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Anymail integrates with the Postmark transactional email service, using their HTTP email API.



To use Anymail's Postmark backend, set:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "anymail.backends.postmark.EmailBackend"

in your



Required. A Postmark server token.

    "POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN": "<your server token>",

Anymail will also look for POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN at the root of the settings file if neither ANYMAIL["POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN"] nor ANYMAIL_POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN is set.

You can override the server token for an individual message in its :ref:`esp_extra <postmark-esp-extra>`.



The base url for calling the Postmark API.

The default is POSTMARK_API_URL = "" (It's unlikely you would need to change this.)

esp_extra support

To use Postmark features not directly supported by Anymail, you can set a message's :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.esp_extra` to a dict that will be merged into the json sent to Postmark's email API.


message.esp_extra = {
    'HypotheticalFuturePostmarkParam': '2022',  # merged into send params
    'server_token': '<API server token for just this message>',

(You can also set "esp_extra" in Anymail's :ref:`global send defaults <send-defaults>` to apply it to all messages.)

Limitations and quirks

Postmark does not support a few tracking and reporting additions offered by other ESPs.

Anymail normally raises an :exc:`~anymail.exceptions.AnymailUnsupportedFeature` error when you try to send a message using features that Postmark doesn't support You can tell Anymail to suppress these errors and send the messages anyway -- see :ref:`unsupported-features`.

Single tag
Postmark allows a maximum of one tag per message. If your message has two or more :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.tags`, you'll get an :exc:`~anymail.exceptions.AnymailUnsupportedFeature` error---or if you've enabled :setting:`ANYMAIL_IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES`, Anymail will use only the first tag.
No delayed sending
Postmark does not support :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.send_at`.

Postmark supports several link-tracking options. Anymail treats :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.track_clicks` as Postmark's "HtmlAndText" option when True.

If you would prefer Postmark's "HtmlOnly" or "TextOnly" link-tracking, you could either set that as a Postmark server-level default (and use message.track_clicks = False to disable tracking for specific messages), or use something like message.esp_extra = {'TrackLinks': "HtmlOnly"} to specify a particular option.

No envelope sender overrides
Postmark does not support overriding :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.envelope_sender` on individual messages. (You can configure custom return paths for each sending domain in the Postmark control panel.)

Batch sending/merge and ESP templates

Postmark offers both :ref:`ESP stored templates <esp-stored-templates>` and :ref:`batch sending <batch-send>` with per-recipient merge data.

.. versionchanged:: 4.2

    Added Postmark :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_data` and batch sending
    support. (Earlier Anymail releases only supported
    :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_global_data` with Postmark.)

To use a Postmark template, set the message's :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.template_id` to either the numeric Postmark "TemplateID" or its string "TemplateAlias" (which is not the template's name). You can find a template's numeric id near the top right in Postmark's template editor, and set the alias near the top right above the name.

.. versionchanged:: 5.0

    Earlier Anymail releases only allowed numeric template IDs.

Supply the Postmark "TemplateModel" variables using Anymail's normalized :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_data` and :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_global_data` message attributes:

message = EmailMessage(
    # (subject and body come from the template, so don't include those)
    to=["", "Bob <>"]
message.template_id = 80801  # Postmark template id or alias
message.merge_data = {
    '': {'name': "Alice", 'order_no': "12345"},
    '': {'name': "Bob", 'order_no': "54321"},
message.merge_global_data = {
    'ship_date': "May 15",

Postmark does not allow overriding the message's subject or body with a template. (You can customize the subject by including variables in the template's subject.)

When you supply per-recipient :attr:`~anymail.message.AnymailMessage.merge_data`, Anymail automatically switches to Postmark's batch send API, so that each "to" recipient sees only their own email address. (Any cc's or bcc's will be duplicated for every to-recipient.)

If you want to use batch sending with a regular message (without a template), set merge data to an empty dict: message.merge_data = {}.

See this Postmark blog post on templates for more information.

Status tracking webhooks

If you are using Anymail's normalized :ref:`status tracking <event-tracking>`, set up a webhook in your Postmark account settings, under Servers > your server name > Settings > Webhooks. The webhook URL is:


Choose all the event types you want to receive. Anymail doesn't care about the "include messsage content" and "post only on first open" options; whether to use them is your choice.

If you use multiple Postmark servers, you'll need to repeat entering the webhook settings for each of them.

Postmark will report these Anymail :attr:`~anymail.signals.AnymailTrackingEvent.event_type`s: rejected, failed, bounced, deferred, delivered, autoresponded, opened, clicked, complained, unsubscribed, subscribed. (Postmark does not support sent--what it calls "processed"--events through webhooks.)

The event's :attr:`~anymail.signals.AnymailTrackingEvent.esp_event` field will be a dict of Postmark delivery, bounce, spam-complaint, open-tracking, or click data.

Inbound webhook

If you want to receive email from Postmark through Anymail's normalized :ref:`inbound <inbound>` handling, follow Postmark's Inbound Processing guide to configure an inbound server pointing to Anymail's inbound webhook.

The InboundHookUrl setting will be:


Anymail handles the "parse an email" part of Postmark's instructions for you, but you'll likely want to work through the other sections to set up a custom inbound domain, and perhaps configure inbound spam blocking.