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[KYUUBI #6321] Support to get Spark Kubernetes app URL
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# 馃攳 Description
## Issue References 馃敆

Now for kubernetes application, there is no runtime AppURL return in the application report.

In fact, we can get the driver svc and get the spark-ui port, then build the Spark UI URL same with that of spark.

Service Selector example:
    kyuubi-unique-tag: bf5fa281-0b2f-4096-aa0a-13a463c147a6
    spark-app-selector: spark-bf074093a7994954a89101eb2831bd1e
## Describe Your Solution 馃敡

Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for this change.

## Types of changes 馃敄

- [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)

## Test Plan 馃И

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# Checklist 馃摑

- [ ] This patch was not authored or co-authored using [Generative Tooling](

**Be nice. Be informative.**

Closes #6318 from turboFei/k8s_spark_ui.

Closes #6321

f77999e [Wang, Fei] with label selector does not work
4e8d576 [Wang, Fei] typo
3f1eb54 [Wang, Fei] comments
6f0d01d [Wang, Fei] ut
9edfde0 [Wang, Fei] ut
65d5e81 [Wang, Fei] using pattern
9b21d30 [Wang, Fei] Support to get kubernetes app url

Authored-by: Wang, Fei <>
Signed-off-by: Wang, Fei <>
  • Loading branch information
turboFei committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent 26fe59d commit 90491fc
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Expand Up @@ -339,26 +339,27 @@ You can configure the Kyuubi properties in `$KYUUBI_HOME/conf/

