here)
  • Edit your publications, go to the files found in the content/publication/ folder. Each publication has a dedicated folder. To include your first publication, navigate to the content/publication/journal-article folder, and open up the file.
  • Ordering sections: The order that the homepage sections are displayed in is defined by the weight parameter in each of the files in the content/home/ directory. The sections are displayed in ascending order of their weight, so you can simply edit the weight parameters as desired.

7. Sharing your site with the world (DG)

  • run blogdown:::build_site() run this in the console to update your public/ folder, which has the pages you want to serve on the internet
  • There are many ways to put your page online, we will show the simplest just drag the public folder into Netlify within the "deploys" section of your admin settings. It should take about 5-10 seconds for your site to go live.
  • Change the site name to something meaningful in General -> site details -> change site name
  • To update, go to “production deploys” -> “Drag and drop your site folder here”
  • To delete site, go to netlify -> settings -> scroll to bottom “delete this site”
  • If you want to put your site on a UW server, we can do that in a future workshop. (cf.

Further reading:

Here's a list of many sites made using this technology:

Examples of some sites we love:

Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


Short workshop on making professional websites with R, Blogdown, Hugo and the Academic template. View the slides here:



