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File metadata and controls

640 lines (535 loc) · 44.1 KB

Apache Sling

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This tool aims to provide to Apache Sling users an easy-to-use conversion tool which is able to convert content-package archives to the new Sling Feature Model.


content-packages are zipped archives containing OSGi bundles, OSGi configurations, JCR nodes/properties and nested content-packages as well, aside metadata, that can be used to install content into a JCR repository using the Apache Jackrabbit FileVault packaging runtime.

OTOH, Apache Sling Feature allows users to describe an entire OSGi-based application based on reusable components and includes everything related to this application, including bundles, configuration, framework properties, capabilities, requirements and custom artifacts.

The Apache Sling Content Package to Feature Model converter (referred as cp2fm) is a tool able to extract OSGI bundles, OSGi configurations and iteratively scan nested content-packages from an input content-package and create one (or more) Apache Sling Feature model files and deploy the extracted OSGi bundles in a directory which structure is compliant the Apache Maven repository conventions. The remaining JCR nodes/properties are kept in content packages which are either referenced in the Sling Feature Model Content Deployment Extension section or completely separate from the generated feature model.

Understanding the Input

As exposed above, content-packages are archives, compressed with the ZIP algorithm, which contain:

  • OSGi bundles, conventionally found under the jcr_root/apps/<application>/install(.runMode)/<bundle>.jar path; typically, OSGi bundles are also valid Apache Maven artifacts, that means that they contain Apache Maven metadata files such as META-INF/maven/<groupId>/<artifactId>/pom.(xml|properties);
  • OSGi configurations, conventionally found under the jcr_root/apps/<application>/config(.runMode)/<configuration>.<extension> path;
  • nested content-packages, conventionally found under the jcr_root/etc/packages/<package-name>.zip path;
  • Metadata files, under the META-INF/ directory;
  • any other kind of resource.

A content-package sample

We can have a look at what's inside a test content-package included in the cp2fm test resources:

$ unzip -l ./content-package-2-feature-model/src/test/resources/org/apache/sling/cp2fm/ 
Archive:  content-package-2-feature-model/src/test/resources/org/apache/sling/cp2fm/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  03-12-2019 17:31   META-INF/
       69  03-12-2019 17:31   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        0  03-12-2019 17:06   jcr_root/
        0  03-12-2019 17:06   jcr_root/etc/
        0  03-12-2019 17:06   jcr_root/etc/packages/
        0  03-12-2019 17:30   jcr_root/etc/packages/asd/
    34493  03-12-2019 17:30   jcr_root/etc/packages/asd/
     8333  03-12-2019 17:09   jcr_root/etc/packages/asd/
     7235  03-12-2019 17:08   jcr_root/etc/packages/asd/
        0  03-12-2019 15:28   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 15:29   META-INF/maven/
        0  02-28-2019 14:27   META-INF/maven/
     1231  03-12-2019 15:30   META-INF/maven/
      127  03-12-2019 15:30   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 17:06   META-INF/vault/
      892  03-12-2019 15:32   META-INF/vault/settings.xml
      840  03-12-2019 15:47   META-INF/vault/properties.xml
     3579  03-12-2019 15:33   META-INF/vault/config.xml
      267  03-12-2019 15:50   META-INF/vault/filter.xml
---------                     -------
    63214                     20 files

Where the is a nested content-package wrapping OSGi bundles:

