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Hi, my name is Alberto Otero 👋🏻, and I'm a:

  • 💻 Software Engineer
  • 🤖 Automation Specialist
  • 🚀 Kubernetes Enthusiast
  • 🔄 CI/CD & DevOps Practitioner
  • 🐹 Golang Nerd


Automation Engineering Kubernetes Docker Helm DevOps CI/CD Go Backend Scrum Engineering Leadership Engineering Management NodeJS Python

Work experience

Member of Technical Staff III @ VMware

VMware · Full time · 2022 -Present · Fully Remote (from La Coruña, Spain)

Technical Lead: E-Racing (e-racing project) @ DEUS AI

DEUS AI · Full time · ene. 2022 - jun. 2022 · Fully Remote (from La Coruña, Spain) · More...

Golang Backend Engineer @ DEUS AI

DEUS AI · Full time · dic. 2021 - jun. 2022 · Fully Remote (from La Coruña, Spain) · More...

Automation & Release Engineer @ INDITEX Productivity and Developer Experience Team

Torusware Sofware Solutions · Full time · dic. 2021 - jun. 2022 · Fully Remote (from La Coruña, Spain) · More...

Personal Projects

Changelog Guardian (active) · (2023)

Changelog Guardian is a tool created to automate the versioning and releasing process of your artifacts, independently of the technology they use, with multiple configuration options and always following the guidelines of Semamtical Versionning and KeepAChangelog · More...

AOCryptoBot (stand-by) · (2021)

OpenSource development. Crypto-trading bot with custom parametrized strategies with well known market indicators as enter/exit signals, and algorithms with backtest and parameter calculations (tries combinations for the best steep of the indicator for a specific market giving the last past N days/periods samples), multi-strategy choose. Reached a weekly average profit of 2.5% · More...

TARS (stand-by) · (2021)

90% honesty, 100% Developer Experience. TARS is meant to be an automator with the ability to perform massive actions over git repositories. Early development status. · More...

Zennith Esports · (2020)

Web and desktop application development for an esports team, joining in-game real-time data and web services (Angualr 8 Front, PHP API, Python desktop services). · More...

PayLoBot · (2019)

Development of an automation to jump some waiting queues for specific high-volume sells (festival tickets) with anti-bot systems and cognito auth needs. Very proud of this development, since many have tried without success, with a 100% effectiveness on the sales. · More...

ComuNiBA · (2018)

Comunio based web-game mixing real NBA stats and players and virtual teams to make a basketball manager system. Django backend fully developed, but project has took aside due to lack of time and motivation. · More...

AOTEROCOM Website · (2018)

Personal website fully designed and developed from the ground with MEAN Stack and Cognito auth pools. Currently not available (down due hosting costs). Public code in Github. · More...


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering 2014-2019 · Software mention · Universidade da Coruña (DNF)

Certificate of Higher Education in Computing and IT 2010-2013 · CIFP Politécnico de Santiago de Compostela

General Certificate of Education 2007-2010 · IES Félix Muriel (Rianxo, Spain)


CKAD: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Cloud Native Computing Fundation (CNCF) (Programmed Jan 2023)

Leadership & Management / Management Essentials Harvard Bussiness School Online (In progress · Due Dec 13, 2023)

Curso de Helm Openwebinars (cert link)

Curso de Kubernetes para desarrolladores Openwebinars (cert link)

Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang) Udemy

Master gRPC with Golang Udemy

Curso de Spring Core 5 Openwebinars (cert link)

Spring Boot & Spring MVC Openwebinars (cert link)

English EF SET Certificate: C1, Advanced Level EF: Education First

Angular 6 course Openwebinars (cert link)

Angular 4 course Openwebinars (cert link)

Jenkins, Continuous Integration Openwebinars (cert link)

Git, Github y Jekyll Openwebinars (cert link)

Django course Openwebinars (cert link)

Networking TCT/IP Openwebinars (cert link)


Galician Native

Spanish Bilingual

English Advanced Level, EF SET Certificate: C1



Non-profit technology and wireless networking association that consisted of a metropolitan area network (MAN) of +100km2 with some hard software development behind from my side, from scripting in access points firmwares to a web portal where to access different data and on-premises services. We gave ISP service to a +50 associates and maintain a 97% uptime infrastructure over 9 years · More...

About myself

Versatility to face any project, and steep learning curve, as like as a recurrent idea of optimization and performance in all I do. Passionate about software engineering and dedicated and withful to mastering its intricacies.

I've created my own path into the software world, cultivating principles, best practices, diving in high-end software supply chains. With hands-on experience at VMware, I had the opportunity to consolidate all the foundations and refined practices I truly believe I had the opportunity to be raised on during my early positions at Deus AI and INDITEX.

I've been told that I should revert a blank line in my first day, and I honestly think that's the reason that I became who I am now.


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