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Blockchain Marketplace where IOT devices make energy trade decision

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Energy Exchange Platform

Allows exchange energy between the householders (peers)


Each instance of powerflow contains the following:

  1. edgex services for a powerflow instance
  2. trader service to trade and conclude a transaction
  3. blockchain service to maintain chain

Trader service

Trader service is the main service. It relates to a identity that is participitating in market.

Every trader service will run a blockchain service (each blockchain instance will act as a Ledger of transactions in the market).

Blockchain service

Blockchain is proxy for "view of market". It is a Ledger of the powerflow market.

To begin participating in the powerflow network they have to register as miner.

Blockchain service sends a request to registration server.

And Register server responds with peerlist of other blockchain holders on the network.

Then download the current state of chain from any of the fellow blockchain holder.

Register service for Blockchain

Register service keeps track of nodes in the network.

  1. Registration service Nodes in network Registration service node begins by calling /registerSelfTo api.
  2. Blockchain service Nodes in network Blockchain service sends a request "register/blockchain" to a Register service. And the register service responds with list of other nodes in the network. This act as start point of execution, for every blockchain service.

##Run details run command

go run main.go <ip> <port> <label>


go run main.go 6686 temper

How to initialze this application

  1. Run Edgex devices
  2. Run atleast one registration service
  3. For a actor in marketplace (each actor/trader controls 1 EdgeX instance)
    • a. Run a trader service
    • b. Run a blockchain service for this trader service (register req to a register service)

Setup Docker on Raspberry

curl -sSL | sh
docker run --rm hello-world

If permission error is observed, run the following options:

Option #1

sudo docker run --rm hello-world

Option #2

usermod -aG docker <your_user>

Install Python modules:

curl -o && sudo python3
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

Install vim:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim -y

Install docker-compose:

sudo pip3 install docker-compose
vim docker-compose.yml

You can add your device in docke-compose.yml file.

version: '3'
      - 5000:8000
    image: python:3.7-alpine
    command: "python -m http.server 8000"

Run the docker compose:

sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker-compose down


  1. Goland IDE environment
  2. Git
  3. EdgeX Foundary

Import Device-sdk-go

mkdir -p ~/go/src/
cd ~/go/src/
git clone
mkdir device-simple
cp -rf ./device-sdk-go/example/* ./device-simple/
cp ./device-sdk-go/Makefile ./device-simple
cp ./device-sdk-go/Version ./device-simple/
cp ./device-sdk-go/version.go ./device-simple/

Configure Device Service


import library

  1. Configure Makefile:
GOFLAGS=-ldflags "-X$(VERSION)"
$(GO) build $(GOFLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd/device-simple
  1. go.mod
GO111MODULE=on go mod init

Alternatively, the go.mod from existing SDK device can be used in simple device example, directory root on go.mod file should be updated.

Build the Project

Make file is used to build the project. Build command in the build directory is:

make build

Run the Project

Run the binery generated in the follwing directory, in this example simple-device

cd cmd
cd simple-device

Kill or Delete Opened Containers

For re-run the application, it is required to kill or delete the devices that is running in docker background to avoid panic error in docker while is running to do so, do the following:

Delete Using Postman

DELETE clocalhost:48081/api/v1/device/id/DEVICE_ID
docker container ls -a
docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq)
docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq)

while docker-compose down, we can run in with --remove-orphans

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down --remove-orphans


  1. Docker Up
  2. Make Build
  3. Run Device Simple
  4. Run Task Manager
  5. Brows HTML template
  6. Postman to run register device
  7. Postman to make decision
  8. Update Browser to update the page


Blockchain Marketplace where IOT devices make energy trade decision







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