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FMFT-Fully Massive Four-loop Tadpoles Build Status

FMFT is a FORM package for reduction fully masive four-loop tadpole integrals to set of master integrals. For correct operation FMFT needs last development version of FORM or at least FORM version 4 available as precompiled binary.

If you use these software, please cite corresponding CPC paper:

FMFT: Fully Massive Four-loop Tadpoles By Andrey Pikelner

Basic topologies

FMFT topologies

Input and examples

For input we use d1,...,d10 as massive denominators according to topologies H and X defined as d_i=p_i^2-m^2, and mass is set equal to one.

#include fmft.hh

L ex = p2.p3*p2.p2/d1^-2/d2^2/d3^0/d4^1/d5^1/d6^1/d7^1/d8^1/d9^3/d10^0;

#call fmft
#call exp4d(1)

b ep;

Speed tests

To compare with C++ version of FIRE package used with rules generated by LiteRed we calculate following integral:

L ex = d1^`N'/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/d8/d9/d10

Execution time present for different powers of numerator. FIRE used in #memory mode with 8 cores and FMFT run with parallel version of FORM with 8 workers tform -w8. Time format is hh:mm:ss

N 3 4 5 6 7 8
FMFT 0:00:11 0:00:27 0:01:55 0:07:35 0:25:31 01:30:31
FIRE 0:01:58 0:09:10 0:28:17 2:16:42 9:19:57 46:42:29