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Euclidean plane and its relatives

A minimalistic introduction

The book is designed for a semester-long course in Foundations of Geometry and meant to be rigorous, conservative, elementary and minimalist.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

How to build

The following command will create a local copy of the source code for you.

git clone

Go to the crated folder, and run mpost, pdflatex and makeindex few times; it worked with full installation of TeX Live on Kubuntu 20.04.

cd birkhoff/mpics/
cd ..
pdflatex all-lectures.tex
makeindex all-lectures
pdflatex all-lectures.tex
biber all-lectures
makeindex all-lectures
pdflatex all-lectures.tex

the following command will extract all needed files in arXiv.tar:

tar -cvf arXiv.tar --files-from list-of-files.txt

The following command produces PDF version 1.3 from eps-file

epstopdf --gsopt=-dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 foo.eps