$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  03-12-2019 17:30   META-INF/
       69  03-12-2019 17:30   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        0  03-11-2019 23:39   jcr_root/
        0  03-11-2019 23:31   jcr_root/apps/
        0  03-12-2019 17:26   jcr_root/apps/asd/
        0  03-11-2019 23:32   jcr_root/apps/asd/install/
    13288  12-06-2018 12:30   jcr_root/apps/asd/install/test-framework.jar
        0  03-12-2019 17:16   jcr_root/apps/asd/install.publish/
     7210  03-12-2019 17:15   jcr_root/apps/asd/install.publish/test-api.jar
        0  03-12-2019 17:18   jcr_root/apps/asd/
     7735  03-12-2019 17:17   jcr_root/apps/asd/
        0  03-11-2019 23:42   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-11-2019 23:43   META-INF/maven/
        0  02-28-2019 14:26   META-INF/maven/
     1229  03-12-2019 10:22   META-INF/maven/
      131  03-12-2019 00:26   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 12:41   META-INF/vault/
      888  03-12-2019 00:28   META-INF/vault/settings.xml
      954  03-12-2019 15:33   META-INF/vault/properties.xml
     3571  03-12-2019 00:27   META-INF/vault/config.xml
      891  03-12-2019 00:28   META-INF/vault/filter.xml
      842  03-12-2019 00:27   META-INF/vault/filter-plugin-generated.xml
---------                     -------
    79844                     29 files

the contains OSGi configurations:

$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  03-12-2019 17:08   META-INF/
       69  03-12-2019 17:08   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        0  03-12-2019 10:21   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 10:21   META-INF/maven/
        0  02-28-2019 14:25   META-INF/maven/
     1228  03-12-2019 10:24   META-INF/maven/
      129  03-12-2019 10:22   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 13:23   META-INF/vault/
       94  02-28-2019 14:25   META-INF/vault/settings.xml
      664  03-12-2019 15:13   META-INF/vault/properties.xml
     3579  02-28-2019 14:25   META-INF/vault/config.xml
      175  03-12-2019 10:37   META-INF/vault/filter.xml
        0  02-28-2019 14:25   jcr_root/
        0  03-12-2019 10:17   jcr_root/apps/
        0  02-28-2019 14:25   jcr_root/apps/asd/
        0  03-12-2019 10:17   jcr_root/apps/asd/config/
      438  02-28-2019 14:25   jcr_root/apps/asd/config/
        0  03-12-2019 10:18   jcr_root/apps/asd/config.publish/
      377  02-28-2019 14:25   jcr_root/apps/asd/config.publish/
      244  02-28-2019 14:25   jcr_root/apps/.content.xml
---------                     -------
    25441                     23 files

and the package includes resources of various nature:

$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  03-12-2019 17:09   META-INF/
       69  03-12-2019 17:09   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        0  03-12-2019 11:31   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 11:31   META-INF/maven/
        0  02-28-2019 14:26   META-INF/maven/
     1229  03-12-2019 11:32   META-INF/maven/
      131  03-12-2019 11:32   META-INF/maven/
        0  03-12-2019 12:40   META-INF/vault/
      118  02-28-2019 14:26   META-INF/vault/settings.xml
      859  03-12-2019 15:12   META-INF/vault/properties.xml
     3571  03-12-2019 12:42   META-INF/vault/config.xml
      895  03-12-2019 12:57   META-INF/vault/filter.xml
       72  02-28-2019 14:26   META-INF/vault/filter-plugin-generated.xml
        0  03-12-2019 12:30   jcr_root/
        0  03-12-2019 12:31   jcr_root/content/
        0  03-12-2019 12:31   jcr_root/content/asd/
     1021  02-28-2019 14:26   jcr_root/content/asd/.content.xml
     6924  02-28-2019 14:26   jcr_root/content/asd/resources.xml
---------                     -------
    39481                     22 files

Package Types

content-packages have one of four package types. By default type content is never referenced inside the feature model (to work with Oak Composite Node Stores), while application and mixed type's are referenced in the generated feature models. container packages are dissolved and all sub packages are flattened (i.e. extracted as individual packages).

Mapping and the Output

All metadata are mainly collected inside one or more Feature model files, depending on declared run modes in the installation and configuration paths:

$ cat asd.retail.all.json 
  "description":"Combined package for asd.Retail",
      "":"{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} {4} [{3}] {5}",

the publish run mode leads the tool to generate a separated Apache Sling Feature model file:

$ cat asd.retail.all-publish.json 

OSGi Bundles and Content Packages

All nodes and properties which are not OSGi configurations or bundles are kept in (stripped) content packages. Usually those content packages are referenced inside the Feature Model (evaluated by Content Handler). For packages of type content the user can define what to do with those packages (reference in feature model, store in dedicated folder or completely drop). This is useful in more complex deployment scenarios where parts of the repository are swapped via Oak Composite Node Store.

