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jcamachor committed Sep 17, 2016
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Apache Calcite release 1.8.0
Apache Calcite release 1.9.0

This is a source or binary distribution of Apache Calcite.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pom.xml
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<!-- This list is in alphabetical order. -->
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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions site/_docs/
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,154 @@ For a full list of releases, see
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[downloads page]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/).

## <a href="">1.9.0</a> / 2016-09-16
{: #v1-9-0}

This release includes extensions and fixes for the Druid adapter. New features were
added, such as the capability to
<a href="">recognize and translate Timeseries and TopN Druid queries</a>.
Moreover, this release contains multiple bug fixes over the initial implementation of the
adapter. It is worth mentioning that most of these fixes were contributed by Druid developers,
which demonstrates the good reception of the adapter by that community.

We have added new SQL features too, e.g.,
<a href="">support for `LATERAL TABLE`</a>.
There are multiple interesting extensions to the planner rules that should contribute to
obtain better plans, such as
<a href="">avoiding doing the same join twice</a>
in the presence of `COUNT DISTINCT`, or being able to
<a href="">simplify the expressions</a>
in the plan further. In addition, we implemented a rule to
<a href="">convert predicates on `EXTRACT` function calls into date ranges</a>.
The rule is not specific to Druid; however, in principle, it will be useful to identify
filter conditions on the time dimension of Druid data sources.

Finally, the release includes more than thirty bug-fixes, minor enhancements and internal
changes to planner rules and APIs.

Compatibility: This release is tested
on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows;
using Oracle JDK 1.7, 1.8;
Guava versions 14.0 to 19.0;
other software versions as specified in `pom.xml`.

New Feature

* [<a href="">CALCITE-1208</a>]
Improve two-level column structure handling
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1227</a>]
Add streaming CSV table (Zhen Wang)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1309</a>]
Support `LATERAL TABLE` (Jark Wu)

Druid adapter

* [<a href="">CALCITE-1292</a>]
Druid metadata query is very slow (Michael Spector)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1324</a>]
Druid metadata query throws exception if there are non-standard aggregators (Martin Karlsch)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1343</a>]
Broken Druid query
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1348</a>]
In Druid adapter, adjust how `SegmentMetadataQuery` is used to detect types (Gian Merlino)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1357</a>]
Recognize Druid `Timeseries` and `TopN` queries in `DruidQuery`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1358</a>]
Push filters on time dimension to Druid

Planner rules

* [<a href="">CALCITE-1220</a>]
Further extend simplify for reducing expressions
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1288</a>]
Avoid doing the same join twice if count(distinct) exists (Gautam Parai)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1289</a>]
`RexUtil.simplifyCase()` should account for nullability
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1290</a>]
When converting to CNF, fail if the expression size exceeds a threshold
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1334</a>]
Convert predicates on `EXTRACT` function calls into date ranges
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1342</a>]
`ProjectPusher` should use rel factories when creating new rels, e.g. project/filter
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1365</a>]
Introduce `UnionPullUpConstantsRule`

Bug fixes, API changes and minor enhancements

* [<a href="">CALCITE-30</a>]
Implement `Statement.cancel` method
* [<a href="">CALCITE-308</a>]
Wrong result when using `DATE`+`INTERVAL` arithmetics
* [<a href="">CALCITE-319</a>]
Table aliases should follow case-sensitivity policy
* [<a href="">CALCITE-528</a>]
Creating output row type of a Join does not obey case-sensitivity flags
* [<a href="">CALCITE-991</a>]
Create separate `SqlFunctionCategory` values for table functions and macros (Julien Le Dem)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1043</a>]
`RexOptUtil` does not support function table other than `SqlStdOperatorTable`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1095</a>]
`NOT` precedence
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1148</a>]
Trait conversion broken for `RelTraits` other than `Convention`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1278</a>]
CalciteSignature's ColumnMetaData for `DELETE` should be same as `INSERT`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1283</a>]
Nullability incorrectly assigned in `SqlTypeFactory.leastRestrictiveSqlType()`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1284</a>]
Move `Quidem` tests from `JdbcTest` into their own class
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1297</a>]
`RelBuilder` should rename fields without creating an identity Project (Jark Wu)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1302</a>]
Create `SqlTypeName` values for each interval range, e.g. `YEAR_MONTH`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1305</a>]
Case-insensitive table aliases and `GROUP BY`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1310</a>]
Infer type of arguments to `BETWEEN` operator (Yiming Liu)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1312</a>]
Return type of `TIMESTAMP_ADD` applied to a `DATE` should be `TIMESTAMP` if unit is smaller than `DAY`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1313</a>]
Validator should derive type of expression in `ORDER BY`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1314</a>]
Intermittent failure in `SqlParserTest.testGenerateKeyWords`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1321</a>]
In-list to join optimization should have configurable in-list size (Gautam Parai)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1327</a>]
Nested aggregate windowed query fails (Gautam Parai)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1330</a>]
DB2 does not support character sets in data type
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1332</a>]
JDBC adapter for DB2 should always use aliases for tables: `x.y.z AS z`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1333</a>]
`AggFunctions` supported by `JdbcAggregate` should depend on `SqlKind`, instead of operator instance
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1336</a>]
Add view name to the `ViewExpander` (Julien Le Dem)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1337</a>]
Lazy evaluate `RexCall` digests (Ted Xu)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1340</a>]
Window aggregates invalid error/error messages in some cases (Gautam Parai)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1344</a>]
Incorrect inferred precision when `BigDecimal` value is less than 1
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1346</a>]
Invalid nested window aggregate query with alias (Gautam Parai)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1360</a>]
Custom schema in file in current directory gives `NullPointerException`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1366</a>]
Metadata provider should not pull predicates up through `GROUP BY`
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1370</a>]
In `SqlKind`, add `OTHER_DDL` to `DDL` enum set (Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla)
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1372</a>]
Calcite generate wrong field names in JDBC adapter

Web site and documentation

* [<a href="">CALCITE-1229</a>]
Restore API and Test API links to site
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1325</a>]
Druid adapter requires Guava 14.0 or higher
* [<a href="">CALCITE-1329</a>]
As part of release, generate a file containing multiple digests

## <a href="">1.8.0</a> / 2016-06-13
{: #v1-8-0}

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions site/_docs/
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Unpack the source distribution `.tar.gz` or `.zip` file,
then build using maven:

{% highlight bash %}
$ tar xvfz calcite-1.8.0-source.tar.gz
$ cd calcite-1.8.0
$ tar xvfz calcite-1.9.0-source.tar.gz
$ cd calcite-1.9.0
$ mvn install
{% endhighlight %}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,8 +575,8 @@ svn ci
git tag

# If the tag exists, delete it locally and remotely
git tag -d apache-calcite-X.Y.Z
git push origin :refs/tags/apache-calcite-X.Y.Z
git tag -d calcite-X.Y.Z
git push origin :refs/tags/calcite-X.Y.Z

# Remove modified files
mvn release:clean
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