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registry check and rules

Scott Ganyo edited this page Apr 13, 2023 · 1 revision

registry check applies a set of rules to the registry to ensure the stored data is well-formed and appropriately populated. Rules can be grouped into sets and enabled or disabled. Configs can be read from yaml or json files. Rules are documented below.


List all rules.

registry check --list-rules --enable all

Run default and apihub checks on a specific api.

registry check --enable apihub apis/my-awesome-api


General Registry rules

These rules ensure proper API Registry data.


Api availability:

  • [info] should be a single word


Api recommended_version:

  • [ERROR] must be a valid ApiVersion name
  • [ERROR] must be a child of this Api
  • [ERROR] must exist in the registry


Api recommended_deployment:

  • [ERROR] must be a valid ApiDeployment name
  • [ERROR] must be a child of this Api
  • [ERROR] must exist in the registry


ApiVersion state:

  • [info] should be a single word


ApiVersion primary_spec:

  • [ERROR] must be a valid ApiSpec name
  • [ERROR] must be an API sibling of this Version
  • [ERROR] must exist in the registry


ApiSpec source_uri:

  • [ERROR] must be an absolute URI


ApiDeployment api_spec_revision:

  • [ERROR] must be a valid ApiSpecRevision name
  • [ERROR] must include the revision ID
  • [ERROR] must be an API sibling of this Deployment
  • [ERROR] must exist in the registry


ApiDeployment endpoint_uri:

  • [ERROR] must be an absolute URI


ApiDeployment external_channel_uri:

  • [ERROR] must be an absolute URI


All display_name fields:

  • [ERROR] must contain only UTF-8 characters
  • [ERROR] must have a max length of 64 characters


All description fields:

  • [ERROR] must contain only UTF-8 characters
  • [ERROR] must have a max length of 5000 characters


All mime_type fields:

  • [ERROR] must not be empty
  • [ERROR] must be a valid media type
  • [WARN] should match detected type for contents


Label set:

  • [ERROR] must have a maximum of 64 labels

Label keys:

  • [ERROR] must start with a lowercase unicode letter
  • [ERROR] all characters must be a lowercase unicode letter, number, underscore, or dash
  • [ERROR] must have a max length of 63 characters

Label values:

  • [ERROR] all characters must be a lowercase unicode letter, number, underscore, or dash
  • [ERROR] must have a max length of 63 characters


Annotation set:

  • [ERROR] must have a max total size of 256k

Annotation keys:

  • [ERROR] must start with a lowercase unicode letter
  • [ERROR] all characters must be a lowercase unicode letter, number, underscore, or dash
  • [ERROR] must have a max length of 63 characters

API Hub rules

These rules ensure proper API Hub operation.


[ERROR] Required Project Artifacts:

  • apihub-lifecycle
  • apihub-taxonomies

[ERROR] Required Taxonomies:

  • apihub-target-users
  • apihub-style
  • apihub-team
  • apihub-business-unit
  • apihub-gateway


All entities: [ERROR] If entity contains a label key that matches a Taxonomy name, the value must match one of the Taxonomy Element's ID


All mime_type fields:

  • [ERROR] internal types ("" or "gnostic.metrics.") must map to a registered proto type
  • [ERROR] contents must load into associated proto type


APIVersion state:

  • [ERROR] must not be empty
  • [ERROR] must match an entry in apihub-lifecycle project artifact
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