All detected bundles are collected in an Apache Maven repository compliant directory, all other resources are collected in a new content-package, usually classified as cp2fm-converted-feature, created while scanning the packages, which contains content only.

$ tree bundles/
└── org
    └── apache
        ├── felix
        │   └── org.apache.felix.framework
        │       └── 6.0.1
        │           ├── org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.1.jar
        │           └── org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.1.pom
        └── sling
            ├── asd.retail.all
            │   └── 0.0.1
            │       ├──
            │       └── asd.retail.all-0.0.1.pom
            │   └── 2.20.0
            │       ├──
            │       └──
                └── 1.3.8

12 directories, 8 files

Sling-Initial Content

Bundles containing a Sling-Initial-Content manifest header are optionally stripped as well. The contained content in those bundles is converted into content packages or extracted into the feature model. The behaviour of the extraction can be influenced with parameter --sling-initial-content-policy.

OSGi Configurations

All OSGi configuration formats are supported:

  • Property files, which extensions are .properties or .cfg, see the related documentation;
  • Configuration Files, which extension is .config, see the related documentation;
  • JSON format, which extension is .cfg.json, see the related documentation
  • sling:OsgiConfig content nodes, typically .xml files.

During the conversion process, all these formats will be parsed and then added in the configuration section of the Sling Feature Model file.

Run Modes

As shown above, run modes in the path lead the tool to create a dedicated Apache Sling Feature model file containing all interested OSGi configurations/bundles. Run modes are determined according to the RunModePolicy which by default for backwards compatiblity reasons is DIRECT_ONLY. For DIRECT_ONLY only the direct path leading up to the artifact, while PREPEND_INHERITED makes sure that run modes are inherited downwards and deduplicated (only new ones added). Run modes are supported for both OSGi configurations and OSGi bundles. The run mode is extracted from the group named runmode from the bundles path applied to the regular expression /jcr_root/(?:apps|libs)/.+/(?<foldername>install|config)(?:\\.(?<runmode>[^/]+))?/(?:(?<startlevel>[0-9]+)/)?.+\\.jar. For OSGi configuration the following regular expression is used: /jcr_root/(?:apps|libs)/.+/(?<foldername>config|install)(\\.(?<runmode>[^/]+))?(.*)/(?<pid>[^\\/]*)\\." + extension + ("(?<dir>.dir(/\\.content\\.xml)?)?$.

Start Level/Order

For bundles the start order can also be configured. The start order is extracted from the group named startlevel from the bundles path applied to the regular expression /jcr_root/(?:apps|libs)/.+/(?<foldername>install|config)(?:\\.(?<runmode>[^/]+))?/(?:(?<startlevel>[0-9]+)/)?.+\\.jar. If there is no start level specified in the path name, the default start order (given via CLI parameter --bundles-start-order) is used.

Known limitations

Multiple Run Modes are not supported yet.

Sample APIs

import**.*; // not real Java syntax


List<String> apiRegions = ...;

DefaultFeaturesManager featuresManager = new DefaultFeaturesManager(mergeConfigurations,
if (apiRegions != null) {

ContentPackage2FeatureModelConverter converter = new ContentPackage2FeatureModelConverter(strictValidation)
                                                 .setBundlesDeployer(new DefaultArtifactsDeployer(artifactsOutputDirectory))
                                                 .setEntryHandlersManager(new DefaultEntryHandlersManager())
                                                 .setAclManager(new DefaultAclManager())

if (filteringPatterns != null && filteringPatterns.length > 0) {
    RegexBasedResourceFilter filter = new RegexBasedResourceFilter();

    for (String filteringPattern : filteringPatterns) {


File[] contentPackages = ...;


The[] contentPackages) method performs a two-phases algorithm, which:

  • all content-packages dependencies are computed in order to built the correct content-packages processing sequence;
  • all entries of each content-package is scanned and processed accordingly.

