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dckernel package implementing dcMMD and dcHSIC from Robust Kernel Hypothesis Testing under Data Corruption, by Schrab and Kim


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This package implements the two-sample dcMMD and independence dcHSIC tests which are robust against data corruption, as proposed in our paper Robust Kernel Hypothesis Testing under Data Corruption, as well as robust variants of the differentially private dpMMD and dpHSIC tests of Differentially Private Permutation Tests: Applications to Kernel Methods from the dpkernel repository.

The implementation is in JAX which can leverage the architecture of GPUs to provide considerable computational speedups.

The experiments of the paper can be reproduced by running the notebook from the dckernel-paper repository, which also contains demo code showing how to use the tests.


The dckernel package can be installed by running:

pip install git+

which relies on the jax and jaxlib dependencies.

In order to run the tests on GPUs the cuda versions of JAX should be installed as follows

pip install -U "jax[cuda12]"

Otherwise, the CPU version of JAX can be installed as

pip install -U "jax[cpu]"

This can also be run before installing dckernel.


Jax compilation: The first time the dcmmd or dchsic functions are evaluated, JAX compiles them. After compilation, they can fastly be evaluated at any other X and Y of the same shape, and any robustness parameter. If the functions are given arrays with new shapes, the functions are compiled again. For details, check out the demo in the notebook from the dckernel-paper repository.


Two-sample testing: Given arrays X of shape $(m, d)$ and Y of shape $(n, d)$, our dcMMD test dcMMD(key, X, Y, robustness) returns 0 if the samples X and Y are believed to come from the same distribution, or 1 otherwise, and is robust up to the corruption of robustness number of samples.

# import modules
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp
>>> from jax import random
>>> from dckernel import dcmmd, human_readable_dict

# generate data for two-sample test
>>> key = random.PRNGKey(0)
>>> subkeys = random.split(key, num=2)
>>> X = random.uniform(subkeys[0], shape=(500, 10))
>>> Y = random.uniform(subkeys[1], shape=(500, 10)) + 1

# run dcMMD test
>>> key, subkey = random.split(key)
>>> output = dcmmd(subkey, X, Y, robustness=50)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> output.item()
>>> output, dictionary = dcmmd(subkey, X, Y, robustness=50, return_dictionary=True)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> human_readable_dict(dictionary)
>>> dictionary
{'Bandwidth': 3.1622776985168457,
 'Kernel gaussian': True,
 'Level': 0.05000000074505806,
 'MMD DC-adjusted quantile': 0.16384649276733398,
 'MMD V-statistic': 1.0293232202529907,
 'MMD quantile': 0.050709404051303864,
 'Number of permutations': 500,
 'Robustness': 40,
 'dcMMD test reject': True}


Independence testing: Given paired arrays X of shape $(n, d_X)$ and Y of shape $(n, d_Y)$, our dcHSIC test dcHSIC(key, X, Y, robustness) returns 0 if the paired samples X and Y are believed to be independent, or 1 otherwise, and is robust up to the corruption of robustness number of samples.

# import modules
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp
>>> from jax import random
>>> from dckernel import dchsic, human_readable_dict

# generate data for independence test 
>>> key = random.PRNGKey(0)
>>> subkeys = random.split(subkey, num=2)
>>> X = random.uniform(subkeys[0], shape=(1000, 10))
>>> X =[:500].set(X[:500] + 10)
>>> Y = X + 0.01 * random.uniform(subkeys[1], shape=(1000, 10))

# run dcHSIC test
>>> key, subkey = random.split(key)
>>> output = dchsic(subkey, X, Y, robustness=40)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> output.item()
>>> output, dictionary = dchsic(subkey, X, Y, robustness=40, return_dictionary=True)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> human_readable_dict(dictionary)
>>> dictionary
{'Bandwidth X': 3.1622776985168457,
 'Bandwidth Y': 3.1622776985168457,
 'HSIC DC-adjusted quantile': 0.34696316719055176,
 'HSIC V-statistic': 0.4259658455848694,
 'HSIC quantile': 0.027283163741230965,
 'Kernel X gaussian': True,
 'Kernel Y gaussian': True,
 'Level': 0.05000000074505806,
 'Number of permutations': 500,
 'Robustness': 40,
 'dcHSIC test reject': True}


If you have any issues running our dcMMD and dcHSIC tests, please do not hesitate to contact Antonin Schrab.


Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, University College London

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London

Inria London


title={Robust Kernel Hypothesis Testing under Data Corruption}, 
author={Antonin Schrab and Ilmun Kim},
url = {},


MIT License (see LICENSE).

Related tests

  • mmdagg: MMD Aggregated MMDAgg test
  • ksdagg: KSD Aggregated KSDAgg test
  • agginc: Efficient MMDAggInc HSICAggInc KSDAggInc tests
  • mmdfuse: MMD-Fuse test
  • dpkernel: Differentially private dpMMD dpHSIC tests


dckernel package implementing dcMMD and dcHSIC from Robust Kernel Hypothesis Testing under Data Corruption, by Schrab and Kim






