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Merge pull request #77 from yoavrubin/master
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MichaelDiBernardo committed Aug 12, 2014
2 parents 1302b94 + 8e5b171 commit ccaeedf
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Showing 3 changed files with 78 additions and 74 deletions.
18 changes: 5 additions & 13 deletions functionalDB/src/fdb/core.clj
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[db f txs] (f db txs))

(defmacro what-if [db & txs] `(_transact ~db _what-if ~@txs))

(defmacro transact [db-conn & txs] `(_transact ~db-conn swap! ~@txs))

(defmacro q
"querying the database using datalog queries built in a map structure ({:find [variables*] :where [ [e a v]* ]}). (after the where there are clauses)
At the moment support only filtering queries, no joins is also assumed."
[db query]
`(let [query# (q-clauses ~(:where query)) ; extracting the query clauses from the query
ind# (choose-index ~db query#) ; selecting which index to use
q-res# (query-index ind# query#) ; actually quering, from now on just preparing results
binded-res# (bind-variables-to-query q-res# ind#) ; building a meta + real results structure
needed-vars# (symbol-col-to-set ~(:find query))] ; extracting out the needed to be reported variables
(map (partial locate-vars-in-query-res needed-vars# ) binded-res#))) ; picking the needed variables from the query result
`(let [pred-clauses# (q-clauses-to-pred-clauses ~(:where query)) ; transforming the clauses of the query to an internal representation structure called query-clauses
needed-vars# (symbol-col-to-set ~(:find query)) ; extracting from the query the variables that needs to be reported out as a set
query-plan# (build-query-plan pred-clauses#) ; extracting a query plan based on the query-clauses
query-internal-res# (query-plan# ~db)] ;executing the plan on the database
(unify query-internal-res# needed-vars#)));unifying the query result with the needed variables to report out what the user asked for

(defn evolution-of
"The sequence of the values of an entity's attribute, as changed through time"
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(if (= -1 ts) (reverse res)
(let [attr (attr-at db ent-id attr-name ts)]
(recur (conj res {(:ts attr) (:value attr)}) (:prev-ts attr))))))

(defn db-before
"How the db was before a given timestamp"
[db ts]
(let [layer-before (subvec (:layers db) 0 ts )]
(assoc db :layers layer-before :curr-time ts)))
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions functionalDB/src/fdb/graph.clj
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filtered-map (if ref-names (select-keys ref-names all-attr-map) all-attr-map)]
(reduce into #{} (vals filtered-map))))

(defn- remove-explored [pendings explored restruct-fn]
(restruct-fn (remove #(contains? explored %) pendings)))
(defn- remove-explored [candidates explored structure-fn]
(structure-fn (remove #(contains? explored %) candidates)))

(defn- traverse [pendings explored exploring-fn ent-at restruct-fn]
(let [cleaned-pendings (remove-explored pendings explored restruct-fn)
(defn- traverse [pendings explored exploring-fn ent-at structure-fn]
(let [cleaned-pendings (remove-explored pendings explored structure-fn)
item (first cleaned-pendings)
all-next-items (exploring-fn item)
next-pends (reduce conj (restruct-fn (rest cleaned-pendings)) all-next-items)]
next-pends (reduce conj (structure-fn (rest cleaned-pendings)) all-next-items)]
(when item (cons (ent-at item)
(lazy-seq (traverse next-pends (conj explored item) exploring-fn ent-at restruct-fn))))))
(lazy-seq (traverse next-pends (conj explored item) exploring-fn ent-at structure-fn))))))

(defn traverse-db
([start-ent-id db algo direction] (traverse-db start-ent-id db algo direction (:curr-time db)))
([start-ent-id db algo direction ts]
(let [pend-struct (if (= :graph/bfs algo) vec list*)
(let [structure-fn (if (= :graph/bfs algo) vec list*)
explore-fn (if (= :graph/outgoing direction) outgoing-refs incoming-refs)]
(traverse [start-ent-id] #{} (partial explore-fn db ts) (partial entity-at db ts) pend-struct))))
(traverse [start-ent-id] #{} (partial explore-fn db ts) (partial entity-at db ts) structure-fn))))
118 changes: 65 additions & 53 deletions functionalDB/src/fdb/query.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,68 +8,52 @@
([x accept_?] ; intentionally accepts a string and implemented as function and not a macro so we'd be able to use it as a HOF
(or (and accept_? (= x "_")) (= (first x) \?))))

