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Neo Smart Contracts Tutorials

Required Packages:

neo-boa : for compile neo-python: to interact with the NEO blockchain, build and deploy your contracts.

Use this command to start neo-python

np-prompt -p
Official Sample 1: Hello World
neo> build {path}/smart-contracts/ test '' 01 False False

Official Sample 2: Basic Computation

neo> build {path}/smart-contracts/ test 070202 02 False False add 1 2

Official Sample 3: Balance Checker

neo> build {path}/smart-contracts/ test 070502 02 True False add AG4GfwjnvydAZodm4xEDivguCtjCFzLcJy 3

You can you any other address instead of AG4GfwjnvydAZodm4xEDivguCtjCFzLcJy, it's only working as a key for Storage

My Simple Smart Contract Samples

Sample - Storage

build {path}/smart-contracts/ test 02 02 True True

It's a good idea to use concat() to contruct specific keystring for storage.

Sample: List Operation

Currently working with a samll function remove_from_list. Since the remove() and pop() functions are not working properly.

build {path}/smart-contracts/ test 02 02 True True 1

Sample: Timestamp

This is about how to get Current TimeStamp in a neo Smart Contract. the GetTime() function works as well.

build {path}/smart-contracts/ test 02 02 True True
return: Current Linux TimeStamp


SC Tutorials from Official Website






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