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An Ansible role to configure the OpenSSH server and client.


  • Supported version of Ansible: 2.12 and highter.
  • pywinrm is a python library for connection Ansible to Windows hosts via WinRM.
  • Supported platforms:
    • Debian
      • 10
      • 11
      • 12
    • RHEL
      • 7
      • 8
      • 9
    • Ubuntu
      • 18.04
      • 20.04
      • 22.04
    • Windows
      • 2019

Role Variables

  • openssh_sshd_port Specifies the port number that sshd listens on. (default: 22).
  • openssh_sshd_address_family Specifies which address family should be used by sshd. Valid values:
    • any (the default)
    • inet (use IPv4 only)
    • inet6 (use IPv6 only)
  • openssh_sshd_listen_addresses Specifies the local addresses sshd should listen on.
  • openssh_sshd_host_keys_dir and openssh_sshd_host_keys Specifies a file containing a private host key used by sshd.
  • openssh_sshd_syslog_facility Gives the facility code that is used when logging messages from sshd (default: AUTH).
  • openssh_sshd_log_level Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages from sshd (default: INFO).
  • openssh_sshd_login_grace_time The server disconnects after this time if the user has not successfully logged in. (default: 1m).
  • openssh_sshd_max_auth_tries Specifies the maximum number of authentication attempts permitted per connection. (default: 4).
  • openssh_sshd_max_sessions Specifies the maximum number of open shell (default: 10).
  • openssh_sshd_max_startups Specifies the maximum number of concurrent unauthenticated connections to sshd (default: 10:30:60).
  • openssh_sshd_authorized_keys_file Specifies the file that contains the public keys used for user authentication (default: .ssh/authorized_keys).
  • openssh_sshd_password_authentication Specifies whether password authentication is allowed (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_kerberos_authentication Specifies whether the password provided by the user for openssh_sshd_password_authentication will be validated through the Kerberos KDC. Not applicable in Windows (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_kerberos_ticket_cleanup Specifies whether to automatically destroy the user's ticket cache file on logout. Not applicable in Windows (default: true).
  • openssh_sshd_gssapi_authentication Specifies whether user authentication based on GSSAPI is allowed. Not applicable in Windows (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_gssapi_cleanup_credentials Specifies whether to automatically destroy the user's credentials cache on logout. Not applicable in Windows (default: true).
  • openssh_sshd_strict_modes Specifies whether sshd should check file modes and ownership of the user's files and home directory before accepting login. Not applicable in Windows (default: true).
  • openssh_sshd_permit_root_login Specifies whether root can log in using sshd (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_tcp_keep_alive Specifies whether the system should send TCP keepalive messages to the other side (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_client_alive_interval Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the client (default: 0).
  • openssh_sshd_client_alive_count_max Sets the number of client alive messages which may be sent without sshd receiving any messages back from the client (default: 3).
  • openssh_sshd_x11_forwarding Specifies whether X11 forwarding is permitted. Not applicable in Windows (default: false).
  • Controlling which users and groups can connect to the server is done using the openssh_sshd_allow_groups, openssh_sshd_allow_users, openssh_sshd_deny_groups, and openssh_sshd_deny_users lists (default: []).
  • openssh_sshd_use_dns Specifies whether sshd should look up the remote host name, and to check that the resolved host name for the remote IP address maps back to the very same IP address. (default: false).
  • openssh_sshd_subsystems Configures an external subsystem (e.g. file transfer daemon). The default values:
    • sftp: '/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server' (for RedHat)
    • sftp: '/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server' (for Debian)
    • sftp: 'C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\sftp-server.exe' (for Windows)
  • openssh_sshd_match A conditional block. The arguments to Match are one or more criteria-pattern pairs or the single token All which matches all criteria. The available criteria are User, Group, Host, LocalAddress, LocalPort, RDomain and Address (See example).



Example Playbook

Configure OpenSSH server and enable single sign-on.

- name: 'Setup OpenSSH'
  hosts: all

    - role: 'antmelekhin.openssh'
      openssh_sshd_password_authentication: true
      openssh_sshd_gssapi_authentication: true

Configure OpenSSH server and enable single sign-on for server_admins group.

- name: 'Setup OpenSSH'
  hosts: all

    - role: 'antmelekhin.openssh'
        - type: 'Group'
          name: 'server_admins'
            PasswordAuthentication: 'yes'
            GSSAPIAuthentication: 'yes'



Author Information

Melekhin Anton.