(defmacro clause-item-meta
(defmacro clause-term-meta
"Finds the name of the variable at an item of a datalog clause element. If no variable, returning nil"
(coll? clause-item) (first (filter variable? (map str clause-item))) ; the item is an s-expression, need to treat it as a coll, by going over it and returning the name of the variable
(variable? (str clause-item)) (str clause-item) ; the item is a simple variable
(coll? clause-term) (first (filter variable? (map str clause-term))) ; the item is an s-expression, need to treat it as a coll, by going over it and returning the name of the variable
(variable? (str clause-term)) (str clause-term) ; the item is a simple variable
:no-variable-in-clause nil)) ; the item is a value and not a variable

(defmacro clause-item-expr
(defmacro clause-term-expr
"Create a predicate for each element in the datalog clause"
(variable? (str clause-item)) #(= % %) ; simple one, was something like ?a
(not (coll? clause-item)) `#(= % ~(identity clause-item)) ; simple value given, was something like :likes
(= 2 (count clause-item)) `#(~(first clause-item) %) ; was something like (pos? ?a)
(variable? (str (second clause-item))) `#(~(first clause-item) % ~(last clause-item)) ; was something like (> ?a 42)
(variable? (str (last clause-item))) `#(~(first clause-item) ~(second clause-item) %))) ; was something like (> 42 ?a)

(defmacro q-clause
"Build from a datalog clause (a vector with three elements describing EAV) a vector of predicates that would operate on
an index, and set for that vector's metadata to be the names of the variables that the user assiged for each item in the clause"
(variable? (str clause-term)) #(= % %) ; simple one, e.g., ?a
(not (coll? clause-term)) `#(= % ~clause-term) ; simple value given, e.g., :likes
(= 2 (count clause-term)) `#(~(first clause-term) %) ; an unary predicate, e.g., (pos? ?a)
(variable? (str (second clause-term))) `#(~(first clause-term) % ~(last clause-term)) ;a binary predicate, the variable is the first argument, e.g., (> ?a 42)
(variable? (str (last clause-term))) `#(~(first clause-term) ~(second clause-term) %))) ; a binary predicate, the variable is the second argument, e.g., (> ?a 42)

(defmacro pred-clause
"Builds a predicate-clause from a query clause (a vector with three elements describing EAV). Apredicate clause is a vector of predicates that would operate on
an index, and set for that vector's metadata to be the names of the variables that the user assigned for each item in the clause"
(loop [[frst-itm# & rst-itm#] clause exprs# [] metas# [] ]
(if frst-itm#
(recur rst-itm# (conj exprs# `(clause-item-expr ~ frst-itm#)) (conj metas#`(clause-item-meta ~ frst-itm#)))
(loop [[trm# & rst-trm#] clause exprs# [] metas# [] ]
(if trm#
(recur rst-trm# (conj exprs# `(clause-term-expr ~ trm#)) (conj metas#`(clause-term-meta ~ trm#)))
(with-meta exprs# {:db/variable metas#}))))

(defmacro q-clauses
"create a vector of queries to operate on indices, based on the given vector of clauses "
(defmacro q-clauses-to-pred-clauses
"create a vector of predicate clauses to operate on indices, based on the given vector of clauses"
(loop [[frst# & rst#] clauses preds-vecs# [] ]
(if-not frst# preds-vecs#
(recur rst# `(conj ~preds-vecs# (q-clause ~frst#))) )))

