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Assignment submission system based on e-mails

Created by Anton Osokin.


This system is a very basic script (Python 3.7) that runs on a server machine (the only requirement is Internet connection), checks e-mails, downloads solutions, checks and grades the solutions. The system currently does not run the code provided by students, but only checks solutions on the tests submitted in the text files. I used this system for assignments of the two types: get the unique correct answer and optimize a function as well as you can.

Main properties of the system:

  1. An assignment consists of a fixed number of tests. The tests have to be provided to the students. The system only checks solutions to the provided tests.

  2. Students submit their solutions to the course e-mail. Solutions to the tests of the assignment are attached as text files, ZIP, or RAR archives.

  3. One instance of the system supports one assignment.

  4. E-mail is the primary identifier of each student in the system. One student can have multiple e-mails, but only the first one is the primary identifier.

  5. All students should be manually registered to the system (see student_list.csv file). If the system receives an e-mail from an unregistered e-mail it sends a message to the supervisor e-mail.

  6. The score of the students are saved in a text file. I recommend to put this file under version control, not to loose scores. The file can be manually edited to make discounts for very important reasons students come up with.


The goal of writing these scripts was to make something very simple with almost no dependencies. As a result, the only requirement is a Python 3.7 distribution (I used Anaconda) with almost no extra packages.

  1. Setup the course e-mail on GMAIL, create a special label for the task, create a filter that puts e-mails with a subject marker given to students under this label, allow less secure apps to access your account (I do not recommend doing this on your main e-mail), make IMAP available in the GMAIL settings.

  2. Install Anaconda suitable for your system. Optional: if you want to parse RAR archives (students like them) install package rarfile.

conda create --name assignment_server python=3.7 chardet numpy pytz
source activate assignment_server
conda install -c anjos rarfile

# for BLEU checker you need sacrebleu
pip install sacrebleu==1.4.2

# for leaderboard in Google Spreadsheet (from here:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
  1. Get the scripts:
git clone
cd assignment_checker
  1. Create the configuration file task.cfg.

  2. Run the system:

python task.cfg

Configuration files

The main configuration file contains all information about the assignment. See the task.cfg for an example of an optimization task and task_bleu_checker.cfg for an example of using BLEU, public/private data and leaderboard.

Format for student_list_file(each line corresponds to one student, each student can have multiple e-mails, the first e-mail is the primary identifier):


Format for student_score_file (each line corresponds to one student, number of tests can vary):,timestamp,full_score,delay_penalty,test1_score,test2_score,test3_score,test4_score,test5_score,test6_score,...

If using the leaderboard:,timestamp,full_score,delay_penalty,test1_score,test2_score,...,test1_leaderboard_score,test2_leaderboard_score,...

If using public/private data on top:,timestamp,full_score,delay_penalty,test1_score,test2_score,...,test1_leaderboard_public_score,test2_leaderboard_public_score,...,test1_leaderboard_private_score,test2_leaderboard_private_score,...

Assignment checkers

A critical component the the system is a checker to actually check solutions submitted by students. I've used the system for the assignments of two types: correct answer is exact and unique, a task is an optimization problem and a solution is graded based on the achieved objective (and feasibility, of course).

  1. For the exact match tasks, script checkers/ should do fine. The test data file can replaced by a placeholder. the only internal parameter COMPARISON_ACCURACY sets the comparison accuracy.

  2. For the optimization tasks, you'll need to code a bit. In particular, you'll need to implement the computation of the function value. As examples, see script checkers/ for a task on the knapsack problem and checkers/ for a task on TSP.

  3. For measuring BLEU, please check out checkers/ If you want to use public/private data splits, please see task_bleu_checker.cfg for examples of how to set this up.


The code is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details), so use in any way you like at your own risk.


A simple assignment submission system based on e-mails







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