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Anymail integrates with the Mailjet email service, using their transactional Send API (v3).

.. versionadded:: 0.11


Mailjet has released a newer v3.1 Send API, but due to mismatches between its documentation and actual behavior, Anymail has been unable to switch to it. Anymail's maintainers have reported the problems to Mailjet, and if and when they are resolved, Anymail will switch to the v3.1 API. This change should be largely transparent to your code, unless you are using Anymail's :ref:`esp_extra <mailjet-esp-extra>` feature to set API-specific options.



To use Anymail's Mailjet backend, set:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "anymail.backends.mailjet.EmailBackend"

in your



Your Mailjet API key and secret key, from your Mailjet account REST API settings under API Key Management. (Mailjet's documentation also sometimes uses "API private key" to mean the same thing as "secret key.")

    "MAILJET_API_KEY": "<your API key>",
    "MAILJET_SECRET_KEY": "<your API secret>",

You can use either a master or sub-account API key.

Anymail will also look for MAILJET_API_KEY and MAILJET_SECRET_KEY at the root of the settings file if neither ANYMAIL["MAILJET_API_KEY"] nor ANYMAIL_MAILJET_API_KEY is set.



The base url for calling the Mailjet API.

The default is MAILJET_API_URL = "" (It's unlikely you would need to change this. This setting cannot be used to opt into a newer API version; the parameters are not backwards compatible.)

esp_extra support

To use Mailjet features not directly supported by Anymail, you can set a message's :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.esp_extra` to a dict of Mailjet's Send API json properties. Your :attr:`esp_extra` dict will be merged into the parameters Anymail has constructed for the send, with esp_extra having precedence in conflicts.


Any esp_extra settings will need to be updated when Anymail changes to use Mailjet's upcoming v3.1 API. (See :ref:`note above <mailjet-v31-api>`.)


message.esp_extra = {
    # Mailjet v3.0 Send API options:
    "Mj-prio": 3,  # Use Mailjet critically-high priority queue
    "Mj-CustomID": my_event_tracking_id,

(You can also set "esp_extra" in Anymail's :ref:`global send defaults <send-defaults>` to apply it to all messages.)

Limitations and quirks

Single tag
Anymail uses Mailjet's campaign option for tags, and Mailjet allows only a single campaign per message. If your message has two or more :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.tags`, you'll get an :exc:`~anymail.exceptions.AnymailUnsupportedFeature` error---or if you've enabled :setting:`ANYMAIL_IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES`, Anymail will use only the first tag.
No delayed sending
Mailjet does not support :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.send_at`.
Envelope sender may require approval
Anymail passes :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.envelope_sender` to Mailjet, but this may result in an API error if you have not received special approval from Mailjet support to use custom senders.
Commas in recipient names

Mailjet's v3 API does not properly handle commas in recipient display-names. (Tested July, 2017, and confirmed with Mailjet API support.)

If your message would be affected, Anymail attempts to work around the problem by switching to MIME encoded-word syntax where needed.

Most modern email clients should support this syntax, but if you run into issues, you might want to strip commas from all recipient names (in to, cc, and bcc) before sending.

(This should be resolved in a future release when Anymail :ref:`switches <mailjet-v31-api>` to Mailjet's upcoming v3.1 API.)

.. versionchanged:: 6.0

  Earlier versions of Anymail were unable to mix ``cc`` or ``bcc`` fields
  and :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_data` in the same Mailjet message.
  This limitation was removed in Anymail 6.0.

Batch sending/merge and ESP templates

Mailjet offers both :ref:`ESP stored templates <esp-stored-templates>` and :ref:`batch sending <batch-send>` with per-recipient merge data.

You can use a Mailjet stored transactional template by setting a message's :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.template_id` to the template's numeric template ID. (Not the template's name. To get the numeric template id, click on the name in your Mailjet transactional templates, then look for "Template ID" above the preview that appears.)

Supply the template merge data values with Anymail's normalized :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_data` and :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_global_data` message attributes.

message = EmailMessage(
    # omit subject and body (or set to None) to use template content
    to=["", "Bob <>"]
message.template_id = "176375"  # Mailjet numeric template id
message.from_email = None  # Use the From address stored with the template
message.merge_data = {
    '': {'name': "Alice", 'order_no': "12345"},
    '': {'name': "Bob", 'order_no': "54321"},
message.merge_global_data = {
    'ship_date': "May 15",

Any from_email in your EmailMessage will override the template's default sender address. To use the template's sender, you must explicitly set from_email = None after creating the EmailMessage, as shown above. (If you omit this, Django's default :setting:`DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL` will be used.)

Instead of creating a stored template at Mailjet, you can also refer to merge fields directly in an EmailMessage's body---the message itself is used as an on-the-fly template:

message = EmailMessage(
    to=["", "Bob <>"],
    subject="Your order has shipped",  # subject doesn't support on-the-fly merge fields
    # Use [[var:FIELD]] to for on-the-fly merge into plaintext or html body:
    body="Dear [[var:name]]: Your order [[var:order_no]] shipped on [[var:ship_date]]."
message.merge_data = {
    '': {'name': "Alice", 'order_no': "12345"},
    '': {'name': "Bob", 'order_no': "54321"},
message.merge_global_data = {
    'ship_date': "May 15",

(Note that on-the-fly templates use square brackets to indicate "personalization" merge fields, rather than the curly brackets used with stored templates in Mailjet's template language.)

See Mailjet's template documentation and template language docs for more information.

Status tracking webhooks

If you are using Anymail's normalized :ref:`status tracking <event-tracking>`, enter the url in your Mailjet account REST API settings under Event tracking (triggers):


Be sure to enter the URL in the Mailjet settings for all the event types you want to receive. It's also recommended to select the "group events" checkbox for each trigger, to minimize your server load.

Mailjet will report these Anymail :attr:`~anymail.signals.AnymailTrackingEvent.event_type`s: rejected, bounced, deferred, delivered, opened, clicked, complained, unsubscribed.

The event's :attr:`~anymail.signals.AnymailTrackingEvent.esp_event` field will be a dict of Mailjet event fields, for a single event. (Although Mailjet calls webhooks with batches of events, Anymail will invoke your signal receiver separately for each event in the batch.)

Inbound webhook

If you want to receive email from Mailjet through Anymail's normalized :ref:`inbound <inbound>` handling, follow Mailjet's Parse API inbound emails guide to set up Anymail's inbound webhook.

The parseroute Url parameter will be:


Once you've done Mailjet's "basic setup" to configure the Parse API webhook, you can skip ahead to the "use your own domain" section of their guide. (Anymail normalizes the inbound event for you, so you won't need to worry about Mailjet's event and attachment formats.)