Features Manager service

The, backed by the default implementation, is the service responsible to build and collect the Feature Models while scanning the input content-packages.

The additional component, embedded in the DefaultFeaturesManager, will take care to create a runmode.mapping, in the same Feature Model target directory, where all features will be indexed by runmodes, i.e.:

$ cat /my-target-project/src/main/features/runmode.mapping 
#File edited by the Apache Sling Content Package to Sling Feature converter
#Fri Aug 30 12:47:56 CEST 2019

Bundles deployer

The service is designed to let the conversion tool be integrated in external services, i.e. Apache Maven.

The default implementation just copies bundles in the target output directory, according to the Apache Maven repository layout.

Bundles are collected in an Apache Maven repository compliant directory, all other resources are collected in a new content-package created while scanning the packages:

$ tree bundles/
└── org
    └── apache
        ├── felix
        │   └── org.apache.felix.framework
        │       └── 6.0.1
        │           ├── org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.1.jar
        │           └── org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.1.pom
        └── sling
            ├── asd.retail.all
            │   └── 0.0.1
            │       ├──
            │       └── asd.retail.all-0.0.1.pom
            │   └── 2.20.0
            │       ├──
            │       └──
                └── 1.3.8

12 directories, 8 files

Apache Maven GAVs are extracted from nested bundles metadata and are renamed according to the Apache Maven conventions; if no Apache Maven GAVs are provided, OSGi Bundle-SymbolicName, Bundle-Name and Bundle-Version metadata will be used to supply the missing informations.

Local Maven Repo as Cache

The converter will create a Maven Dependency folder structure and create a POM file for any converted Content Package file. This will allow subsequent Feature tools to find and process them.

The group and artifact id of the converted Content Package and Bundles is taken from the file itself (Content Package's Vault Properties file, Bundle's Headers). Because these sources might not correspond with the CPs or Bundles regular Maven place the Converter will place them accordingly to the found data hence in a new place.

This does not bother the Sling Feature Maven Plugin nor the Feature Launcher as they are still able to find the dependencies if placed in the Local Maven Repo.

Handler Service

In order to make the tool extensible, the interface is declared to handle different kind of resources, have a look at the package to see the default implementations.

If users want to handle special resource type, all they have to do is providing their service implementation and declaring them in the META-INF/services/ classpath resource file, on order to let the ServiceLoader including it in the content-package scan.

All handlers are managed by the service, which default implementation is

Built-in handlers

Entry type Entry regular expression Handler
Node types /META-INF/vault/nodetypes\.cnd
Privileges /META-INF/vault/privileges\.xml
Rep Policy /jcr_root(*/)_rep_policy.xml
Rep Repo Policy /jcr_root(*/)_rep_policy.xml
Rep Principal Policy /jcr_root(/)_rep_repoPolicy.xml
(System) Users /jcr_root(/home/users/*/)\.content.xml
Groups /jcr_root(/home/groups/*/)\.content.xml
Sub content-packages /jcr_root/(etc/packages|apps/*/install[\.${runMode}]/*.zip
OSGi Bundle /jcr_root/(apps|libs)/*/install[\.${runMode}]/[startLevel/]*.jar
OSGi Configuration /jcr_root/(apps|libs)/*/config[\.${runMode}]/*.config
OSGi JSON Configuration /jcr_root/(apps|libs)/*/config[\.${runMode}]/*.cfg.json
OSGi Properties Configuration /jcr_root/(apps|libs)/*/config[.${runMode}]/*
OSGi XML Configuration /jcr_root/(apps|libs)/*/config[\.${runMode}]/*.xml

Everything else, unless users will deploy in the classpath a custom implementation, is considered as part of the final content-package, handled by the

ACL Management

While scanning the input content-package(s), all ACLs entries are handled by the service which is in charge of collecting and computing:

  • System Users;
  • System Users related ACLs;
  • Privileges;
  • Node types registrations;
  • Any repoinit additional instruction.

