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Alex Plotnikov edited this page Nov 15, 2022 · 1 revision

What's that

The alited stands for "a lite editor".

The main features of alited are:

  • structured code
  • easy access to the code
  • born for Tcl/Tk development only

It satisfies most requirements of Tcl Editors, adding its own features.

Edited by alited are Tcl/Tk files. The C/C++ code is another target of alited, still for Tcl/Tk development only all the same.

The alited facilitates the development and the maintenance of Tcl/Tk code, particularly because of the unit tree being a sort of documentation.

The alited is suspected of being very good with large Tcl/Tk projects, i.e. when, in one session, you deal with 30-40-50... Tcl/Tk scripts, to say nothing of others.

It's quick at starting.

It's quick at switching projects.

It's quick at organizing Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at navigating Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at searching Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at writing Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at testing Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at saving Tcl/Tk code.

It's quick at maintaining Tcl/Tk code.

Briefly, alited is totally quick, being at that a pure Tcl/Tk application.


For a quick acquaintance of alited, a few of demo videos are available:

  1. Dark themed

  2. Light themed

Inevitable blah-blah

The alited project started 1 March 2021.

In fact, alited has been developed by its own v0.2 since 24 April 2021. Inspite of permanent overheads of this way, it turned out to be amazingly productive, more and more in the course of time.

Below is a screenshot of alited, just to glance at it:

... and its localized and themed variant:

... and its themed variant on Windows 10:

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