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Today I Learned

  • Topics: 29
  • TILs: 156


android (3)
Date Title
2020-04-29 Capture images and videos from android devices with adb
2020-04-22 Open source minimalist launcher for Android
2022-01-31 Fix failling to start emulator on Android Studio


androidstudio (1)
Date Title
2020-05-04 Show the current file in the folder structure navigation bar


combine (1)
Date Title
2020-06-04 Set a given Publishers Failure type to Never in Combine


coredata (3)
Date Title
2020-05-20 How to filter using NSPredicate based on if the to many relationship set contains a specific value
2020-05-20 Storing states in CoreData with enums
2020-05-22 NSPredicate case-insensitive matching on to-many relationship


css (1)
Date Title
2020-04-30 Handling Long Words and URLs (Forcing Breaks, Hyphenation, Ellipsis, etc)


cypress (1)
Date Title
2021-04-03 - sitemap.xml validation test


fastlane (1)
Date Title
2021-05-21 why fastlane working directory different than what I set


ffmpeg (2)
Date Title
2023-06-02 How to prepare QuickTime recorder for App Store Review?
2023-06-27 How to create thumbnail image for all images inside a folder using Imagick?


flutter (1)
Date Title
2020-05-02 Running a command-line dart script


git (1)
Date Title
2023-03-12 How to disable git gpg signing?


github (5)
Date Title
2020-04-18 Fix gh-pages rejection of new pushes
2020-05-06 Git Error: Could could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
2020-05-28 Cancel Workflow Action
2021-04-28 Get the Pull Request Number in Github Actions
2021-05-16 Use working-dreictory for entire job


ios (18)
Date Title
2020-04-29 iOS development tools for Mac
2020-05-07 Workaround about SPM (Swift package manager) deal with Xcode 11.4 and Swift 5.2 with external static libraries. Adding an internal dynamic library to resolve static code duplication error
2020-05-12 Showing Touch symbol in iOS Simulators
2020-05-18 disable iOS simulator 'connect hardware keyboard' programmatically
2020-05-18 How do you manage and use “Many to many” core data relationships?
2020-05-18 iOS XCUITest - Simulate hardware keyboard return key
2020-05-22 Enable network mocks and more in UI Tests
2020-05-22 UI Test deleting text in text field
2020-05-26 UITests how to test screen edge pan gestures?
2021-01-26 Add custom accessory to a row in UICollectionView
2021-01-30 Use SwiftUI preview inside Swift Package
2021-01-31 How to use Fastlane to deploy multiple targets to TestFlight, Xcode iOS
2021-02-07 Keeping expansion state of OutlineDisclosures using NSDiffableDataSource SectionSnapshot on UICollectionView DiffableDatasource
2021-02-07 Using A Custom Font With Dynamic Type
2021-02-11 Get light or dark variant of a color declared in assets
2021-03-03 Convert UIFont to SwiftUI Font
2021-03-14 Multiline Text View in SwiftUI
2021-05-20 Core Data - how to generate CoreDataGeneratedAccessors?


jupyter (1)
Date Title
2021-01-10 Manage widgets in jupyter notebooks using Ipywidgets


leetcode (39)
Date Title
2022-03-15 905. Sort Array By Parity
2022-03-15 953. Verifying an Alien Dictionary
2022-03-16 206. Reverse Linked List
2022-03-16 412. Fizz Buzz
2022-03-16 475. Heaters
2022-03-16 485. Max Consecutive Ones
2022-03-17 1. Two Sum
2022-03-17 46. Permutations
2022-03-17 47. Permutations II
2022-03-17 67. Add Binary
2022-03-17 78. Subsets
2022-03-18 2. Add Two Numbers
2022-03-18 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
2022-03-20 5. Longest Palindromic Substring
2022-03-22 229. Majority Element II
2022-03-22 169. Majority Element
2022-03-23 349. Intersection of Two Arrays
2022-03-23 41. First Missing Positive
2022-03-23 Leetcode Cheatsheet (Swift)
2022-03-26 217. Contains Duplicate
2022-03-26 219. Contains Duplicate II
2022-03-26 350. Intersection of Two Arrays II
2022-03-28 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
2022-03-28 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
2022-03-29 27. Remove Element
2022-03-29 283. Move Zeroes
2022-03-29 605. Can Place Flowers
2022-03-30 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
2022-03-30 387. First Unique Character in a String
2022-04-04 228. Summary Ranges
2022-04-05 735. Asteroid Collision
2022-04-05 9. Palindrome Number
2022-04-06 849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person
2022-04-07 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum
2022-04-07 243. Shortest Word Distance
2022-04-11 189. Rotate Array
2022-04-11 238. Product of Array Except Self
2022-04-12 54. Spiral Matrix
2022-04-14 13. Roman to Integer


mac (1)
Date Title
2020-05-02 Show hidden files in Finder


macos (2)
Date Title
2020-05-19 DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.
2023-04-20 How to get Bundle ID of Mac application?


