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ทดสอบ Go-Lang กับ API ของ Omise

Welcome to Revel

A high-productivity web framework for the Go language.

Reproducible Installations

Install the dependencies and revisions listed in the lock file into the vendor directory. If no lock file exists an update is run.

$ glide install


docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/go/src/omise-go -w /go/src/omise-go instrumentisto/glide install

Start the web server:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Go to http://localhost:9000/ and you'll see:

Username Password
admin password

alt text

Code Layout

The directory structure of a generated Revel application:

conf/             Configuration directory
    app.conf      Main app configuration file
    routes        Routes definition file

app/              App sources
    init.go       Interceptor registration
    controllers/  App controllers go here
    views/        Templates directory
    models/       Type Struct

messages/         Message files

public/           Public static assets
    css/          CSS files
    js/           Javascript files
    images/       Image files

tests/            Test suites