Default implementation is provided by

When using a seed feature, repoinit instructions will be parsed to extract system user ids. The supported repoinit instructions are the ones known to the Repoinit Parser version 1.7.0, notably missing support for:

  • add mixin ( Repoinit Parser 1.8.0 )
  • remove mixin (Repoinit Parser 1.8.0 )
  • ensure nodes (Repoinit Parser 1.9.0 )
  • ensure principal ACL (Repoinit Parser 1.9.0 )

Please note

ACLs are set in the repoinit section for detected System Users only, all other ACLs will be 1:1 copied in the related /jcr_root(/home/users/*/)\.content.xml file, which will contain filtered ACLs.

Content-Packages events

SAX-alike events are emitted while processing input (sub-)content-packages, all them are handled by the

The default implementation will take care of creating, in the same Feature Model target directory, a content-packages.csv index file, where all (sub-)content-packages will be enlisted with their related complete path, i.e.:

# File created on Fri Aug 30 12:47:55 CEST 2019 by the Apache Sling Content Package to Sling Feature converter
# content-package path, content-package ID, content-package type, content-package parent ID, path in parent content-package, absolute path

The ! character is used to separate nested sub-content-packages path.

The CLI Tool

The tool is distributed with a commodity package containing all is needed in order to launch the ContentPackage2FeatureModelConverter from the shell:

$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  03-13-2019 15:58
        0  03-13-2019 15:58
        0  03-13-2019 15:58
     4605  02-27-2019 16:30
   801904  02-28-2019 14:55
    14744  02-11-2019 15:44
    35919  02-11-2019 15:44
    23575  02-11-2019 15:44
    34518  02-27-2019 15:28
    45199  03-13-2019 15:58
    17489  03-13-2019 15:58
   588337  02-11-2019 12:49
   108555  02-11-2019 15:45
    52873  03-05-2019 17:31
   165965  03-05-2019 18:02
      178  02-27-2019 15:56
   745712  02-28-2019 10:02
  2374421  02-27-2019 15:28
     3263  03-13-2019 15:58
    69246  02-11-2019 12:49
   113508  02-11-2019 12:36
    12548  02-11-2019 12:36
   176142  02-11-2019 12:35
   155618  03-04-2019 00:12
    75443  03-05-2019 14:58
    57954  02-11-2019 12:39
   148098  02-11-2019 12:39
     3808  03-13-2019 15:58
   214788  02-11-2019 15:44
    26081  02-11-2019 12:36
    90358  02-11-2019 12:35
    14769  02-11-2019 12:35
   475256  02-11-2019 12:35
    28688  02-11-2019 12:48
    28561  02-28-2019 14:55
   403186  02-28-2019 14:55
    49017  03-04-2019 15:12
   260371  03-05-2019 14:58
   639592  02-11-2019 12:39
    10684  02-11-2019 12:48
   164159  02-11-2019 12:48
   289040  02-11-2019 12:36
   591748  02-11-2019 15:45
   242435  02-27-2019 15:58
   115238  02-11-2019 12:48
    18587  02-11-2019 15:46
   191914  03-05-2019 14:58
   229982  03-05-2019 17:31
---------                     -------
  9914076                     48 files

once the package is decompressed, open the shell and type:

