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Implement crop for OpenCV image
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antoinehumbert committed Mar 7, 2021
1 parent 7eb9d4f commit 37146ea
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Showing 82 changed files with 915 additions and 105 deletions.
277 changes: 217 additions & 60 deletions src/imforge/
@@ -1,46 +1,60 @@
import math
import operator

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pyclipper
from PIL import Image

from imforge.cut import cut_out as _cut_out
from imforge.utils import is_clockwise
from imforge.cut import cut_out_pil, cut_out_cv2
from imforge.utils import is_clockwise, clip_polygon

def crop(image, polygon, fillcolor=None, cut_out=False, clip=False): # noqa: C901
def _get_transforms_params(polygon, im_width, im_height, clip=False, for_pil=False):
Crop image according to given (convex) polygon.
Compute the parameters for the different transformations to apply for cropping polygon in an image of given width
and height. The following transformations are to be applied on the image from crop:
* resize the image so that polygon fit in the resulting image after applying rotation
* apply rotation of image so that polygon MBR is straight and can be cropped
* crop the rotated MBR
For each transformation, the following parameters are returned:
* resize: (left_add, top_add, new_width, new_height) where:
+ left_add is the number of pixels to add on the left of image
+ top_add is the number of pixels to add on the top of image
+ new_width is the width of resized image
+ new_height is the height of resized image
* rotation: ((center_x, center_y), angle) where:
+ (center_x, center_y) are the coordinates of the rotation center in the resized image referential
+ angle is the rotation angle to apply
* crop: (left, top, right, bottom) where:
+ (left, top) are the coordinates of the top-left point of crop box in rotated image
+ (bottom, right) are the coordinates of the bottom-right point of the crop box in rotated image
:param PIL.Image.Image image: the (pillow) image to crop
:param list[tuple[int, int]] polygon: the list of points coordinates of the polygon to crop
:param fillcolor: the color to use for filling area outside of polygon
:param bool cut_out: if ``False`` (the default), the fillcolor is only used for filling areas outside of original
image when doing crop. Il ``True``, then all areas outside of polygon are filled with fillcolor.
:param int im_width: image width
:param int im_height: image height
:param bool clip: if ``False`` (the default), the cropped image will include the whole polygon, even if some of its
coordinates are outside of the original image, which can lead to a large image with areas filled with fillcolor on
edges of cropped image. If ``True``, the polygon is first clipped to the original image box, thus leading to the
minimal cropped image containing all the *visible* parts of polygon in original image.
:return: the cropped image
:rtype: PIL.Image.Image
:param bool for_pil: change center coordinates for compatibility with PIL.Image.rotate as the minAreaRect center is
not the exact center of the rectangle. It's compatible with cv2 rotation, but not with PIL which require the exact
:return: parameters of the transformations to apply for crop in the form
((left_add, top_add, new_width, new_height), ((center_x, center_y), angle), (left, top, width, height))
:rtype: tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int], tuple[tuple[float, float], float], tuple[int, int, int, int]]
im_width, im_height = image.size
if cut_out:
image = image.copy()
_cut_out(image, polygon, fillcolor=fillcolor)
if clip:
rect = ((0, 0), (im_width, 0), (im_width, im_height), (0, im_height))
pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
pc.AddPath(rect, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
pc.AddPath(polygon, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
clipped_paths = pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD)
points = np.array([point for path in clipped_paths for point in path], dtype=np.int32)
points = np.array(polygon, dtype=np.int32)
points = np.array(clip_polygon(polygon, im_width, im_height) if clip else polygon, dtype=np.int0)
(center_x, center_y), (width, height), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(points)
# The rectangle seems to be computed so that right and bottom edges are not included. So increase width / height
# This can be seen with a polygon being a straight rectangle ((0, 0), (im.width - 1, im.height - 1))
mbr = np.float32(cv2.boxPoints(((center_x, center_y), (width, height), angle))).tolist()

# search for the mbr point closest to the first polygon point for keeping *orientation* of cropped images as the
Expand All @@ -53,54 +67,197 @@ def sq_dist(x1, y1, x2, y2):
x, y = polygon[0]
top_left_dists = [(idx, sq_dist(x, y, mx, my)) for idx, (mx, my) in enumerate(mbr)]
min_dist_idx = min(top_left_dists, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
flip = not is_clockwise(polygon, check_convexity=False)
if min_dist_idx == 0:
angle -= 90
width, height = height, width
# elif min_dist_idx == 1:
# the mbr is correctly oriented. No change
elif min_dist_idx == 2:
angle += 90
width, height = height, width
elif min_dist_idx == 3:
angle += 180