(defn index-of-chaining-variable
"A chaining variable is the variable that is found on all of the query clauses"
(let [metas-seq (map #(:db/variable (meta %)) query-clauses)
collapse-seqs (fn [s1 s2] (map #(when (= %1 %2) %1) s1 s2))
collapsed (reduce collapse-seqs metas-seq)]
(first (keep-indexed #(when (variable? %2 false) %1) collapsed))))

(defn choose-index
"Upon receiving a database and query clauses, this function responsible to deduce on which index in the db it is best to perfom the query clauses, and then return
a vector in which the first element is the decided index and the second element is a function that knows how to restore an EAV structure from that decided index path structure."
[db query]
(let [var-ind (index-of-chaining-variable query)
ind-to-use (case var-ind 0 :AVET 1 :VEAT 2 :EAVT)]
(ind-at db ind-to-use)))
(recur rst# `(conj ~preds-vecs# (pred-clause ~frst#))) )))

(defn filter-index
"Function that accepts an index and a path-predicate (which is a tripet of predicates to apply on paths in an index). For each path predicates it creates a result path (a triplet
representing one path in the index) and returns a seq of result paths."
[index path-preds]
(for [ path-pred path-preds
:let [[lvl1-prd lvl2-prd lvl3-prd] (apply (from-eav index) path-pred)] ; predicates for the first and second level of the index, also keeping the path to later use its meta
[index predicate-clauses]
(for [ pred-clause predicate-clauses
:let [[lvl1-prd lvl2-prd lvl3-prd] (apply (from-eav index) pred-clause)] ; predicates for the first and second level of the index, also keeping the path to later use its meta
[k1 l2map] index ; keys and values of the first level
:when (try (lvl1-prd k1) (catch Exception e false)) ; filtering to keep only the keys and the vals of the keys that passed the first level predicate
[k2 l3-set] l2map ; keys and values of the second level
:when (try (lvl2-prd k2) (catch Exception e false)) ; filtering to keep only the keys and vals of keys that passed the second level predicate
:let [res (set (filter lvl3-prd l3-set))] ]; keep from the set at the third level only the items that passed the predicate on them
(with-meta [k1 k2 res] (meta path-pred)))) ; constructed to resemble the EAV structure, while keeping the meta of the query to use it later when extracting variables
(with-meta [k1 k2 res] (meta pred-clause)))) ; constructed to resemble the EAV structure, while keeping the meta of the query to use it later when extracting variables

(defn items-that-answer-all-conditions
"takes the sequence of all the items collection, each such collection answered one condition, we test here what are the items that answered all of the conditions
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(reduce into []) ;reduce all the vectors into one big vector
(frequencies) ; count for each item in how many collections (sets) it was in originally
(filter #(<= num-of-conditions (last %))) ; keep only the items that answered all of the conditions
(map first) ; take from the duos the items themeselves
(map first) ; take from the duos the items themselves
(set))) ; return it as set

(defn mask-path-leaf-with-items
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(apply (partial map vector) combined-data-and-meta-path))) ; returning a seq of vectors, each one is a single result with its meta

(defn bind-variables-to-query
"A function that receives the query results (seq of tripplets) and transforms each of them into a binding structure.
"A function that receives the query results (result clauses) and transforms each of them into a binding structure.
A binding structure is a map whose key is a binding pair of an entity-id, and the value is also a map, where its key is a binding pair
of an attribute, and the value is a binding pair of that found attribute's value. The symbol name in each binding pair is extracted from the trippet's metadata"
of an attribute, and the value is a binding pair of that found attribute's value. The symbol name in each binding pair is extracted from the tripet's metadata"
[q-res index]
(let [seq-res-path (mapcat (partial combine-path-and-meta (from-eav index)) q-res) ; seq-ing a result to hold the meta
res-path (map #(->> %1 (partition 2)(apply (to-eav index))) seq-res-path)] ; making binding pairs
(reduce #(assoc-in %1 (butlast %2) (last %2)) {} res-path))) ; structuring the pairs into the wanted binding structure

