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[CARBONDATA-3336] Support configurable decode for loading binary data…
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…, support base64 and Hex decode.

Support configurable decode for loading binary data, support base64 and Hex decode.
1. support configurable decode for loading
2. test datamap: mv, preaggregate, timeseries, bloomfilter, lucene
3. test datamap and configurable decode

Default non decoder for loading binary data, this PR support base64 and hex decoder

This closes #3188
  • Loading branch information
xubo245 authored and kumarvishal09 committed May 30, 2019
1 parent d733af7 commit 3dda02d
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Expand Up @@ -172,4 +172,17 @@ public final class CarbonLoadOptionConstants {


* carbon binary decoder when writing string data to binary, like decode base64, Hex
public static final String CARBON_OPTIONS_BINARY_DECODER = "carbon.binary.decoder";

public static final String CARBON_OPTIONS_BINARY_DECODER_DEFAULT = "";

public static final String CARBON_OPTIONS_BINARY_DECODER_BASE64 = "base64";

public static final String CARBON_OPTIONS_BINARY_DECODER_HEX = "hex";

Expand Up @@ -970,6 +970,65 @@ class MVCreateTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {

test("test binary on mv") {
val querySQL = "select x19,x20,sum(x18) from all_table group by x19, x20"
val querySQL2 = "select x19,x20,sum(x18) from all_table where x20=cast('binary2' as binary ) group by x19, x20"

sql("drop datamap if exists all_table_mv")
sql("drop table if exists all_table")

| create table all_table(x1 bigint,x2 bigint,
| x3 string,x4 bigint,x5 bigint,x6 int,x7 string,x8 int, x9 int,x10 bigint,
| x11 bigint, x12 bigint,x13 bigint,x14 bigint,x15 bigint,x16 bigint,
| x17 bigint,x18 bigint,x19 bigint,x20 binary) stored by 'carbondata'""".stripMargin)
sql("insert into all_table select 1,1,null,1,1,1,null,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,'binary1'")
sql("insert into all_table select 1,1,null,1,1,1,null,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,12,2,'binary2'")
sql("insert into all_table select 1,1,null,1,1,1,null,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,'binary2'")

sql("create datamap all_table_mv on table all_table using 'mv' as " + querySQL)
sql("rebuild datamap all_table_mv")

var frame = sql(querySQL)
var analyzed = frame.queryExecution.analyzed
assert(verifyMVDataMap(analyzed, "all_table_mv"))
assert(2 == frame.collect().size)
frame.collect().foreach { each =>
if (1 == each.get(0)) {
assert("binary1".equals(new String(each.getAs[Array[Byte]](1))))
assert(1 == each.get(2))
} else if (2 == each.get(0)) {
assert("binary2".equals(new String(each.getAs[Array[Byte]](1))))
assert(13 == each.get(2))
} else {

frame = sql(querySQL2)
analyzed = frame.queryExecution.analyzed
assert(verifyMVDataMap(analyzed, "all_table_mv"))
assert(1 == frame.collect().size)
frame.collect().foreach { each =>
if (2 == each.get(0)) {
assert("binary2".equals(new String(each.getAs[Array[Byte]](1))))
assert(13 == each.get(2))
} else {

sql("drop table if exists all_table")

def verifyMVDataMap(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, dataMapName: String): Boolean = {
val tables = logicalPlan collect {
case l: LogicalRelation => l.catalogTable.get
tables.exists(_.identifier.table.equalsIgnoreCase(dataMapName + "_table"))

def drop(): Unit = {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS fact_table1")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS fact_table2")
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