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CKEditor 5 Find and Replace feature

When I started this project, there was no such plugin for search and replace items. Now, I recommend you to use the official plugin:

I would like to thank everyone that helped me in this project!


This plugin implements Find and Replace Text in CKEditor 5.


  • forward and backwards search (with visual and text indications of progress)
  • replace one (also forward and backwards) or all occurrences
  • accessible (keyboard operation)
  • use out of the editor (by execute findReplace command)
  • Match case: you decide if upper or lower case matters
  • selected text gets copied over to the find field

We need translators! If you want to translate to your language, open a PR! Supported so far:

  • pt-BR
  • en-US
  • zh-CN (Thanks @YueHui)


$ npm install ckeditor5-find-replace

To use it, configure your build like this

import FindReplace from 'ckeditor5-find-replace/src/findReplace';

// it can be any CKEditor editor. Decoupled is just an example
DecoupledEditor.builtinPlugins = [
	toolbar: {
		items: [
// you can use this feature programatically also:
editor.execute('findReplace', {
    // text to find
    findText: '',
    // find prev or next , -1:prev,0:stay,1:next
    increment: 1 ,
    // text to replace
    replaceText: '',
    // is replaceAll
    replaceAll: false,
    // lower or upper case letters matters? 
    matchCase: false

Images of plugin:


Selected Text

Search in action


Not found