(defn query-index
"Quering an index based a seq of path predicates. A path predicate is composed of 3 predicates, each one to operate on a different level of the index. Querying an index with
a specific path-pred returns a result-path. We then take all the result paths, find within them the last-level-items that are found in all the result-paths, and return the result paths, each contains
only the last-level-items that are part of all the result-paths."
[index path-preds]
(let [result-paths (filter-index index path-preds) ; the paths (vectors) from the root of the index to the leaves (a leaf of an index is a set) where each path fulfils one predicate path
relevant-items (items-that-answer-all-conditions (map last result-paths) (count path-preds)) ; the set of elements, each answers all the pred-paths
cleaned-paths (map (partial mask-path-leaf-with-items relevant-items) result-paths)] ; the paths, now their leaves are filtered to have only the items that fulfilled the predicates
(filter #(not-empty (last %)) cleaned-paths))) ; of these, we'll build a subset-path of the index that contains the paths to the leaves (sets), and these leaves contain only the valid items
"Querying an index based a seq of predicate clauses. A predicate clause is composed of 3 predicates, each one to operate on a different level of the index. Querying an index with
a specific clause-pred returns a result-clause. We then take all the result clauses, find within them the last-level-items that are found in all the result-clauses, and return the result clauses, each contains
only the last-level-items that are part of all the result-clauses."
[index pred-clauses]
(let [result-clauses (filter-index index pred-clauses) ; the predicate clauses from the root of the index to the leaves (a leaf of an index is a set)
relevant-items (items-that-answer-all-conditions (map last result-clauses) (count clause-preds)) ; the set of elements, each answers all the pred-clauses
cleaned-result-clauses (map (partial mask-path-leaf-with-items relevant-items) result-clauses)] ; the result clauses, now their leaves are filtered to have only the items that fulfilled the predicates
(filter #(not-empty (last %)) cleaned-result-clauses))) ; of these, we'll build a subset of the index that contains the clauses with the leaves (sets), and these leaves contain only the valid items

(defn single-index-query-plan
"A query plan that is based on querying a single index"
[query indx db]
(let [q-res (query-index (ind-at db indx) query)
binded-res (bind-variables-to-query q-res (ind-at db indx))]

(defn index-of-joining-variable
"A joining variable is the variable that is found on all of the query clauses"
(let [metas-seq (map #(:db/variable (meta %)) query-clauses)
collapse-seqs (fn [s1 s2] (map #(when (= %1 %2) %1) s1 s2))
collapsed (reduce collapse-seqs metas-seq)]
(first (keep-indexed #(when (variable? %2 false) %1) collapsed))))

(defn build-query-plan
"Upon receiving a database and query clauses, this function responsible to deduce on which index in the db it is best to perform the query clauses, and then return
a query plan, which is a function that accepts a database and executes the plan on it."
(let [term-ind (index-of-joining-variable query)
ind-to-use (case term-ind 0 :AVET 1 :VEAT 2 :EAVT)]
(partial single-index-query-plan query ind-to-use)))

(defn resultify-bind-pair
"A bind pair is composed of two elements - the variable name and its value. Resultifying means to check whether the variable is suppose to be part of the
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[vars-set q-res]
(let [[e-pair av-map] q-res
e-res (resultify-bind-pair vars-set [] e-pair )]
(reduce (partial resultify-av-pair vars-set) e-res av-map)))
(map (partial resultify-av-pair vars-set e-res) av-map)))

(defn unify
"Unifying the binded query results with variables to report"
[binded-res-col needed-vars]
(map (partial locate-vars-in-query-res needed-vars) binded-res-col))

(defmacro symbol-col-to-set [coll] (set (map str coll)))

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