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Patrick Mulder edited this page Aug 10, 2013 · 3 revisions

##Nginx Proxied to Unicorn

Recipe to deploy a Sinatra application using Nginx + Unicorn :

##Deploying on Cloud Foundry

Modifications required to make Lamer News work on Cloud Foundry :

Using Heroku

From inside the application directory:

$ heroku create {appname}
$ heroku addons:add redistogo:nano       # check with 'heroku config' and insert
                                         # Redis URL in app_config.rb
$ heroku push

Additional useful commands:

$ heroku logs                            # returns logs from server
$ heroku console                         # enter a Ruby console on Heroku
                                         # with require './app' you can enter commands such get_user_by_id, ... 
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