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antzucaro edited this page Apr 21, 2012 · 9 revisions

I get asked these questions from time to time. Here's some corresponding answers.

Q: What changes to my settings do I have to make to show up in stats?

A: There are three ways to set the stats tracking variables. The first happens when you first bring up the game - there is a prompt asking you about statistics tracking. The second can be found in the "setup" menu under the "user" tab - the two stats tracking checkboxes are at the bottom of the page under the titles "Allow player statistics to track your client" and "Allow player statistics to use your nickname." The third method is by setting the two relevant cvars: "cl_allow_uid2name" and "cl_allow_uidtracking" in the console. They both can be set to either 0, which means "off"; and 1, which means "on".

The cl_allow_uid2name cvar controls whether or not your in-game nickname shows up in the stats. If you turn that off, you'll show up as "Anonymous Player" in web scoreboards.

The cl_allow_uidtracking cvar controls whether or not your hashkey is sent to the stats server. Your hashkey is used to identify you across games even if you change your in-game nickname. It's like your public key. If you turn this off, your player record will never be aggregated for overall statistics such as overall playing time, nex accuracy averages. It also means that you'll never show up in ranks.

Take note that these two cvars are mutually exclusive. It is perfectly fine to have cl_allow_uid2name set to '0' while having cl_allow_uidtracking set to '1'.

Q: I'm not showing up in stats even though my checkboxes/cvars are set correctly. What is going on?

A: You're probably missing your keyfile. Check in your xonotic home directory (~/.xonotic on *nix machines) for a file named "key_0.d0si". If it doesn't exist, you are most likely missing the d0_blind_id library used to create the keyfile. There is a variety of reasons for this, so it is best to post your specific configuration/setup to the forums to obtain further help.

Q: Why do I have duplicate records in stats?

A: This can happen if you fully delete and reinstall the game or otherwise remove your entire game home directory. When this happens the game recreates a new key when it can't find the old one. The new key, the "hashkey", isn't known by XonStat so it creates another player for you.

Q: How do I remove my duplicate records?

A: Make a request to Antibody (me) or Mirio via IRC or a PM on the forums and we'll merge your player records.

Q: How many games does it take for me to be ranked?

A: You have to have more than 32 Elo games of the given game type to be ranked. An "Elo" game is one in which you've played more than half the game's total time.

Q: What is Elo and how does it pertain to my rank?

A: Elo is a ranking algorithm originally devised for chess. It uses a point system to describe the strength of a player, which is then used as a basis for determining rank. You can find the mathematical details here: It is used in stats to determine the expected outcome of a game between two or more players, with the result being a point increase to those players who scored better than expected (according to their existing Elo values) and a point decrease to those players who didn't. Score per second is used as the input to the algorithm to provide support for all game modes. In team games, scores are normalized and each player Elo is calculated against every others in turn.

It is important to note that winning and losing are independent from the Elo calculation. This means you can win and still lose points and lose and still gain points. It is all about your current Elo and how your expected performance compares with your actual performance.

Q: How do I set my server up with stats?

A: Put the following into your server config:

set "g_playerstats_uri" ""

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