# using expand=True in image.rotate assumes that center is the center of image, so it does not give correct result
# when center is near an image side. This is the reason for the following.
if angle != 0: # No need for rotation boilerplate if angle is 0
matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((center_x, center_y), angle, 1)
rotated_mbr = cv2.transform(np.array([mbr], dtype=np.float32), matrix).tolist()[0]
min_x = min_y = 0
max_x = im_width
max_y = im_height
for x, y in rotated_mbr:
if x < min_x:
min_x = x
elif x > max_x:
max_x = x
if y < min_y:
min_y = y
elif y > max_y:
max_y = y
min_x = math.floor(min_x)
min_y = math.floor(min_y)
max_x = math.ceil(max_x)
max_y = math.ceil(max_y)
if min_x < 0 or min_y < 0 or max_x > im_width or max_y > im_height:
image = image.transform(
size=(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y), method=Image.AFFINE,
data=(1, 0, min_x, 0, 1, min_y), fillcolor=fillcolor
center_x -= min_x
center_y -= min_y
image = image.rotate(
angle, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=False, center=(center_x, center_y), fillcolor=fillcolor
rotated_mbr = mbr
left = top = float("inf")
right = bottom = float("-inf")
for x, y in rotated_mbr:
if x < left:
left = x
elif x > right:
right = x
if y < top:
top = y
elif y > bottom:
bottom = y
left = round(left)
right = round(right)
top = round(top)
bottom = round(bottom)
left_add = top_add = 0
new_width = im_width
new_height = im_height
if left < 0:
left_add = -left
left = 0
right += left_add
new_width += left_add
if right >= new_width:
new_width = right + 1 # Add 1 so that right edge is included in image
if top < 0:
top_add = -top
top = 0
bottom += top_add
new_height += top_add
if bottom >= new_height:
new_height = bottom + 1 # Add 1 so that bottom edge is included in image

if for_pil:
# recompute center because the center computed by minAreaRect seems not to be the exact center (as if right and
# bottom edges of the rectangle are not included in the crop box)
center_x = left + (right + 1 - left) / 2
center_y = top + (bottom + 1 - top) / 2
center_x += left_add
center_y += top_add

return (
(left_add, top_add, new_width, new_height),
((center_x, center_y), angle),
(left, top, right, bottom)

def crop_pil(image, polygon, fillcolor=None, cut_out=False, clip=False):
Crop image according to given (convex) polygon.
.. note::
All edges of the polygon are included in the cropped image. This is not the same behaviour as
:py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.crop` when using a straight rectangular crop box because the ``right`` and ``bottom``
coordinates are not included in the cropped image.
:param PIL.Image.Image image: the (pillow) image to crop
:param list[tuple[int, int]] polygon: the list of points coordinates of the polygon to crop
:param fillcolor: the color to use for filling area outside of polygon
:param bool cut_out: if ``False`` (the default), the fillcolor is only used for filling areas outside of original
image when doing crop. Il ``True``, then all areas outside of polygon are filled with fillcolor.
:param bool clip: if ``False`` (the default), the cropped image will include the whole polygon, even if some of its
coordinates are outside of the original image, which can lead to a large image with areas filled with fillcolor on
edges of cropped image. If ``True``, the polygon is first clipped to the original image box, thus leading to the
minimal cropped image containing all the *visible* parts of polygon in original image.
:return: the cropped image
:rtype: PIL.Image.Image
im_width, im_height = image.size
if cut_out:
image = image.copy()
cut_out_pil(image, polygon, fillcolor=fillcolor)

flip = not is_clockwise(polygon, check_convexity=False)
# using expand=True in PIL.Image.Image.rotate assumes that center is the center of image, so it does not give
# correct result when center is near an image side. This is the reason why we manually apply a first transform to
# resize image before rotation and crop.
resize_params, rotate_params, crop_params = _get_transforms_params(
polygon, im_width, im_height, clip=clip, for_pil=True
center, angle = rotate_params
left_add, top_add, new_width, new_height = resize_params
if left_add > 0 or top_add > 0 or new_width > im_width or new_height > im_height:
image = image.transform(
size=(new_width, new_height), method=Image.AFFINE, data=(1, 0, -left_add, 0, 1, -top_add),
left = center_x - width / 2
top = center_y - height / 2
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
image = image.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
if angle != 0:
image = image.rotate(angle, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=False, center=center, fillcolor=fillcolor)
left, top, right, bottom = crop_params
# Add 1 to include right and bottom edges in the cropped image
image = image.crop((left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1))
if flip:
image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return image

