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BookKeeper CLI tool reference

bookkeeper command

Manages bookies.

Environment variables

Environment variable Description Default
BOOKIE_LOG_CONF The Log4j configuration file. ${bookkeeperHome}/bookkeeper-server/conf/
BOOKIE_CONF The configuration file for the bookie. ${bookkeeperHome}/bookkeeper-server/conf/bk_server.conf
BOOKIE_EXTRA_CLASSPATH Extra paths to add to BookKeeper's classpath.
ENTRY_FORMATTER_CLASS The entry formatter class used to format entries.
BOOKIE_PID_DIR The directory where the bookie server PID file is stored.
BOOKIE_STOP_TIMEOUT The wait time before forcefully killing the bookie server instance if stopping it is not successful.


bookie {#bookkeeper-shell-bookie}

Starts up a bookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper bookie

localbookie {#bookkeeper-shell-localbookie}

Starts up an ensemble of N bookies in a single JVM process. Typically used for local experimentation and development.

$ bin/bookkeeper localbookie \ 

autorecovery {#bookkeeper-shell-autorecovery}

Runs the autorecovery service.

$ bin/bookkeeper autorecovery

upgrade {#bookkeeper-shell-upgrade}

Upgrades the bookie's filesystem.

$ bin/bookkeeper upgrade \ 
Flag Description
--upgrade Upgrade the filesystem.
--rollback Rollback the filesystem to a previous version.
--finalize Mark the upgrade as complete.

shell {#bookkeeper-shell-shell}

Runs the bookie's shell for admin commands.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell

help {#bookkeeper-shell-help}

Displays the help message for the bookkeeper tool.

$ bin/bookkeeper help

BookKeeper shell

autorecovery {#bookkeeper-shell-autorecovery}

Enable or disable autorecovery in the cluster.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell autorecovery \ 
Flag Description
-enable Enable autorecovery of underreplicated ledgers
-disable Disable autorecovery of underreplicated ledgers

bookieformat {#bookkeeper-shell-bookieformat}

Format the current server contents.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell bookieformat \ 
Flag Description
-nonInteractive Whether to confirm if old data exists.
-force If [nonInteractive] is specified, then whether to force delete the old data without prompt..?
-deleteCookie Delete its cookie on zookeeper

initbookie {#bookkeeper-shell-initbookie}

Initialize new bookie, by making sure that the journalDir, ledgerDirs and indexDirs are empty and there is no registered Bookie with this BookieId.

If there is data present in current bookie server, the init operation will fail. If you want to format the bookie server, use bookieformat.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell initbookie

bookieinfo {#bookkeeper-shell-bookieinfo}

Retrieve bookie info such as free and total disk space.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell bookieinfo

bookiesanity {#bookkeeper-shell-bookiesanity}

Sanity test for local bookie. Create ledger and write/read entries on the local bookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell bookiesanity \ 
Flag Description
-entries N Total entries to be added for the test (default 10)
-timeout N Timeout for write/read operations in seconds (default 1)

decommissionbookie {#bookkeeper-shell-decommissionbookie}

Force trigger the Audittask and make sure all the ledgers stored in the decommissioning bookie are replicated.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell decommissionbookie

deleteledger {#bookkeeper-shell-deleteledger}

Delete a ledger

$ bin/bookkeeper shell deleteledger \ 
Flag Description
-ledgerid N Ledger ID
-force Whether to force delete the Ledger without prompt..?

endpointinfo {#bookkeeper-shell-endpointinfo}

Get endpoints of a Bookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell endpointinfo

expandstorage {#bookkeeper-shell-expandstorage}

Add new empty ledger/index directories. Update the directories info in the conf file before running the command.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell expandstorage

help {#bookkeeper-shell-help}

Displays the help message.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell help

lastmark {#bookkeeper-shell-lastmark}

Print last log marker.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell lastmark

ledger {#bookkeeper-shell-ledger}

Dump ledger index entries into readable format.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell ledger \ 
Flag Description
-m LEDGER_ID Print meta information

ledgermetadata {#bookkeeper-shell-ledgermetadata}

Print the metadata for a ledger.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell ledgermetadata \ 
Flag Description
-ledgerid N Ledger ID

listbookies {#bookkeeper-shell-listbookies}

List the bookies, which are running as either readwrite or readonly mode.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell listbookies \ 
Flag Description
-readwrite Print readwrite bookies
-readonly Print readonly bookies
-hostnames Also print hostname of the bookie

listfilesondisc {#bookkeeper-shell-listfilesondisc}

List the files in JournalDirectory/LedgerDirectories/IndexDirectories.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell listfilesondisc \ 
Flag Description
-journal Print list of journal files
-entrylog Print list of entryLog files
-index Print list of index files

listledgers {#bookkeeper-shell-listledgers}

List all ledgers in the cluster (this may take a long time).

