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Rama Adi Nugraha edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Ryft Framework Wiki

⚠️ Warning

This wiki only concerns the next branch of RyFT. Please use that branch moving forward

Ryft Framework is a lightweight and efficient web development framework written in Go. It utilizes popular libraries like GORM for ORM, FX for Dependency Injection, and Fiber for HTTP handling. Our goal is to provide a well-rounded and intuitive framework that allows developers to quickly and easily create robust web applications.

In this Wiki, you can find detailed documentation and guides for using the Ryft Framework. We also include examples and best practices for common tasks and scenarios.


  • ORM via GORM
  • Dependency Injection via FX
  • HTTP Library via Fiber
  • Model and Seeder Definition - all made from scratch
  • Niceties: authentication via token, helper functions, routing
  • CLI tools for migration, creating boilerplate, etc.

Getting started

To get started with Ryft Framework, please see the README for setup and installation instructions.

The basics

This section will explain the basics of the framework


Models live inside of the app/models folder. We utilize GORM for our ORM, so all models must be GORM-compliant. Additionally, all models must be registered in the app/models/RegisterModel.go file in order to be used by the application.


Controllers live inside of the app/controllers folder. Each controller is separated inside of its own folder, with each handler in a separate go file. This allows for a clean and organized structure for your application's logic.


Routing lives inside of the app/routes folder. Currently, we only support API routes, which are defined in the api.go file. This file contains all of the API endpoints and their corresponding handlers.

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