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Apigee Target Server Validator

The objective of this tool to validate targets in Target Servers & Apigee API Proxy Bundles exported from Apigee. Validation is done by deploying a sample proxy which check if HOST & PORT is open from Apigee.

NOTE: Discovery of Targets in API Proxy & Sharedflows is limited to only parsing URL from TargetEndpoint & ServiceCallout Policy.

NOTE: Dynamic targets are NOT supported, Ex : https://host.{request.formparam.region}}


  • Python3.x

  • Java

  • Maven >= 3.9.6

  • If you are pushing the data to gcp metrics, you require roles/monitoring.editor role.

  • Please install the required Python dependencies

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Please build the java callout jar by running the below command
bash callout/
  • Please fill in
baseurl=https://x.x.x.x/v1                       # Apigee Base URL. e.g http://management-api.apigee-opdk.corp:8080
org=xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxx                           # Apigee Org ID
auth_type=basic                                  # API Auth type basic | oauth

baseurl=         # Apigee Base URL
org=xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxx                           # Apigee Org ID
auth_type=oauth                                  # API Auth type basic | oauth

file=input.csv                                   # Path to input CSV. Note: CSV needs HOST & PORT columns
default_port=443                                 # default port if port is not provided in CSV

check_csv=true                                   # 'true' to validate Targets in input csv
check_proxies=true                               # 'true' to validate Proxy Targets else 'false'
skip_proxy_list=mock1,stream                     # Comma separated list of proxies to skip validation;
proxy_export_dir=export                          # Export directory needed when check_proxies='true'
api_env=dev                                      # Target Environment to deploy Validation API Proxy
api_name=target_server_validator                 # Target API Name of Validation API Proxy
api_force_redeploy=false                         # set 'true' to Re-deploy Target API Proxy                  # Target VirtualHost or EnvGroup Domain Name
api_ip=<IP>                                      # IP address corresponding to api_hostname. Use if DNS record doesnt exist
report_format=csv                                # Report Format. Choose csv or md (defaults to md)

enable_gcp_metrics=true                          # set 'true' to push target server's host and status to GCP metrics
project_id=xxx-xxx-xxx                           # Project id of GCP project where the data will be pushed<metric_name>  # Replace <metric_name> with custom metric name
enable_dashboard=true                            # set 'true' to create the dashboard with alerting policy
dashboard_title=Apigee Target Server Monitoring Dashboard  # Monitoring Dashboard Title
alert_policy_name=Apigee Target Server Validator Policy    # Alerting Policy Name
notification_channel_ids=xxxxxxxx                 # Comma separated list of Notification Channel ids

state_file=gs://bucket_name/path/to/file/scan_output.json  # GCS Bucket path to store --scan output
# state_file=file://scan_output.json             # File path to store --scan output (only one can be used either GCS or file)
gcs_project_id=xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxx                # GCS bucket project id

To get the notification channel id, use the following command

gcloud beta monitoring channels list --project=<project_id>

This command will display all available notification channels within your project. You can select the appropriate one based on your requirements. Locate the notification channel ID under the name field in the format projects/<project_id>/notificationChannels/<notification_channel_id>, and insert it into the file.

  • Sample input CSV with target servers

NOTE: You need to set check_csv=true in the validation section of

NOTE: You need to set file=<CSV Name> in the csv section of If PORT is omitted from the csv, the value of default_port will be used from

  • Please run below commands to authenticate,
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project <project_id>

You can skip the quota-project if you want.

Another way to authenticate is to use the environmnet variables based on the Apigee flavours.

export APIGEE_OPDK_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo -n "<user>:<password>" | base64) # Access token for Apigee OPDK
export APIGEE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)            # Access token for Apigee X/Hybrid

Highlevel Working

  • Export Target Server Details
  • Export Proxy Bundle
  • Parse Each Proxy Bundle for Target
  • Run Validate API against each Target (optional)
  • Generate csv/md Report or push data to GCP Monitoring Dashboard


The script supports the below arguments

  • --onboard option to create validator proxy, custom metric descriptors, alerting policy and dashboard
  • --scan option to fetch target servers from Environment target servers, api proxies & csv file
  • --monitor option to check the status of target servers and generate report or push to GCP metrics
  • --offboard option to delete validator proxy, custom metric descriptors, alerting policy and dashboard
  • --input Path to input properties file

To onboard, run

python3 --input path/to/input_file --onboard 

Make sure you have build the java callout jar before running onboard.

To scan, run

python3 --input path/to/input_file --scan

To monitor, run

python3 --input path/to/input_file --monitor

To offboard, run

python3 --input path/to/input_file --offboard

You can also pass multiple arguments at the same time.

--onboard deploys an API proxy to validate if the target servers are reachable or not. To use the API proxy, make sure your payloads adhere to the following format:

        "host": "",
        "port": 443
        "host": "",
        "port": 443
    // Add up to 8 more host-port combinations as needed

The response will look like this -

        "host": "",
        "port": 443,
        "status" : "REACHABLE"
        "host": "",
        "port": 443,
        "status" : "UNKNOWN_HOST"
    // and so on 


Validation Report: OR report.csv can be found in the same directory as the script.

Please check a Sample report

GCP Monitoring Dashboard

The script can also create a GCP Monitoring Dashboard with an alerting widget like shown below:

GCP Monitoring Dashboard

This script creates a custom metric with labels as hostname and status. The possible statuses, namely REACHABLE NOT_REACHABLE, and UNKNOWN_HOST, are determined by calling the validator proxy. These statuses are then assigned values of 1, 0.5, and 0, respectively.

Then, an alerting policy is created with a threshold of 0.75. Entries below this threshold trigger alerts sent to designated notification channels. Finally, this policy is added as a widget on the GCP dashboard.

Running the Pipeline

To run the pipeline script (, follow these steps:


Before running the pipeline script, ensure you have the following prerequisites configured:

  • Environment Variables: Set up the necessary environment variables required by the script. These variables should include:

    • APIGEE_X_ORG: Your Apigee organization ID.
    • APIGEE_X_ENV: The Apigee environment to deploy to.
    • APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME: The hostname for your Apigee instance.

    NOTE: This pipeline will create a test notification channel with type email and email_address as

  • IAM Roles: To set up the monitoring dashboard and alerts, make sure that you have roles/monitoring.editor role.

  • Input Properties Template: This script requires an file for the necessary configuration parameters and will create a corresponding file by replacing the environment variables with their values. Ensure that the values are set properly in this file before running the script.

Running the Pipeline


To execute the pipeline, use the following command:
