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Student Strategy Prediction using a Neuro-Symbolic Approach


Predicting student problem-solving strategies is a complex problem but one that can significantly impact automated instruction systems since they can adapt or personalize the system to suit the learner. While for small datasets, learning experts may be able to manually analyze data to infer student strategies, for large datasets, this approach is infeasible. We develop a Machine Learning model to predict strategies from student data. While Deep Neural Network (DNN) based methods such as LSTMs can be applied for this task, they often have long convergence times for large datasets and like several other DNN-based methods have the inherent problem of overfitting the data. To address these issues, we develop a Neuro-symbolic approach for strategy prediction, namely a model that combines strengths of symbolic AI (that can encode domain knowledge) with DNNs. Specifically, we encode relationships in the data using Markov Logic and use symmetries among these relationships to train an LSTM more efficiently. In particular, we use an importance sampling approach where we sample the training data such that for clusters/groups of symmetrical instances (instances where the strategies are likely to be symmetric), we only pick representative samples for training the model instead of using the whole group. Further, since some groups may contain more diverse strategies than the others, we adapt the importance weights based on previously observed samples. Through empirical evaluation on the KDD EDM challenge datasets, we show the scalability of our approach.

Link to the full paper here:

Using the code

This code implementation contains implementation of four major models: LSTM-NS-Random, LSTM-NS-NaiveGroup, LSTM-NS-Clustered and LSTM-NS-Adaptive.


This dataset used in this work is the publicly available data set from KDD EDM Challenge Cup. Please download the dataset and use the full dataset to run the code. Also, please don't forget to cite the original owners. Link to the dataset here:

Compiler and Package Requirements

Python 3.6

Gensim 3.x

Tensorflow 2.x


For this model, use the class named NsRandomModel. Initialize the constructor with the required parameters. Then, use the generate_training_sample() method to generate samples for training. Then, use train_model() method to train the model. For evaluating the model, call the following methods:


test_x, test_y, max_target_length = model.generate_sample(test_file_path,<num of samples>)
model.evaluate_model(test_x, test_y)


This model has the same usage as of the above model. For this model, use the class NsNaiveGroupModel.


For this model, use the class NsClusteredModel. This model generates training samples by clustering the student and problem groups separately. Provide the list of students and problems and the number of clusters for students and problems. Use generate_training_sample() to generate the samples. Then use train_model() to initiate training the model.


For this model, use the class NsAdaptiveModel. This model works in the following way:

Initialize with training samples with 100 student clusters and 1000 problem clusters
Generate the validation dataset for student clusters
Generate the validation dataset for problem clusters
for each iteration
    train the model
    calculate training accuracy
    calculate test accuracy
    evaluate performance on student clusters
    evaluate performance on problem clusters
    update the importance weights for each cluster
    sample new instances based on importance weights


If you found this work useful, please consider citing.

@inproceedings{shakya2021sspm, author = {Anup Shakya and Vasile Rus and Deepak Venugopal}, title = {Student Strategy Prediction using a Neuro-Symbolic Approach}, booktitle = {Fourteenth International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2021}, year = {2021} }


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