$ bin/bookkeeper shell listledgers \ 
Flag Description
-meta Print metadata

listunderreplicated {#bookkeeper-shell-listunderreplicated}

List ledgers marked as underreplicated, with optional options to specify missing replica (BookieId) and to exclude missing replica.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell listunderreplicated \ 
Flag Description
-missingreplica N Bookie Id of missing replica
-excludingmissingreplica N Bookie Id of missing replica to ignore
-printmissingreplica Whether to print missingreplicas list?

metaformat {#bookkeeper-shell-metaformat}

Format Bookkeeper metadata in Zookeeper. This command is deprecated since 4.7.0, in favor of using initnewcluster for initializing a new cluster and nukeexistingcluster for nuking an existing cluster.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell metaformat \ 
Flag Description
-nonInteractive Whether to confirm if old data exists..?
-force If [nonInteractive] is specified, then whether to force delete the old data without prompt.

initnewcluster {#bookkeeper-shell-initnewcluster}

Initializes a new bookkeeper cluster. If initnewcluster fails then try nuking existing cluster by running nukeexistingcluster before running initnewcluster again

$ bin/bookkeeper shell initnewcluster

nukeexistingcluster {#bookkeeper-shell-nukeexistingcluster}

Nuke bookkeeper cluster by deleting metadata

$ bin/bookkeeper shell nukeexistingcluster \ 
Flag Description
-zkledgersrootpath zookeeper ledgers rootpath
-instanceid instance id
-force If instanceid is not specified, then whether to force nuke the metadata without validating instanceid

lostbookierecoverydelay {#bookkeeper-shell-lostbookierecoverydelay}

Setter and Getter for LostBookieRecoveryDelay value (in seconds) in Zookeeper.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell lostbookierecoverydelay \ 
Flag Description
-get Get LostBookieRecoveryDelay value (in seconds)
-set N Set LostBookieRecoveryDelay value (in seconds)

readjournal {#bookkeeper-shell-readjournal}

Scan a journal file and format the entries into readable format.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell readjournal \ 
Flag Description
-dir Journal directory (needed if more than one journal configured)

readledger {#bookkeeper-shell-readledger}

Read a range of entries from a ledger.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell readledger \ 
	<ledger_id> [<start_entry_id> [<end_entry_id>]]

readlog {#bookkeeper-shell-readlog}

Scan an entry file and format the entries into readable format.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell readlog \ 
	<entry_log_id | entry_log_file_name> \ 
Flag Description
-msg Print message body
-ledgerid N Ledger ID
-entryid N Entry ID
-startpos N Start Position
-endpos End Position

recover {#bookkeeper-shell-recover}

Recover the ledger data for failed bookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell recover \ 
	<bookieSrc[,bookieSrc,...]> \ 
Flag Description
-deleteCookie Delete cookie node for the bookie.

simpletest {#bookkeeper-shell-simpletest}

Simple test to create a ledger and write entries to it.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell simpletest \ 
Flag Description
-ensemble N Ensemble size (default 3)
-writeQuorum N Write quorum size (default 2)
ackQuorum N Ack quorum size (default 2)
-numEntries N Entries to write (default 1000)

triggeraudit {#bookkeeper-shell-triggeraudit}

Force trigger the Audit by resetting the lostBookieRecoveryDelay.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell triggeraudit

updatecookie {#bookkeeper-shell-updatecookie}

Update bookie id in cookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell updatecookie \ 
Flag Description
-bookieId <hostname ip>

updateledgers {#bookkeeper-shell-updateledgers}

Update bookie id in ledgers (this may take a long time).

$ bin/bookkeeper shell updateledgers \ 
Flag Description
-bookieId <hostname ip>
-updatespersec N Number of ledgers updating per second (default 5 per sec)
-limit N Maximum number of ledgers to update (default no limit)
-verbose Print status of the ledger updation (default false)
-printprogress N Print messages on every configured seconds if verbose turned on (default 10 secs)

updateBookieInLedger {#bookkeeper-shell-updateBookieInLedger}

Replace srcBookie with destBookie in ledger metadata. (this may take a long time). Useful when Host-reip or data-migration. In that case, shutdown bookie process in src-bookie, use this command to update ledger metadata by replacing src-bookie to dest-bookie where data has been copied/moved. Start the bookie process on dest-bookie and dest-bookie will serve copied ledger data from src-bookie.

$ bin/bookkeeper shell updateBookieInLedger \ 
Flag Description
-srcBookie BOOKIE_ID Source Bookie Id
-destBookie BOOKIE_ID Destination Bookie Id
-updatespersec N Number of ledgers updating per second (default 5 per sec)
-limit N Maximum number of ledgers to update (default no limit)
-verbose Print status of the ledger updation (default false)
-printprogress N Print messages on every configured seconds if verbose turned on (default 10 secs)

whoisauditor {#bookkeeper-shell-whoisauditor}

Print the node which holds the auditor lock

$ bin/bookkeeper shell whoisauditor

whatisinstanceid {#bookkeeper-shell-whatisinstanceid}

Print the instanceid of the cluster

$ bin/bookkeeper shell whatisinstanceid

convert-to-db-storage {#bookkeeper-shell-convert-to-db-storage}

Convert bookie indexes from InterleavedStorage to DbLedgerStorage format

$ bin/bookkeeper shell convert-to-db-storage

convert-to-interleaved-storage {#bookkeeper-shell-convert-to-interleaved-storage}

Convert bookie indexes from DbLedgerStorage to InterleavedStorage format

$ bin/bookkeeper shell convert-to-interleaved-storage

rebuild-db-ledger-locations-index {#bookkeeper-shell-rebuild-db-ledger-locations-index}

Rebuild DbLedgerStorage locations index

$ bin/bookkeeper shell rebuild-db-ledger-locations-index