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Antony Budianto edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 129 revisions

Welcome to Angular 2 Starter Wiki!

This wiki provides the basic knowledge about the starter, it's recommended to read all of them to know the starter structure and workflow.


  • Next starter release will be using Webpack 2 (loader and bundler) thus will be a breaking change, it will include AoT compilation. SystemJS will be dropped due to having many issues.
  • Final release will be updated this week!
  • RC 7 is ready in branch!
  • Node 4 on travis may be dropped since official web states minimum Node v5
  • AOT build is on the work with some upstream issue (both Angular and SystemJS)
  • Angular 2 Starter RC 6 Released!

Angular 2 Information

@angular/core npm version
@angular/common npm version
@angular/compiler npm version
@angular/compiler-cli npm version
@angular/forms npm version
@angular/http npm version
@angular/platform-browser npm version
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic npm version
@angular/platform-server npm version
@angular/router npm version
@angular/upgrade npm version
@angular/tsc-wrapped npm version

Angular Weekly Meeting Docs

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