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3. How to deploy athena

apas edited this page May 10, 2019 · 3 revisions

Try as you write

Simply run athena as documented in How to run athena. This allows you to test everything locally before building to static HTML, committing, and deploying to your remote server.

Deploying athena

athena works out of the box with any server capable of serving HTML content. If you do not want to pay for or own a server you can use GitHub Pages. It's where the cool kids hang out nowadays, anyway.

In order to deploy athena to a remote server with a custom domain name you own you must edit line 25 in Replace FREEZER_BASE_URL's default localhost value with your own domain. For instance, change:

  1. FREEZER_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/' to
  2. FREEZER_BASE_URL = 'https://your-domain-name.tld/'

All you need to do now is build static HTML with:

  1. python build

If you're using your own hosting solution you know what to do now. Happy blogging!

Tip: for GitHub pages you can init a new git repo from within the /build directory because athena is ignoring it by default and push to your remote from therein.

⚠️ Warning: If you're deploying to a subdirectory please have a look at #17.

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