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Infrastructure Layer Details

This repo holds the IaC for creating infra layer to deploy and run react-bpcalc-k8s and go-backend-k8s microservices. The following infrastructure resources are considered to have cloud cost impact hence the provisioning will be done only on-demand basis.

  • Kubernetes cluster on GCP to host microservices
  • MongoDB Atlas cluster with GCP provider to host database
  • GKE Ingress resource to allow public connections to microservices (Experimental)

GCP Resource Provisioning

  • Make sure the prerequisites are installed, i.e., GCloud SDK, Terraform, Kubectl, Helm, K9S on local system
  • Config the GCP project and check if it is accessible from local system shell
    gcloud config configurations activate anupx73
    gcloud auth application-default login
    gcloud config set project anupx73
    gcloud services enable
  • Deploy GKE using terraform scripts from ./gke folder; this takes about 25mins
  • Note frontend and backend static ip from output; to be used as microservice public url
  • Connect gcloud sdk on local system to newly created GKE cluster
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-stg --project tudublin --zone europe-west1-b

MongoDB Atlas Provisioning

  • Add the current system's public IP to Altas network access to allow terraform API access
  • Deploy Mongo Atlas via terraform; takes ~10mins
  • Note the Mongo Atlas url from output excluding mongodb+srv://; modify url to have pri to support vpc private connections (e.g.
  • Initiate VPC Peering from Atlas project > network access > peering; add gcp project name and vpc name
  • Approve VPC Peering in GCP with atlas gcp project id and atlas vpc name
  • Add GKE cluster pod ipv4 range (typically in Atlas network access > ip access list to allow private connection from GKE

Vault Secret Management Setup

  • Set up Vault on GKE using Hashicorp official helm chart

    helm repo add hashicorp
    helm repo update
    helm install vault hashicorp/vault --namespace ns-vault --create-namespace --set ""  # should not be used in prod env
  • Add MongoDB Atlas url from Atlas terraform output and DB credentials from terrafirm.tfvars

    kubectl -n ns-vault get pods 
    kubectl -n ns-vault exec -it vault-0 -- /bin/sh
    vault secrets enable -path=internal kv-v2
    vault kv put internal/database/config username="" password="" url=""
    vault kv get internal/database/config
    vault auth enable kubernetes
    vault write auth/kubernetes/config kubernetes_host="https://$KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR:443"
    vault policy write internal-app - <<EOF
      path "internal/data/database/config" {
      capabilities = ["read"]
    vault write auth/kubernetes/role/internal-app \
      bound_service_account_names=internal-app \
      bound_service_account_namespaces=ns-backend \
      policies=internal-app \

Grafana Monitoring Setup

  • Prometheus and Grafana stack can be setup on GKE cluster but for this project Grafana Cloud has been used for ease of operations, so the following is for reference only.
    # install prometheus community chart
    helm repo add prometheus-community
    helm repo update
    helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
    kubectl get pods
    # prometheus dashboard access
    kubectl port-forward prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 8000:9090
    # grafana dahsboard access
    kubectl get svc
    kubectl port-forward kube-prometheus-stack-1606233825-grafana-598d4d4bd6-r7pp5 8000:3000
    open http://localhost:8000/login  # user: admin, pwd: prom-operation
  • Set up Grafana Cloud monitoring for log collection
    curl -fsS | sh -s 596161 eyJrIjoiZWUyYjAyNWYyNGRiMzNhNjgwY2QwODY2MmUwNjQ4ZmRlNWFhOGEyNiIsIm4iOiJna2UgYWNjZXNzIiwiaWQiOjg1NTYwOH0= default | kubectl apply --namespace=default -f  -

Continuous Delivery

Now that infrastructure layer has been up, CI/CD pipelines can be executed to deploy microservices. Please note currently the frontend and backend microservices are exposed by individual LoadBalancer IPs, hence the connection between them is managed from ./src/config.json file in react-bpcalc-k8s repo. The backend service go-backend-k8s reads the mongo url from Vault hence no configuration is required. Once the infra layer is up and static IPs are configured, make sure the frontend-ip is assigned in ./src/config.json.

On a quick note, CI/CD pipeline triggered from feat/* branches are deployed in a rolling fashion to GKE dev cluster, whereas any changes to main branch is deployed to GKE stg cluster in a Blue/Green deployment fashion. For more details please see readme of react-bpcalc-k8s repo.


Experimental Ingress Config

# install gce ingress (controller provider by GCP) 
helm install ingress ./gke-ingress

# nginx ingress useful annotations "nginx" /$2 "true"  


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