def crop_cv2(image, polygon, fillcolor=None, cut_out=False, clip=False):
Crop image according to given (convex) polygon.
.. note::
All edges of the polygon are included in the cropped image. This is not the same behaviour as
:py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.crop` when using a straight rectangular crop box because the ``right`` and ``bottom``
coordinates are not included in the cropped image.
:param numpy.ndarray image: the (opencv) image to crop
:param list[tuple[int, int]] polygon: the list of points coordinates of the polygon to crop
:param fillcolor: the color to use for filling area outside of polygon
:param bool cut_out: if ``False`` (the default), the fillcolor is only used for filling areas outside of original
image when doing crop. Il ``True``, then all areas outside of polygon are filled with fillcolor.
:param bool clip: if ``False`` (the default), the cropped image will include the whole polygon, even if some of its
coordinates are outside of the original image, which can lead to a large image with areas filled with fillcolor on
edges of cropped image. If ``True``, the polygon is first clipped to the original image box, thus leading to the
minimal cropped image containing all the *visible* parts of polygon in original image.
:return: the cropped image
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
im_height, im_width = image.shape[:2]
if cut_out:
image = image.copy()
cut_out_cv2(image, polygon, fillcolor=fillcolor)

flip = not is_clockwise(polygon, check_convexity=False)
resize_params, rotate_params, crop_params = _get_transforms_params(polygon, im_width, im_height, clip=clip)
center, angle = rotate_params
if fillcolor is None:
fillcolor = 0
left_add, top_add, new_width, new_height = resize_params
if left_add > 0 or top_add > 0 or new_width > im_width or new_height > im_height:
new_image = np.empty((new_height, new_width, *image.shape[2:]), dtype=image.dtype)
new_image[:, :] = fillcolor
new_image[top_add:top_add+im_height, left_add:left_add+im_width] = image
image = new_image

if angle != 0:
matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1)
image = cv2.warpAffine(
image, matrix, (new_width, new_height), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=fillcolor
left, top, right, bottom = crop_params
# Add 1 to include right and bottom edges in the cropped image
image = image[top:bottom + 1, left:right + 1]
if flip:
image = cv2.flip(cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE), 0)
return image

def crop(image, polygon, fillcolor=None, cut_out=False, clip=False):
Crop image according to given (convex) polygon.
.. note::
All edges of the polygon are included in the cropped image. This is not the same behaviour as
:py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.crop` when using a straight rectangular crop box because the ``right`` and ``bottom``
coordinates are not included in the cropped image.
:param image: the (pillow) image to crop
:type image: PIL.Image.Image|numpy.ndarray
:param list[tuple[int, int]] polygon: the list of points coordinates of the polygon to crop
:param fillcolor: the color to use for filling area outside of polygon
:param bool cut_out: if ``False`` (the default), the fillcolor is only used for filling areas outside of original
image when doing crop. Il ``True``, then all areas outside of polygon are filled with fillcolor.
:param bool clip: if ``False`` (the default), the cropped image will include the whole polygon, even if some of its
coordinates are outside of the original image, which can lead to a large image with areas filled with fillcolor on
edges of cropped image. If ``True``, the polygon is first clipped to the original image box, thus leading to the
minimal cropped image containing all the *visible* parts of polygon in original image.
:return: the cropped image, in same format as input image
:rtype: PIL.Image.Image|numpy.ndarray
if isinstance(image, Image.Image):
return crop_pil(image, polygon, fillcolor=fillcolor, cut_out=cut_out, clip=clip)
return crop_cv2(image, polygon, fillcolor=fillcolor, cut_out=cut_out, clip=clip)
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/imforge/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import pyclipper

def is_clockwise(polygon, check_convexity=False):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,3 +64,23 @@ def _is_clockwise(v1, v2, v3):
raise ValueError(f"Polygon is not convex for consecutive vertices [{v1}, {v2}, {v3}]")
return None # flat angle
return cross_product < 0

def clip_polygon(polygon, width, height):
Clip given polygon with rectangle of given width and height.
:param list[tuple[int, int]] polygon: the list of points coordinates of the polygon to clip
:param int width: width of the clipping rectangle
:param int height: height of the clipping rectangle
:return: the clipped polygon
:rtype: list[tuple[int, int]]
right = width - 1
bottom = height - 1
rect = ((0, 0), (right, 0), (right, bottom), (0, bottom))
pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
pc.AddPath(rect, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
pc.AddPath(polygon, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
clipped_paths = pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD)
return [point for path in clipped_paths for point in path]

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