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Introduction to Csound for Haskell users

We are going to make electronic music. But what is Csound? And why should we use it? Csound is a domain specific programming language. It helps you to define synthesizers and make some music with them. Csound was born in 1985 (a bit older than Haskell) at MIT by Barry Vercoe. It's widely used in the academia. It has a long history. So with Csound we get a lot of music DSP-algorithms ready to be used. It's written in C. So it's very efficient. It's driven by text, so we can generate it. Csound's community is very friendly (what a coincidence!). Csound is very well documented.

We don't need to know Csound to use this library but it's helpful to know the main features of the Csound. How can we create music with Csound in general What design choices were made, basic features and quirks. Csound belongs to the MUSIC N family of programming languages. What does it mean? It means that description of the music is divided in two parts:

  • Orchestra. User defines instruments

  • Scores. User triggers instruments with a list of notes

An instrument is something that listens to notes and converts them to signals. Note is a tuple: (instrument name, start time, duration, parameters). Parameters cell is a tuple of primitive types: numbers (D), strings (Str) and tables or arrays of numbers (Tab).


An instrument is represented with function that takes a tuple of primitive values (Arg) and converts it to the tuple of signals (Sigs) wrapped in the type SE:

(Arg a, Sigs b) => a -> SE b

The SE means Side Effect. It's like IO-monad but for Csound.


With instruments we can convert the bunch of notes to the plain signals. There are several ways to do it. We can trigger an instrument:

  • With score

  • With event stream

  • With midi-device

The Score

The score is a list of events with some predefined total duration. An event is a triple that contains:

(t0, dt, args)

Where t0 is a start time, dt is a duration of the event, args is a list of arguments for the instrument.

The underlying score is a list of events. But we'd like to have a musical structure on top of it. To organize the events in musical way we use the Track type from the package temporal-media.

The Track can be thought of as a list of events with a total duration in seconds of the whole segment. The vent is an aforementioned tripple of start time, duration and content:

data Event t a = Event {
    eventStart :: t
    eventDur :: t
    eventContent :: a

The Track data type is obscure. In CE we use a more specific data type where time is set to constant Csound numbers (Ds):

data Track t a

type Sco a = Track D a

We can create values of type Track with smart constructors and methods from the generic type classes for composition of temporal media. Here is the lis of most common functions. For convenience the signatures are specified to Sco data-type. But the actual functions come from the list of classes.

  • Create an Sco with single event that lasts for one second and starts right away:

    temp :: a -> Sco a
  • Create a silence that lasts for the given duration:

    rest :: D -> Sco a
  • Harmonic composition. All scores are played together at the same time. The total duration equals to the maximum of all durations

    har :: [Sco a] -> Sco a
  • Melodic composition. Scores are played one after another. The total duration equals to the sum of all durations.

    mel :: [Sco a] -> Sco a
  • Stretch the Score in time domain by given constant factor. It makes the music slower or faster:

    str :: D -> Sco a -> Sco a
  • Delay the Score by the given time:

    del :: D -> Sco a -> Sco a
  • Loop several times:

    loopBy :: Int -> Sco a -> Sca a
  • Loop forever

    loop  :: Sco a -> Sco a
  • Functor instance to map over content:

    fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sco a -> Sco b

To invoke an instrument with Score we can use the functions:

sco :: (Sigs b, Arg a) => (a -> SE b) -> Sco a -> Sco (Mix b)
mix :: Sigs a => Sco (Mix a) -> a

The function sco applies an instrument to the score and produces the score of signals. Then we can apply the function mix` to get the mixed signal.

Why do we need the two steps to convert the score to audio signal? The cool thing about this approach is that we can use the composition functions like hor, mel or str after we applied the instrument to scores. We can think of sco as a function or a single player in the orchestra. It applies a single instrument to the notes. But after that we'd like to be able to create an orchestration. We need to combine the parts from several players. If we convert to audio signal right away we will loose the information on the musical structore.

So use the sco for a single player in your orchestra and combine all the parts from different players with usual composition functions. At the last moment to send the audio to speakers or write to file use the mix function.

The wrapper Mix is needed to suppress the Functor instance. It's not possible to apply the transformations to the notes that contain signals (there are some implementational details that doesn't allow thsi to happen).

Scores are very simple yet powerful. Csound handles polyphony for us. If we trigger several notes at the same time on the same instrument we get three instances of the same instrument running in parallel. It's very cool feature (not so easy thing to do with Pd).

