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Andrew Pearson edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 4 revisions


Insteon PLM is a TypeScript/JavaScript library for the Insteon PowerLinc Modem family of devices. This library's goal is to allow easy access to the the PowerLinc Modem and through the PowerLinc Modem allow easy programmatic access to the Insteon ecosystem of devices.

Supported Device List

Insteon USB Modem Interface (2413U)
Insteon Portable USB Adapter (2448A7)

Demo Usage

/* Libaries */
import PLM from '../src/main';

async function main(){

  /* Setup */
  const modem = new PLM('/dev/tty.usbserial-A60336ZZ');

  modem.on('connected', async () => {


    await modem.setConfig(true, true, true, true);


    const res = modem.sendStandardCommand([0x42,0x42,0x42], 0x0F, 0x13, 0x00);
    console.log('Message was successful', res.ack);

  /* Printing incoming packets */
  modem.on('packet', data => {'Packet:', data);



Insteon Resources

The Madreporite Nexus: Insteon Programming