$ ./bin/cp2fm -h
Usage: cp2fm [-hmqsvXZ] [--disable-installer-policy]
             [--enforce-servicemapping-by-principal] [--remove-install-hooks]
             portedPath>] [--seed-feature=<seedFeature>]
             -a=<artifactsOutputDirectory> [-b=<bundlesStartOrder>]
             [-e=<exportsToRegion>] [-i=<artifactIdOverride>]
             -o=<featureModelsOutputDirectory> [-p=<fmPrefix>]
             [-D=<String=String>]... [-f=<filteringPatterns>]...
             [-r=<apiRegions>]... content-packages...
Apache Sling Content Package to Sling Feature converter
      content-packages...   The content-package input file(s).
                            Determines what to do with converted packages of type
                              'content'. Valid values: REFERENCE, DROP,
                              Default: DROP
                            Disables enforcing that OSGi configurations are only
                              allowed below a folder called 'config' and OSGi
                              bundles are only allowed below a folder called
                              'install'. Instead both are detected below either
                              'install' or 'config'.
                            Converts service user access control entries to
                              principal-based setup using the given supported path.
                            Converts service user mappings with the form 'service:
                              sub=userID' to 'service:sub=[principalname]'. Note,
                              this may result in group membership no longer being
                              resolved upon service login.
                            Config for entry handlers that support it (classname:
                            Removes both internal and external hooks from processed
                            Determines how to determine the final run mode of an
                              artifact. DIRECT_ONLY uses only the run modes of the
                              containing path while PREPEND_INHERITED inherits the
                              run modes affecting the parent package. Valid values:
                              DIRECT_ONLY, PREPEND_INHERITED.
                              Default: DIRECT_ONLY
                            A url pointing to a feature that can be assumed to be
                              around when the conversion result will be used
                            Determines what to do with Sling-Initial-Content found
                              in embedded bundles. Valid values: KEEP,
                              EXTRACT_AND_REMOVE, EXTRACT_AND_KEEP.
                              Default: KEEP
                            Relative path for system user as configured with Apache
                              Jackrabbit Oak
  -a, --artifacts-output-directory=<artifactsOutputDirectory>
                            The output directory where the artifacts will be
  -b, --bundles-start-order=<bundlesStartOrder>
                            The default start order in which to start detected bundles.
  -D, --define=<String=String>
                            Define a system property
  -e, --exports-to-region=<exportsToRegion>
                            Packages exported by bundles in the content packages are
                              exported in the named region
  -f, --filtering-patterns=<filteringPatterns>
                            Regex based pattern(s) to reject content-package archive
  -h, --help                Display the usage message.
  -i, --artifact-id=<artifactIdOverride>
                            The optional Artifact Id the Feature File will have,
                              once generated; it will be derived, if not specified.
  -m, --merge-configurations
                            Flag to mark OSGi configurations with same PID will be
                              merged, the tool will fail otherwise.
  -o, --features-output-directory=<featureModelsOutputDirectory>
                            The output directory where the Feature File will be
  -p, --fm-prefix=<fmPrefix>
                            The optional prefix of the output file
  -q, --quiet               Log errors only.
  -r, --api-region=<apiRegions>
                            The API Regions assigned to the generated features
  -s, --strict-validation   Flag to mark the content-package input file being strict
  -u, --unreferenced-artifacts-output-directory=<unreferencedArtifactsOutputDirectory
                            The output directory where unreferenced artifacts will
                              be deployed.
  -v, --version             Display version information.
  -X, --verbose             Produce execution debug output.
  -Z, --fail-on-mixed-packages
                            Fail the conversion if the resulting attached
                              content-package is MIXED type
Copyright(c) 2019-2021 The Apache Software Foundation.

to see all the available options; a sample execution could look like:

> ./bin/cp2fm -v -b 20 -c /content-package-2-feature-model/src/test/resources/org/apache/sling/cp2fm/ -a /cache -o /tmp

Argument Files for Long Command Lines:

# argfile
# comments are supported

-b 20
-c /content-package-2-feature-model/src/test/resources/org/apache/sling/cp2fm/
-o /tmp

then execute the command

> ./bin/cp2fm @argfile

Failures and Restrictions

There could be cases where default handlers would be not enough to create pure content content-package archives, by enabling the -Z option in the CLI tool, or via ContentPackage2FeatureModelConverter#setFailOnMixedPackages(boolean) API, the converter will fail the process if the resulting content-package is of MIXED type.