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List of operators where EagerFutureStream batches results

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

In some cases you can use xxxxFutures operators instead on the EagerFutureStream as a direct equivalent. Alternatively you can convert into a LazyFutureStream for the duration of the operation.e.g

                   .convertToEagerStream()  //batching occurs here
                   . continue processing
  • limit : see limitFutures
  • skip : see skipFutures
  • slice : see sliceFutures
  • zip : see zipFutures
  • zipWithIndex : see zipFuturesWithIndex
  • duplicate : see duplicateFutures
  • scanLeft
  • scanRight
  • reverse : coming soon reverseFutures
  • shuffle
  • skipWhile
  • skipUntil
  • limitWhile
  • intersperse
  • distinct
  • partition
  • splitAt : see splitAtFutures
  • combineLatest
  • withLatest
  • batchXXX / jitter/ fixedDelay / onePer /xPer : coming soon - batchXXXX won't rely on batching EFS results (more efficient)
  • shard
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