### Kubernetes

| Key | Default | Meaning | Type | Since |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.container | spark-kubernetes-driver | The container name to retrieve the application state from. | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.source | POD | The source to retrieve the application state from. The valid values are pod and container. If the source is container and there is container inside the pod with the name of kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.container, the application state will be from the matched container state. Otherwise, the application state will be from the pod state. | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.caCertFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the CA cert file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.clientCertFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the client cert file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.clientKeyFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the client key file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.oauthToken | &lt;undefined&gt; | The OAuth token to use when authenticating against the Kubernetes API server. Note that unlike, the other authentication options, this must be the exact string value of the token to use for the authentication. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.oauthTokenFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the file containing the OAuth token to use when authenticating against the Kubernetes API server. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.context | &lt;undefined&gt; | The desired context from your kubernetes config file used to configure the K8s client for interacting with the cluster. | string | 1.6.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.context.allow.list || The allowed kubernetes context list, if it is empty, there is no kubernetes context limitation. | set | 1.8.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.master.address | &lt;undefined&gt; | The internal Kubernetes master (API server) address to be used for kyuubi. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.namespace | default | The namespace that will be used for running the kyuubi pods and find engines. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.namespace.allow.list || The allowed kubernetes namespace list, if it is empty, there is no kubernetes namespace limitation. | set | 1.8.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.cleanupTerminatedDriverPod.checkInterval | PT1M | Kyuubi server use guava cache as the cleanup trigger with time-based eviction, but the eviction would not happened until any get/put operation happened. This option schedule a daemon thread evict cache periodically. | duration | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.cleanupTerminatedDriverPod.kind | NONE | Kyuubi server will delete the spark driver pod after the application terminates for kyuubi.kubernetes.terminatedApplicationRetainPeriod. Available options are NONE, ALL, COMPLETED and default value is None which means none of the pod will be deleted | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.forciblyRewriteDriverPodName.enabled | false | Whether to forcibly rewrite Spark driver pod name with 'kyuubi-<uuid>-driver'. If disabled, Kyuubi will try to preserve the application name while satisfying K8s' pod name policy, but some vendors may have stricter pod name policies, thus the generated name may become illegal. | boolean | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.forciblyRewriteExecutorPodNamePrefix.enabled | false | Whether to forcibly rewrite Spark executor pod name prefix with 'kyuubi-<uuid>'. If disabled, Kyuubi will try to preserve the application name while satisfying K8s' pod name policy, but some vendors may have stricter Pod name policies, thus the generated name may become illegal. | boolean | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.terminatedApplicationRetainPeriod | PT5M | The period for which the Kyuubi server retains application information after the application terminates. | duration | 1.7.1 |
| | false | If set to true then client can submit to kubernetes cluster only with token | boolean | 1.7.0 |
| Key | Default | Meaning | Type | Since |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.container | spark-kubernetes-driver | The container name to retrieve the application state from. | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.source | POD | The source to retrieve the application state from. The valid values are pod and container. If the source is container and there is container inside the pod with the name of kyuubi.kubernetes.application.state.container, the application state will be from the matched container state. Otherwise, the application state will be from the pod state. | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.caCertFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the CA cert file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.clientCertFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the client cert file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.clientKeyFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the client key file for connecting to the Kubernetes API server over TLS from the kyuubi. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.oauthToken | &lt;undefined&gt; | The OAuth token to use when authenticating against the Kubernetes API server. Note that unlike, the other authentication options, this must be the exact string value of the token to use for the authentication. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.authenticate.oauthTokenFile | &lt;undefined&gt; | Path to the file containing the OAuth token to use when authenticating against the Kubernetes API server. Specify this as a path as opposed to a URI (i.e. do not provide a scheme) | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.context | &lt;undefined&gt; | The desired context from your kubernetes config file used to configure the K8s client for interacting with the cluster. | string | 1.6.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.context.allow.list || The allowed kubernetes context list, if it is empty, there is no kubernetes context limitation. | set | 1.8.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.master.address | &lt;undefined&gt; | The internal Kubernetes master (API server) address to be used for kyuubi. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.namespace | default | The namespace that will be used for running the kyuubi pods and find engines. | string | 1.7.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.namespace.allow.list || The allowed kubernetes namespace list, if it is empty, there is no kubernetes namespace limitation. | set | 1.8.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.appUrlPattern | http://{{SPARK_DRIVER_SVC}}.{{KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}}.svc:{{SPARK_UI_PORT}} | The pattern to generate the spark on kubernetes application UI URL. The pattern should contain placeholders for the application variables. Available placeholders are `{{SPARK_APP_ID}}`, `{{SPARK_DRIVER_SVC}}`, `{{KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}}`, `{{KUBERNETES_CONTEXT}}` and `{{SPARK_UI_PORT}}`. | string | 1.10.0 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.cleanupTerminatedDriverPod.checkInterval | PT1M | Kyuubi server use guava cache as the cleanup trigger with time-based eviction, but the eviction would not happened until any get/put operation happened. This option schedule a daemon thread evict cache periodically. | duration | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.cleanupTerminatedDriverPod.kind | NONE | Kyuubi server will delete the spark driver pod after the application terminates for kyuubi.kubernetes.terminatedApplicationRetainPeriod. Available options are NONE, ALL, COMPLETED and default value is None which means none of the pod will be deleted | string | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.forciblyRewriteDriverPodName.enabled | false | Whether to forcibly rewrite Spark driver pod name with 'kyuubi-<uuid>-driver'. If disabled, Kyuubi will try to preserve the application name while satisfying K8s' pod name policy, but some vendors may have stricter pod name policies, thus the generated name may become illegal. | boolean | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.forciblyRewriteExecutorPodNamePrefix.enabled | false | Whether to forcibly rewrite Spark executor pod name prefix with 'kyuubi-<uuid>'. If disabled, Kyuubi will try to preserve the application name while satisfying K8s' pod name policy, but some vendors may have stricter Pod name policies, thus the generated name may become illegal. | boolean | 1.8.1 |
| kyuubi.kubernetes.terminatedApplicationRetainPeriod | PT5M | The period for which the Kyuubi server retains application information after the application terminates. | duration | 1.7.1 |
| | false | If set to true then client can submit to kubernetes cluster only with token | boolean | 1.7.0 |

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