makefile (1)
Date Title
2021-06-10 Missing Separator. Stop


minimalist (1)
Date Title
2020-05-14 Why Small Habits Make a Big Difference


oop (2)
Date Title
2020-05-14 Domain-Driven Design
2020-05-14 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: What is it and how do you use it?


raspberrypi (5)
Date Title
2021-05-02 Auto start a script at boot
2021-05-02 Disable screensaver
2021-05-02 Using wildcard with scp command
2021-05-09 How to ake HDMI hot-pluggable on PI?
2021-05-16 Do not mix RPi.GPIO and gpiozero


security (2)
Date Title
2020-05-14 SSL Pinning with URLSession
2020-05-14 SSL Pinning with Alomafire


shell (1)
Date Title
2020-04-22 How to wait for Ctrl-C in bash


sourcetree (1)
Date Title
2021-05-16 Hook failing because paths don't seem to be set correctly


swift (10)
Date Title
2020-05-01 Launching a command-line command from a macOS app
2020-05-13 How to add local Swift Package as dependency?
2020-05-21 conversion from NSTimeInterval to hour,minutes,seconds,milliseconds in swift
2020-05-22 How to sleep for few milliseconds in swift?
2020-05-28 Push View programmatically in callback, SwiftUI
2022-12-18 How to bring a running application window to front most?
2022-12-29 How to get app icon from window processID on macOS?
2022-12-29 How to get displayID from NSScreen on macOS?
2022-12-29 How to open a video in Quick Time programatically on macOS?
2023-05-20 How to create NSImage from NSColor


swiftui (35)
Date Title
2020-05-12 ForEach with index
2020-05-13 Hide Seperator in List
2020-05-13 Preview with Core Data
2020-05-13 Binding value from an ObservableObject
2020-05-13 HSHostingController, easily present fullscreen modals, safari, email, etc from SwiftUI
2020-05-13 SwiftUI: How to implement a custom init with @Binding variables
2020-05-14 3 Ways to React to @State Changes in SwiftUI
2020-05-14 Disable user interaction on SwiftUI View
2020-05-15 How to instantiate PreviewProvider when View requires @Binding in initializer
2020-05-15 HStack fill whole width with equal spacing
2020-05-15 Text aligment with custom frame
2020-05-18 How do I create a multiline TextField in SwiftUI?
2020-05-19 How to detect live changes on TextField in SwiftUI?
2020-05-18 How to make a view dismiss itself
2020-05-19 How to use SwiftUI in Swift Playgrounds
2020-05-18 UITextView wrapper for SwiftUI
2020-05-25 How to show complete List when keyboard is showing up in SwiftUI
2020-05-27 How to hide the status bar in SwiftUI
2020-05-27 Make a VStack fill the screen in SwiftUI
2020-05-28 Fixed: Multiple sheet(isPresented:) doesn't work in SwiftUI
2020-05-28 Fixed: SwiftUI picker in form repositioning after navigation
2020-05-28 Simple SwiftUI Arc endAngle animation
2020-05-29 Dismiss view with swipe on iOS 13 XCUITest
2020-06-03 Add a border with cornerRadius to an Image in SwiftUI
2021-05-18 How to update @FetchRequest, when a related Entity changes in SwiftUI?
2021-05-25 Rounded Borders in SwiftUI
2021-05-26 Detecting tapping on the back button on NavigationView
2021-06-02 How do you clip an image to a square inside a lazy grid? (SwiftUI)
2021-06-07 Picker for optional data type in SwiftUI?
2021-06-07 Set initial value for State
2021-06-25 How to hide keyboard when using SwiftUI?
2021-06-29 Make SwiftUI Color codable
2021-07-14 How to set the scale when using UIGraphicsImageRenderer
2021-07-15 SwiftUI: sheet not presented if triggered from subview when superview can also present sheet
2021-08-09 Overlapping Navigation Titles In SwiftUI


tools (4)
Date Title
2020-04-24 Local file transfer between desktops and mobile devices from terminal with QRCode
2020-05-04 a little macOS app that records your screen to make a timelapse
2020-04-28 A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configurations, plugins, themes
2021-04-11 Cross posting cli DEV, Hashnode, Medium


ubuntu (1)
Date Title
2020-04-15 Fingerprint authentication on Ubuntu 18.04


vim (1)
Date Title
2020-05-18 Show/Hide line number in vim


xcode (2)
Date Title
2020-05-01 Apply all suggested fixes using short keys
2020-05-13 Xcode 11 iOS 13 simulator freeze UITextField

Til Reference

OVERVIEW: A Swift command-line tool to manage a Today-I-Learned repository

USAGE: til <subcommand>

  -h, --help              Show help information.

  add                     Add a new Today-I-Learned entry using a default
                          MarkDown editor.
  generate-readme         Generate a from the content.
  deploy                  Deploy the content to the remote repository.


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