The event stream

An event stream is something that produces the notes. The score contains the predefined notes but event stream can produce the in real time.

The event stream is represented with the type:

newtype Evt a = Evt { runEvt :: Boom a -> SE () }

type Boom a = a -> SE ()

An event stream is a function that takes a procedure of type a -> SE () and applies it to all events in the stream.

We have some primitive constructors:

metro :: Sig -> Evt Unit

It takes a frequency of the repetition. The Unit type is a Csound alias for (). We need it for implementation reasons but the meaning is the same. The unit can contain only a single value. It's often used to represent the instruments that take no arguments. An empty tuple happens every now and then. We can process the events with functions:

repeatE :: a -> Evt b -> Evt a
filterE :: (a -> BoolD) -> Evt a -> Evt a
cycleE  :: Arg a => [a] -> Evt b -> Evt a
oneOf   :: Arg a => [a] -> Evt b -> Evt a

For example, we can substitute all the events with the constant value (repeatE), filter an event stream with predicate or repeat elements in the list (cycleE) or take elements at random (oneOf). There are many more functions.

The BoolD is a Csound boolean value. It's instance of the type classes from the package Boolean. There is another boolean type BoolSig for the signals of boolean values.

And the Evt is a Functor and also Monoid:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Evt a -> Evt b

mempty  :: Evt a
mappend :: Evt a -> Evt a -> Evt a

With fmap we map over the all values of the event. The mempty is a silent event. Nothing is going to happen on mempty. The mappend joins the events from several sources to a single event stream.

We can trigger instruments on the event streams with function:

sched :: sched :: (Sigs b, Arg a) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt (Sco a) -> b

The sched takes an event of scores and applies an instrument when something happens.

The Midi devices

We can trigger an instrument with midi devices:

type Channel = Int

midi   :: (Sigs a) => (Msg -> SE a) -> SE a
midin  :: Sigs a => Channel -> (Msg -> SE a) -> SE a
pgmidi :: Sigs a => Maybe Int -> Channel -> (Msg -> SE a) -> SE a

The function midi starts to listen for the midi-messages (Msg) on all channels. With function midin we can specify the concrete channel (it's an integer from 1 to 16). The function pgmidi is for assigning an instrument to the midi-program (the first argument) and possible channel (the second argument).

We can query midi-messages for amplitude, frequency and other parameters (we can see the complete list in the module Csound.Opcode.RealtimeMIDI):

cpsmidi :: Msg -> D
ampmidi :: Msg -> D -> D

ampCps :: Msg -> (D, D)

The second argument of ampmidi is a scaling factor or maximum value for amplitude. The ampCps reads both parameters. There also parameters for sensing control messages, aftertouch, bend and other midi-specific information.

Flags and options

Music is defined in two parts. They are Orchestra and Scores. But there is a third one. It's used to set the global settings like sample rate or control rate values (block size). In this library you can set the initial values with Csound.Options.

Features and quirks

Audio and control rates

Csound has made a revolution in electronic music technology. It introduced two types of signals. They are audio rate and control rate signals. The audio rate signals is what we hear and control rate signals is what changes the parameters of sound. Control rate is smaller then audio rate. It speeds up performance dramatically. Let's look at one of the sound units (they are called opcodes)

ares buthp asig, kfreq [, iskip]

It's a Butterworth high pass filter as it defined in the Csound. a-sig - means sig at audio rate. k-freq means freq at control rate (for historical reasons it is k not c). iskip means skip at i-rate. i-rate means init time rate. It is when an instruments instance is initialized to play a note. i-rate values stays the same for the whole note. So we can see that signal is filtered at audio rate but the center frequency of the filter changes at the control rate. In this library the types are merged together (Sig). If you plug a signal into kfreq we can infer that you want this signal to be control rate. In Csound some opcodes exist that go in pairs. One that produces audio signals and one that produces control rate signals. By default if there is no constraint for the signal it is rendered at the audio rate except for those units that produce sound envelopes (like linseg or expseg).

You can change this behaviour with functions ar and 'kr'. They set the signal-like things to audio or control rate. For instance if you want your envelope to run at control rate, write:

env = ar $ linseg [0, idur/2, 1, idur/2, 0]

Table size

For speed table size should be the power of two or power of two plus one (all tables for oscillators). In this library you can specify the relative size (see Csound.Options). I've tried to hide the size definition to make sings easier.

