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Adka server

HTTP file server with live reloading.

Simple HTTP server to serve your static files and watch for file changes. If a HTML file is served, a JavaScript snippet will be injected to automatically reload when an update is detected.

deno install -f --allow-read --allow-net
# or without installation
deno run --allow-read --allow-net

By default, it serve the current folder. You can as well specify the path as parameter:

server ./site

The default port is 8080. To specify the port --port=3000:

server ./site --port=3000

Trigger reload

To manually trigger a reload, you can send a request to the entrypoint /adka-live-reload, e.g.:

You can as well, specify the path to reload /adka-live-reload?pathname=/the/page, this will then only reload the pages with the pathname /the/page. pathname parameter is a regex, so /adka-live-reload?pathname=/the would also reload /the/page, while /adka-live-reload?pathname=/the$ would not.

Use the module

If you need to build your own live reloading server, you can use the Adka server module:

import { server } from '';
server({ port: 3000, root: './site' });

In case you want to change the watching logic, you can as well implement your own watcher:

import { server, reloadAll } from '';
server({ port: 3000, root: './site', watcher: async (root: string) => {
    // let's reload the browser every 5 sec
    setInterval(reloadAll, 5000);
} });

Custom error page

By default the server is using the http error handler from the deno http standard library. But it is possible to set some custom error page with creating an HTML file by error code in the root folder {http_error_code}.html.