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wzhfy committed Jan 9, 2017
1 parent 41474d0 commit c95067f
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Expand Up @@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Aggregate, Statistics}
object AggregateEstimation {
import EstimationUtils._

* Estimate the number of output rows based on column stats of group-by columns, and propagate
* column stats for aggregate expressions.
def estimate(agg: Aggregate): Option[Statistics] = {
val childStats = agg.child.statistics
// Check if we have column stats for all group-by columns.
val colStatsExist = agg.groupingExpressions.forall { e =>
e.isInstanceOf[Attribute] && childStats.attributeStats.contains(e.asInstanceOf[Attribute])
if (rowCountsExist(agg.child) && colStatsExist) {
// Initial value for agg without group expressions
var outputRows: BigInt = 1[Attribute]).foreach { attr =>
val colStat = childStats.attributeStats(attr)
// Multiply distinct counts of group by columns. This is an upper bound, which assumes
// the data contains all combinations of distinct values of group by columns.
outputRows *= colStat.distinctCount
// Multiply distinct counts of group-by columns. This is an upper bound, which assumes
// the data contains all combinations of distinct values of group-by columns.
var outputRows: BigInt = agg.groupingExpressions.foldLeft(BigInt(1))(
(res, expr) => res * childStats.attributeStats(expr.asInstanceOf[Attribute]).distinctCount)

// Here we set another upper bound for the number of output rows: it must not be larger than
// child's number of rows.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -17,97 +17,119 @@

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.statsEstimation

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, AttributeMap, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, AttributeMap, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation.EstimationUtils._

class AggEstimationSuite extends StatsEstimationTestBase {

/** Column info: names and column stats for group-by columns */
val (key11, colStat11) = (attr("key11"), ColumnStat(2, Some(1), Some(2), 0, 4, 4))
val (key12, colStat12) = (attr("key12"), ColumnStat(1, Some(10), Some(10), 0, 4, 4))
val (key21, colStat21) = (attr("key21"), colStat11)
val (key22, colStat22) = (attr("key22"), ColumnStat(4, Some(10), Some(40), 0, 4, 4))
val (key31, colStat31) = (attr("key31"), colStat11)
val (key32, colStat32) = (attr("key32"), ColumnStat(2, Some(10), Some(20), 0, 4, 4))

/** Tables for testing */
/** Data for table1: (1, 10), (2, 10) */
val table1 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList = Seq(key11, key12),
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 2 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(2),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key11 -> colStat11, key12 -> colStat12))))

/** Data for table2: (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 30), (2, 40) */
val table2 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList = Seq(key21, key22),
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 4 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(4),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key21 -> colStat21, key22 -> colStat22))))

/** Data for table3: (1, 10), (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (2, 10), (2, 10) */
val table3 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList = Seq(key31, key32),
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 6 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(6),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key31 -> colStat31, key32 -> colStat32))))
/** Columns for testing */
private val columnInfo: Map[Attribute, ColumnStat] =
attr("key11") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 2, min = Some(1), max = Some(2), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4),
attr("key12") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 1, min = Some(10), max = Some(10), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4),
attr("key21") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 2, min = Some(1), max = Some(2), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4),
attr("key22") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 4, min = Some(10), max = Some(40), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4),
attr("key31") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 2, min = Some(1), max = Some(2), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4),
attr("key32") -> ColumnStat(distinctCount = 2, min = Some(10), max = Some(20), nullCount = 0,
avgLen = 4, maxLen = 4))

private val nameToAttr: Map[String, Attribute] = => -> kv._1)
private val nameToColInfo: Map[String, (Attribute, ColumnStat)] = => -> kv)

test("empty group-by column") {
val colNames = Seq("key11", "key12")
// Suppose table1 has 2 records: (1, 10), (2, 10)
val table1 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList =,
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 2 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(2),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(

testAgg = Aggregate(
groupingExpressions = Nil,
aggregateExpressions = Alias(Count(Literal(1)), "cnt")() :: Nil,
child = table1),
expectedRowCount = 1,
expectedAttrStats = AttributeMap(Nil))
child = table1,
colNames = Nil,
expectedRowCount = 1)

test("there's a primary key in group-by columns") {
val colNames = Seq("key11", "key12")
// Suppose table1 has 2 records: (1, 10), (2, 10)
val table1 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList =,
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 2 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(2),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(

testAgg = Aggregate(
groupingExpressions = Seq(key11, key12),
aggregateExpressions = Seq(key11, key12),
child = table1),
child = table1,
colNames = colNames,
// Column key11 a primary key, so row count = ndv of key11 = child's row count
expectedRowCount = table1.stats.rowCount.get,
expectedAttrStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key11 -> colStat11, key12 -> colStat12)))
expectedRowCount = table1.stats.rowCount.get)

test("the product of ndv's of group-by columns is too large") {
val colNames = Seq("key21", "key22")
// Suppose table2 has 4 records: (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 30), (2, 40)
val table2 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList =,
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 4 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(4),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(

testAgg = Aggregate(
groupingExpressions = Seq(key21, key22),
aggregateExpressions = Seq(key21, key22),
child = table2),
child = table2,
colNames = colNames,
// Use child's row count as an upper bound
expectedRowCount = table2.stats.rowCount.get,
expectedAttrStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key21 -> colStat21, key22 -> colStat22)))
expectedRowCount = table2.stats.rowCount.get)

test("data contains all combinations of distinct values of group-by columns.") {
val colNames = Seq("key31", "key32")
// Suppose table3 has 6 records: (1, 10), (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (2, 10), (2, 10)
val table3 = StatsTestPlan(
outputList =,
stats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = 6 * (4 + 4),
rowCount = Some(6),
attributeStats = AttributeMap(

testAgg = Aggregate(
groupingExpressions = Seq(key31, key32),
aggregateExpressions = Seq(key31, key32),
child = table3),
expectedRowCount = colStat31.distinctCount * colStat32.distinctCount,
expectedAttrStats = AttributeMap(Seq(key31 -> colStat31, key32 -> colStat32)))
child = table3,
colNames = colNames,
// Row count = product of ndv
expectedRowCount = nameToColInfo("key31")._2.distinctCount * nameToColInfo("key32")._2

private def checkAggStats(
testAgg: Aggregate,
expectedRowCount: BigInt,
expectedAttrStats: AttributeMap[ColumnStat]): Unit = {
child: LogicalPlan,
colNames: Seq[String],
expectedRowCount: BigInt): Unit = {

val columns =
val testAgg = Aggregate(
groupingExpressions = columns,
aggregateExpressions = columns :+ Alias(Count(Literal(1)), "cnt")(),
child = child)

val expectedAttrStats = AttributeMap(
val expectedStats = Statistics(
sizeInBytes = expectedRowCount * getRowSize(testAgg.output, expectedAttrStats),
rowCount = Some(expectedRowCount),
attributeStats = expectedAttrStats)

assert(testAgg.statistics == expectedStats)

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