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Yago committed Aug 12, 2020
1 parent fbdc154 commit 2cd94a1
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Showing 4 changed files with 201 additions and 1 deletion.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Contribute

This project is a **template** and a real **playground** project at the **same time**.

## Install


- [📗 NodeJS 10+](
- [🐈 Yarn](
- [📦 npx](

First you'll have to install the root and playground dependencies :

$ yarn
$ cd playground && yarn

## Run things

- `cd playground && yarn dev` for the playground project
- `yarn storybook:start` for Storybook
- `yarn cypress:open` for Cypress
- `yarn jest:start` for Jest

## Test the Github Actions

To ease a bit the Github Workflow debugging, feel free to use **[act](** like so:

$ act pull_request

Then create a PR and check the tests on Github.

## Create new template

When the actual files are not good enough for being copied, you must duplicate them using the pattern `FILENAME.template.EXT`. Then update the generator in `.bin/index.js`.

## Update the generator

For the moment, all the generator logic is contained inside the `.bin/index.js`.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# ✅ Antistatique Frontend Development Configuration

> Antistatique truth source and **opinionated** configuration.
*If you're just to lazy to read the README 😏👉 `npx antistatique-frontend`*

**Others resources**
- [📗 Tests Handbook](doc/
- [👨‍💻 How to contribute](

Currently **provides**:
- [🔹 ESLint](
- [🌈 Prettier]( ([only for JavaScript](
- [👔 Stylelint](
- [🟦 TypeScript](
- [📚 Storybook](
- [🌳 Cypress](
- [👞 Jest](

## Table of content
- [What it does](#what-it-does)
- [How to use](#how-to-use)
- [What's inside?](#whats-inside)
- [Available scripts](#available-scripts)
- [IDE](#ide)

## What it does
- **Lints** TypeScript and CSS based on the latest standards
- Manage **pre-commit** git hook to prevent 💩 commits
- Ensure decent **code quality** at [Antistatique](
- Provide dev-ready **testing environement** (+ Github Actions)

## How to use


- [📗 NodeJS 10+](
- [🐈 Yarn](
- [📦 npx](

First, **create your project** using the dedicated scaffolding tool for your project's technologies. Here are some usefull commands that you can use :

$ npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
$ npx create-next-app --example with-typescript-types my-app

Then, to get this amazing environment, simply execute the following command and answer the questions:

$ npx antistatique-frontend

## What's inside?

├── .eslintrc 👉 ESLint configuration
├── .github
│   └── workflows 👉 Github Actions Workflow for Tests
├── .huskyrc 👉 Husky (pre-commit) configuration
├── .lintstagedrc 👉 lint-staged (for pre-commits) configuration
├── .storybook
│   ├── main.js 👉 Storybook configuration
│   └── preview.js 👉 Where you load you global CSS
├── .stylelintrc 👉 Stylelint configuration
├── .vscode
│   └── settings.json 👉 Encourage you to format-on-save ESLint
├── cypress
│   ├── fixtures
│   ├── integration 👉 The place to put your E2E website tests
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── screenshots
│   ├── support
│   ├── tsconfig.json
│   └── videos
├── cypress.json 👉 Cypress configuration
├── jest.config.js 👉 Jest configuration
├── package.json 👉 Your package.json, with new devDepencies and new scripts
└── tsconfig.json 👉 TypeScript configuration

## Available scripts

Now that you've get all the good stuff that you need, you have some new NPM scripts at your disposal:

- `yarn lint:js` : Lint your TypeScript files
- `yarn cypress:open` : Open Cypress (for TDD)
- `yarn cypress:run` : Run Cypress tests (website + storybook)
- `yarn jest:start` : Start Jest server
- `yarn jest:run` : Run Jest tests
- `yarn storybook:start` : Start Storybook server
- `yarn storybook:build` : Build static Storybook

## IDE

The process above has been to ensure consistent quality of our code, regardless of the project. If you want to **make your life easier** and not always have surprises when you try to commit, **make sure that your IDE is properly configured to handle those linters** to highlight (and even fix) warnings and errors when editing a file. It's just a friendly advice.

Some **ressources**:
- [ESLint for VSCode](
- [Stylelint for VSCode](

And just in case, ask your colleagues, they surely have great tips for you 😉

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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# Tests Handbook

Testing in **not a common practice** in the frontend world. Here is a **simple summary** to make frontend tests understandable regarding the “Antistatique Frontend Development Configuration”.

And remember, **if you want to wee those tests in action,** take a look at the **[playground](**.

## What kinds of tests?

Here we have two kinds of tests that makes sense to cover almost every part of your project:
- **Unit tests** : used to check the absence of a bug in your code. Usually to ensure the proper function of your methods (especially in Functionnal Programming)
- **E2E tests** : used to test the final product. It simulates the behaviour of your end users by using a scripted browser.

## What to test?

There is the simple rule:
- You want to test the **behaviour of your UI** 👉 **E2E**
- You want to test your **method** or a piece of code 👉 **Unit**

## When to test?

There is no magic rule here, but depending of the time and budget of your project, you'll have 2 choices:
- Short time/budget 👉 Write tests **when you fix bugs** to ensure that they won't happen again
- Large time/budget 👉 Write tests **at the same time** that your feature's code (TDD) It will save you a lot of time repeating the same action manually.

## Unit test

To create a new unit test: simple create a new file beside the file you want to test with the suffix `.spec`. For example:

├── my-script.ts
└── my-script.spec.ts

Then write your test using mainly only the [Jest API](

## E2E

There are two kinds of E2E tests coming with the “Antistatique Frontend Development Configuration”:
- **Global E2E** : located in `./cypress/integration`, will test the **final product**, aka your app
- **Component E2E** : will test **components independently**, inside Storybook

To create a new E2E test (always with the `.e2e` suffix):
- **Global** : add a new test file in `./cypress/integration`, for example `./cypress/integration/contact.e2e.js`
- **Component** : add a new test file (+ a story if there is not) in your component's directory, for example:
├── Button.tsx 👉 Component
├── Button.stories.tsx 👉 Storybook stories
└── Button.e2e.ts 👉 Cypress test using visitStorybook()

⚠️ **Pro tips**: If you want to ease your life, copy the [Blank component]( in your project and use `$ npx generact` to create new components.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "antistatique-frontend",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "soon",
"description": "Antistatique opinionated frontend development configuration (linters, tests,...)",
"main": ".bin/index.js",
"bin": {
"antistatique-frontend": ".bin/index.js"
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