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Installing Gazpachoquest from the source

Antonio Maria Sanchez Berrocal edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 9 revisions

Install Git, if needed

To perform the next step you must have Git installed. (Check that you have a git command before proceeding.) If you do not have a working Git installation, follow the instructions on the Git downloads page.

Fetch the repository

git clone cd gazpachoquest

Install Java JDK and Apache Maven, if needed

Ensure JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and points to your JDK installation and M2_HOME environment variable is set and points to your Maven installation.

Build the application

mvn -pl tomee-assembly -am install After this step gazpachoquest-rest-web.war will be generated under directory:

` $HOME/git/gazpachoquest/rest/rest-web/target/gazpachoquest-rest-web.war

The UI will be generated under directory: $HOME/git/gazpachoquest/questionnaires-ui/target/gazpachoquest-questionnaires-ui.war `


Deploying as WAR file

WAR means Web Application Archive. A WAR file is a zipped Java web application containing all the resources such as jar files, Java classes, Java server pages (JSP), static resources and configuration data. The default war configuration starts a in memory HSQL database ready to be deployed in a Servlet Container or J2EE container.

War Tomcat 8 TomEE
gazpachoquest-rest-web.war X X
gazpachoquest-questionnaires-ui.war X

WAR file with multiple configurations

You can deploy Gazpachoquest to multiple environments using a single Web application archive (WAR) file. The WAR file can contain several configurations, each customizing the application to a particular target environment. The appropriate configuration is applied automatically when the WAR file is extracted on a servlet container.

This approach has the advantage that you only need to compile the webapp once. It is not necessary to create separate WAR files for each target environment.

Configuration resolution is based on localhost name according to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()

Take a copy of the default configuration file on a subfolder named as hostname:

cp $HOME/git/gazpachoquest/rest/rest-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config
mkdir myhostname
cp default/ myhostname

Configure the according to your preferred configuration:

# Supported engines: postgres / mysql /hsql

# Supported options: standalone / container

# Default JNDI resource if dbpool is managed by container


# Uncomment to override settings

# jdbc.driver.class=org.postgresql.Driver
# jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/gazpachoquest
# jdbc.username=postgres
# jdbc.password=admin

# jdbc.driver.class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gazpachoquest
# jdbc.username=root
# jdbc.password=admin