How to read the Csound docs

You'd better get acquainted with Csound docs. Docs are very good. How to read them? For instance you want to use an oscillator with cubic interpolation. So you dig into the Csound.Opcode.SignalGenerators and find the function:

oscil3 :: Sig -> Sig -> Tab -> Sig

From Hackage we can guess that it takes two signals and table and returns a signal. It's a clue but a vogue one. Let's read along, in the docs you can see a short description (taken from Csound docs):

oscil3 reads table ifn sequentially and repeatedly at a frequency xcps.
The amplitude is scaled by xamp. Cubic interpolation is applied
for table look up from internal phase values.

and here is the Csound types (the most useful part of it)

> ares oscil3 xamp, xcps, ifn [, iphs]
> kres oscil3 kamp, kcps, ifn [, iphs]

We see a two versions of the opcode. For audio and control rate signals. By default first is rendered if we don't plug it in something that expects control rates. It's all about rates, but what can we find out about the arguments?

First letter signifies the type of the argument and the rest is the name. We can see that first signal is amp with x rate. and the second one is cps with x rate. We can guess that amp is the amplitude and cps is cycles per second. This unit reads the table with given amplitude (it is a signal) and frequency (it is a signal too). Or we can just read about it in the docs if we follow the link that comes at the very last line in the comments:

doc: <>

We now about a-, k- and i-rates. But what is the x-rate? Is it about X-files or something? X means a-rate or k-rate. You can use both of them for this argument. Let's go through all types that you can find:

  • asig -- audio rate (Sig)

  • ksig -- control rate (Sig)

  • xsig -- audio or control rate (Sig)

  • inum -- constant number (D)

  • ifn -- table or 1D-array (Tab). They are called functional tables in Csound.

  • Sfile -- string, probably a file name (Str)

  • fsrc -- spectrum (Spec). Yes, you can mess with sound in the space domain.

Often you will see the auxiliary arguments, user can skip them in Csound. So we can do it in Haskell too. But what if we want to supply them? We can use the function withInits for this purpose or withD, withDs (for lists of Ds), withTab. It is used like this:

oscil3 1 220 (sines [1, 0, 0.25]) `withD` 0.25

We have specified an aux parameter that changes the initial phase.

Example (Hello Wrold)

The simplest possible program that produces a sound:

module Main where

-- imports everything
import Csound.Base

-- Renders generated csd-file to the "tmp.csd".
-- press Ctrl-C to stop
main :: IO ()
main = dac $ osc 440

It plays a concert A with a signal. The osc takes in a frequency and produces a pure tone signal.

Example (a concert A with scores)

module Main where

-- imports everything
import Csound.Base

-- Let's define a simple sound unit that
-- reads in cycles the table that contains a single sine partial.
-- oscil1 is the standard oscillator with linear interpolation.
-- 1 - means the amplitude, cps - is cycles per second and the last argument
-- is the table that we want to read.
myOsc :: Sig -> Sig
myOsc cps = oscili 1 cps (sines [1])

-- Let's define a simple instrument that plays a sound on the specified frequency.
-- We use sig to convert a constant value to signal and then plug it in the osc unit.
-- We make it a bit quieter by multiplying with 0.5.
pureTone :: D -> SE Sig
pureTone cps = return $ 0.5 * (myOsc $ sig cps)

-- Let's trigger the instrument from the score section.
-- It plays a three notes. One starts at 0 and lasts for one second with frequency of 440,
-- another one starts at 1 second and lasts for 2 seconds, and the last note lasts for 2 seconds
-- at the frequency 220 Hz.
res = sco pureTone $ mel $ fmap temp [440, 330, 220]

-- Renders generated csd-file to the "tmp.csd", invokes the csound on it
-- and directs the sound to speakers.
main :: IO ()
main = dac $ mix res

Example (a concert A with event stream of scores)

Let's play that sequence forever with event streams.

scores :: Sco D
scores = str 0.25 $ mel $ fmap temp [440, 330, 220]

main2 = dac $ sched pureTone $ fmap (const $ scores) $ metro 0.5

We create an event stream of ticks that happen twice a second

metro 0.5

Then we map all the ticks to the same scores:

fmap (const $ scores)

And we schedule the pureTone instrument from the previous example to play the notes.

More examples

You can find many examples at:


Got interested in Csound? Csound is very well documented. There are good tutorials, read about it at: